Does anyone else think covid might be a biological attack?

Discussion in 'The Cocktail Lounge' started by TomB16, Dec 20, 2020.

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  1. TomB16

    TomB16 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    Now there is a more virulent strain gestating in britain.

    If russia were to attack north america, it would probably look identical to their attack vectors of the last five years.
  2. roadtonowhere08

    roadtonowhere08 Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2020
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    What would Russia gain in attacking a populace with absolutely no clear target? If that was the case, Americans would be more than happy give the green light to have Putin's ass whacked in a heartbeat. There's nothing in it for them. Also, how many thousands of innocent Russians have died from COVID? Not a chance it was intentional.

    They, like all the other major antagonists out there prefer to play on the periphery and lob proxy and cyber attacks at us. More effective and there would be no political will to go berserk in retaliation.

    In other words, Russia, China, Iran, et all prefer to try to win with a thousand paper cuts rather than a gunshot wound, so to speak.
  3. Bridget Mallory

    Bridget Mallory Active Member

    May 9, 2017
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    I was skeptical at the beginning, but now I'm more convinced that this is not a natural phenomenon.

    China wants to show the world how powerful they are. while the world is suffering they continue to build military bases at disputed south china sea.
  4. Stocksam

    Stocksam New Member

    Jan 6, 2021
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    It actually came across my mind once, for me it could be
  5. Rustic1

    Rustic1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2021
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    Conspiracies ensue? For the most part I agree but lean more to the unilateral side. COVID has created fear,panic,uncertainty. The perfect plan. Economies have tumbled in the first wave Worldwide, resulting in a heavy inflow of investments in the safest assets > U.S. markets < that in turn has resulted in what appears to be a impressive V shaped recovery that draws in more investors with the FOMO and drove the markets even higher. The FED has been forced in a position to keep printing to ease the fears and build confidence, it was working perfectly until the "yield curve" took notice and began to rise literally overnight. The smart money "early investors" a high percentage that most likely are foreign interest have began to close positions and take profits resulting in the recent tiny correction we witnessed. In essence we have been played in our own game of building wealth and some have been left holding bags and are trapped with no option other than waiting it out or cutting losses. Most will choose to cut losses as we have a fear of the unknown. As we now stand more money must be injected into the economy to ease the new fears.

    Like the game of musical chairs.

    My view is biological, monetary and fear weaponry are unilaterally being employed as we speak.

    This is a high risk chess game and there simply aren't enough chairs to go around.

    Ponder on those thoughts and remember I tend to be the old hippy that pops a hit of acid, takes a trip and never leaves the couch. :popcorn::cool2:

    Yall have a great weekend. Peace.
    spindr0 likes this.
  6. StockJock-e

    StockJock-e Brew Master
    Staff Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    A hard no!


    Absolutely not.

    A close friend of mine works at a company who were one of the early ones racing to create a vaccine. While Pfizer and others beat them to market, they continue to work on other attack vectors, including how to deal with variants.

    He told me well over a year ago (before any variant was detected) that we will be seeing variants for COVID-19 and while the first wave of vaccines will be effective, but like the flu shot, it might not always be as effective depending on the flu variant that is prevalent.

    So far all the variants still respond well to the existing vaccine, they just spread faster.

    COVID-19 like the common flu, will have different variants. This is not some biological attack, conspiracy or Bill Gates using 5G to control your brain from space lasers.

    I hate to be a damper on discussions, but we are not going down conspiracy rabbit holes on this forum, please keep those discussions on facebook.

    I know Tom is not intending for this thread to get political, but these topics always end up going that way, so Im going to lock it down before we end up arguing about shit which has nothing to do with the price of GME, which is the REAL conspiracy! ;)
    #6 StockJock-e, Feb 27, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2021
    spindr0, Syynik and T0rm3nted like this.
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