AVGR..1.70...Avinger..Medical Device Company Commercialstage Medical Device Company marketing first and only intravascular image-guide catheter-based system for diagnosis and treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease Market Cap 163 Million Assets 36 Million Debt 16 Million Cash can cover Cash Burn Short term assets exceeds Short and Long term liabilites Next three months projected to grow 215% 3.64-8.38 StockTA Bullish Short and Long A Barchart Buy
CARA..19.10..Bio-Tech development of therapeutics to trat human diseases associated with inflammation, pain and pruritus Cara's CR-701 is a synthetic cannaboid receptor agonist under pre-clinical investigation for neuropathis pain Market Cap 951 Million Low Float 41 Million Held by 224 Financial Institutions led by BlackRock with 3.6 Million Shares Cash can cover Cash Burn Short term assets exceed Short and Long term liabilities Return on assets 80%..US Industry Average 28% Assets 147 Million Debt 4 Million Expected Growth 94% per year Tip Ranks Moderate Buy with Target Price of 31.50 StockTA Bullish Short and Very Bullish Long A Barchart Strong Buy
Platinum Prices Poised To Bounce Back SBSW..16.85..Sibanye Stillwater a South African Mining Company Market Cap 12 BillionNegative..Long term liabilities exceed Short term assets Positives..Short term Assets exceed Short term liabilitiesAssets 6.9 Billion Debt 1.5 Billion Projected Growth 25% over next three months..18.35-22.28 Revenue to grow 55% per year Tip Ranks Strong Buy with Target Price 22.50 Return on Equity in two years 206% Barchart Strong Buy
Swinging into Monday Two Pennies with excessive volume Friday CBBT..Closed up .23..Low last week .11..High .24 AITX...Closed .1395..Low last week .1090..High .148 Aitx though is projected to grow 319% next three months Holding .26-.73
ERYP..11.20..Clinical-stage Bio-pharm.. It conducts activities in R&D in fields of treatment for acute leukemia and other orphan diseases. This morning announced Trybe Ca-1 Phase 3 Trial in 2L Pancreatic Cancer to continue to final Analysis Market Cap 212 Million Very Low Float 11.13 Million Cash Covers Cash Burn Short term assets exceeds Short and long term liabilities Assets 110Million Debt 18 Million Projected to grow 165% per year Growth 40% over next three months..holding 11.74-15.24 Investor observor rates 86 out of 100 StockTA Bullish Long A Barchart Strong Buy
Do you happen to have another OCGN type stock. That was a heck of a call. I bought it but didn't hold. That's why it went up. I usually sell it and it goes up. Just like BNGO. I am learning. The hard way. I have been playing the otc market but is hard being at work all day. I read your posts at least once or twice a day. Leaning towards CLSN but it's already up. Idk. Need help. Thanks
Big Insider Buy OTLK..Up Monday 52%..3.31 on buys from the Inside Market Cap 566 million... Float 56 million Bio-Pharm Short term assets exceeds Short and Long term liabilities Assets 19 million Debt 4 million 915% return on assets Investor Observer rates 96 out of 100 StockTA Bullish Short A Barchart Strong Buy Tip Ranks Moderate Buy with Target price 5.00
News at 11:00 ATHE..2.42 Alterity Therapeutics announced funding from Michael J. Fox Foundation for ATH-434 dose Optimization for Parkinson's Disease Clinical Trials
EIGR...11.82..Eiger Bio-Pharm..Development of therapies for Hepatitis Recently announced final results from Phase 2 Ilied Antiviral Diagnosis in Covid-19..It was demonstrated a single dose administered to Covid Patients accelerated clearance of Covid in newly diagnosed..non-hospitalized Patients Market Cap 384 Million...LOW FLOAT 27 Million..Held by 147 Institutions with BlackRock holding 2.3 Million shares Assets 140 Million....Debt 32 Million Tip Ranks Moderate Buy with Target Price 22.00 A Barchart Strong Buy
New Profability Outlook...Hopes for US Legalization TLRY..42.35 Tuesday UP 41% Canopy Growth surged 12% Tuesday as Canadian Cannabis Giant reported better than expected results. Market Cap 6.7 Billion Assets 887 million Debt 517 million Revenue jump 23% Expected growth 53% per year StockTA Very Bullish Short and Bullish Long A Barchart Strong Buy
Pre-Market King GMDA..Up 75%..17.49 Announced positive results on Phase 3 Studies of Omidubicel treating Hematologic Malignancies Market Cap 489 Million Low Float 39 Million Cash covers Cash Burn Short term assets exceeds Short and Long term liabilities Assets 90 Million Debt 7 MillionInvestor Observor rates 90-100 Trading View and Barchart Strong Buy