This was from the CNBC interview yesterday. I will not be surprised if they pull this off to screw the retail option holders, but bail the MMs and hedgies.
Well, that did not take long. Preventing the purchase of shares is definitely a way to ice the stock. Well played, pricks.
Should be criminal. Im not holding any of them, thank god. But do have some slv calls wonder if the same could apply. Of course i doubt lightning will strike twice.
I have been following this thread for a few days.....yes....silver is also being driven up by the power of the internet. We are SEEING the CLAMP DOWN by those in power in the investing and financial world.....RIGHT NOW.
Same on Merrill Lynch, but only GME and AMC so far. The most ironic part about all of this - if I'm correct - is that these billionaires trying to prevent this loss instead of just cutting their losses have created so much public outcry that the game will change. Many retail investors are pissed. Popular actors/politicians/streamers/athletes are speaking up about Robinhood. People you'd never expect to agree on anything are talking negatively about these brokers and hedge funds. The hilarious part is that because they wouldn't cut their losses, there will eventually be investigations, lawsuits, and inevitable legislation that creates more regulation simply because they wanted to win the battle, instead of continuing to win the war. I could be wrong on a lot of that, but the outcry from so many voices on both sides of the political aisle that never agree on anything makes me think this has only begun. And we've seen that the more you push the little guy around, the more resilient they get.
So all the secondary meme stocks, BB, NOK, AMC all had big drops and GME still trying to hold its ground.
It's amazing these stocks have seen this big of a recovery today considering how few platforms are allowing buying, and the amount of time funds transfers from one broker to another take.
This cant be continued short covering still holding it up.. but I cant imagine this is pure retail buying either. There is some fuckery going on.