What does Zero volume of a stock historical data mean?

Discussion in 'Ask any question!' started by Rosa Leigh, May 7, 2019.

  1. Rosa Leigh

    Rosa Leigh New Member

    May 7, 2019
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    Good day,

    Can you help me with a question?

    For an individual stock, does it mean no buy/sell activities, when the volume of a stock historical data shows zero?

    For example, DNB ASA (DNBH) at Stuttgart on May 2 & 3. But if no buy/sell, how did the prices change?

    Thank you.

  2. Jrich

    Jrich Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2017
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    Looks like the volume is just too low to record.. most sites record volume in thousands, for example 500 would be 500k.. but this DNBHF is trading as low as 250 shares a day, no k
    Onepoint272 and T0rm3nted like this.
  3. Three Eyes

    Three Eyes 2018 Stockaholics Contest Winner

    Dec 14, 2017
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    I had to look up DNB ASA to learn that it is Norway's largest financial services firm and trades in the Norwegian currency (Krone) on the Oslo exchange. It looks as if you've discovered it also nominally trades on the "Börse Stuttgart" with very thin volume. The price action likely reflects the price on the company's primary listed exchange in Oslo. So my guess is the prices in Stuttgart are determined by a combination of the price change in Oslo adjusted for the currency exchange rate between the Euro and the Krone.

    We have a similar issue in the USA with foreign stocks trading on local exchanges. Take a look at ORAN below, which is the rebranded France Télécom on the NYSE. There are gaps in price everywhere, and that's because the volume on NYSE isn't nearly what ORAN volume on the various European exchanges over the years is, and due to fluctuations in USD-Euro currency exchange.

    Screenshot 2019-05-07 at 9.07.56 AM.png
    Stockaholic, Jrich and T0rm3nted like this.
  4. Rosa Leigh

    Rosa Leigh New Member

    May 7, 2019
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    @Jrich, @Three Eyes Thank you for your professionalism and insights, which fully answered the question. Great sharing!

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