Yup. For options, 65 cents per contract starting last Thursday or Friday I think. Truth be told, I had stopped using Ameritrade for options outside covered calls for positions already in the account, despite usually getting pretty decent fills on my limit orders. With this price structure, I'm more willing to enter smaller, last-minute penny option trades now that the % of cost-basis chewed up by commission is way down: Ha ha, ALLY Invest had to play catch-up as well and instituted their zero commissions yesterday. How long will this last???
^The 65 cents on options is some sort of required fee I suppose. _____________________________________________________________________________ https://finance.yahoo.com/news/commission-free-trades-bad-deal-201416569.html?.tsrc=rss Commissions on stocks and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) now come to a big fat zero if you use one of the four biggest online brokerages. On Oct. 1, Charles Schwab (SCHW) announced commission-free trading on stocks, ETFs and options trades. Online-broker rivals E*Trade (ETFC) and TD Ameritrade (AMTD) followed suit within 24 hours, and Fidelity fell in line within a week. Online trades were already incredibly cheap: Schwab and Fidelity charged $4.95 for each trade. It was only a little more expensive ($6.95) at E*Trade and TD Ameritrade. Still, money is money. So isn't a zero-dollar trade a clear win for individual investors? I don't think so. ________________________________________________________________________________ This author goes on to say how undisciplined traders will trade too frequently and goes on to discuss that tired old "on average" warning about speculating. Of course discipline is always the key to successful speculating. I thought it was here to stay. Apparently though the market doesn't appear to believe they can still make as much money without the comms, so we'll see how long it lasts.
TD Ameritrade assignment used to cost $20 flat commission. Now, no assignment fees or commissions. Quite nice! Spoiler: P.S.: About those Expired TZA Options [ps, the expired TZA contracts shown above are the hedge-of-the-hedge covered calls I mentioned a few weeks ago over here. The gyrations in the markets have made this game quite lucrative and seriously helps to lower the cost basis of the TZA positions.]
They do. I think certain countries are not allowed though. I am from South Africa and I opened an account with them. Great company this far.