#tradeideas for the coming week: $UAA (ascending triangle #chartpattern), $CBRE (asc. triangle), $DEI (#bullflag), $PAGP (#bullish pennant)... full list: http://bit.ly/TradeIdeasMar15
$ETH As the US economy continues to re-open, retail sales is poised to grow this 2021 after the pandemic lockdowns. It is expected to increase between 6.5% and 8.2% to reach more than $4 trillion. $ETH increasing 55.04% over the last 60days, is expected to grow its earnings this year of more than 100%. https://zyne.com/stock/ETH
potential breakout #chartpatterns: $MA (#bullishflag), $PEP (2nd bounce wave), $TMUS (#bullishpennant)... charts: http://bit.ly/TRADEideasWed17
Question for the traders here. Is KLIC breaking out? It seems it as my position has really jumped since I opened it on the 5th, the last few days especially.
full watch list: bull flags: https://www.traderhr.com/bullish-flag-chart-patterns-mon-mar-22-2021/ triangle paterns: https://www.traderhr.com/triangle-chart-patterns-mon-mar-22-2021/
Promising flag in KLIC... full watch list: bull flags: https://www.traderhr.com/bullish-flag-chart-patterns-tue-mar-23-2021/ triangle patterns: https://www.traderhr.com/triangle-chart-patterns-tue-mar-23-2021/
full watch list: triangle patterns: https://www.traderhr.com/triangle-chart-patterns-mon-mar-29-2021/ bull flags: https://www.traderhr.com/bullish-flag-chart-patterns-mon-mar-29-2021/
https://www.traderhr.com/triangle-chart-patterns-wed-mar-31-2021/ https://www.traderhr.com/bullish-flag-chart-patterns-wed-mar-31-2021/
Stocks approaching potential breakout point (part II): $ADNT $AFL $BAM $EMR... #tradeideas ... full list charts http://bit.ly/FREEWATCHLIST_apr12