Hi, I recently created a stock market prediction software based on hedge fund algorithms that has been accurate for 10 days in a row now.. It has analyzed over 100 stocks correctly, ten each day. It simply shows how certain stocks will open tomorrow.. I'm, however, broke right now. What should I do now.. I think I should I offer investment advise services for a fee or something like that? But how should I go about this? Thanks
First, back test your system. Second, verify results for a few more years. At that point, you'll have a large enough sample to consider sales. If it's that good, you'll be wealthy soon and won't need to make money from it. Good luck.
agree with T0rm3nted. back-testing is very important. It is to proof that you system is predicting correctly and not data mining/over fitting to the most recent data you used to build the model. Use the last 10 years of data if you can gather them or as much data as you can. If you want to really test your prediction, you can even use your own month. Rohinhood allows for partial trade purchases and it is commission free. you can do this on a very small scale to test your system live.
LOL Beware when someone tells you they win 100% of their trades. Because the next thing they're going to tell you is they can sell you their system for $99.
@A55 I really don't get the attachment to memes of people known to be sexual deviants or child molester's. (Cramer excluded of course), that you have. I guess I just like words myself. Words make messages clearer.
I shouldn't have been so harsh, my apologies please. I have an idea. Although, 10 days for 100 stocks in this environment is not a solid test. Put it to test in a real world with free money. Yes, free money. Sign up for a Robinhood account. They will give you a free stock. Get it sell it. Roll the funds into one of your best and buy at minimum some fractionals. When it hits, sell it, and roll it into the next buy. Keep doing this compounding your returns. If you are right, you will build quite a bankroll rather fast. If you PM me I will even send you my referral link, that way I get a free share of something too. Or not. But this way if your right you win. If you are wrong, you lose nothing.
I can help you with that. It's easy to get rich quickly with no money, no risk, and little time. The key is to tell people they can get rich quickly if they send you money. It's a bit more complicated than I care to type in here so, send me some money and I will send you information on how to do it. My system has 100% success rate. Someone has profited every single time I have been sent money.
If you are really able to build such system there is no chance you are broke. Building these type of systems requires a background/skills/resources that poor people mostly dont have.
Dangitall. I was hoping for proofs by time-stamped examples. *Sighs* Well, it's back to Cramer and his control panel of buttoned sound effects for me.
My question is what are your limitations? Must the stock have at least certain characteristics? For instance, Elio Motors (ELIO). They are basically out of business, don't file SEC reports anymore, have no sales, and yet the stock bounces from $0.30 to $0.50 on a regular basis. Granted it's only a few hundred shares at a time typically, but it indicates someone trying to manipulate it. Can you predict that? How about a stock for a company that is following their business plan, have good assets, but so far have no profits? Like First Cobalt (FTSSF). So again, what are your limitations?