If the truck is reasonably functional and that price is real, Tesla will be in trouble. Given the Tesla stock trend this morning, it appears Ford has a credibility problem. Consider me skeptical of this Ford announcement. There are still legions of people who think an electric vehicle is a motor, battery, and chassis assembled with an adaptor kit and that is all anyone needs to know. The key is to find a vector that will allow us to extract money from these people.
I don't know about soon... autos are still mostly stand-still due to the microchip shortage. Unless you meant like soon-ish
I believe mid 2022 before things are in good shape but auto vendors should be clear for max production later this year. If I were a trader, I would buy puts on Ford. I don't believe they can do it. Oddly, I really like the Lightning and much prefer it to Tesla's design, in terms of the broad configuration. In fact, I prefer almost any truck to Tesla's design (just for my own purposes) because I could never live with a unibody. Tesla will sell a ton of CyberTrucks, though. That is clear. Ford will sell as many Lightning as they can make, also. Every Lightning produced will subtract from Ford's bottom line, while Tesla will profit from the CyberTruck program.
If that Ford comes with a 150 KWh pack, it will cost Ford about $30K wholesale for the cells, assuming they have a big enough contract to drive price down to $190 KWh. Throw in 20% minimum to turn those cells into a pack and that leaves how much for the truck? Zero chance ford can get close to breaking even at $40K. Those are going to be $100K trucks, to start.
Wow. I am impressed as hell to put it lightly. I have no need for a truck, but this thing blew my mind. The scale in the bed? The storage? The workspace? THE THING CAN POWER YOUR HOUSE DURING AN OUTAGE... Hole. Lee. S***. Long term F holder, I have absolutely NO plans to sell anytime soon.
How does that work if they are taking deposits for a $40k base model, but then you dont produce a $40k base model? Its is very likely they sell them at a loss while they work on economies of scale to get the prices down. Its a gamble, but it could work out.