Oh I dont have physical, Im here for the trade, but I will probably go pick up some bars at some stage.
Me neither. Not a fan of metal ETF's - metals are something that you keep physically. Although with the buying mania I'm still willing to part with a brick. Spot price be damned, some parts of the aftermarket are seeing 50 an ounce, man.
I prefer Miners that have big leverage to silver prices. a 25% increase in silver price could b 100% increase in share price. My biggest position is in this one. https://www.silversandscorp.com/
Ah the small caps, yes indeed. If silver gets a move, then it becomes profitable to mine those silver deposits again.
Looks to be range bound to me.. $24.50-27... https://drive.google.com/file/d/1M1UK4ky_JpN6F9cNER7xcNEDuBOE6ysw/view?usp=sharing