Me personally, no. The time to buy is when its not in frenzy mode. Once you start getting those 100% pops, you need to be on the right side of them. The apes screaming at you to hold are in from single digits and dont care whether its at $80 or $40, they are up either way.
Or at least people are SAYING they refuse to sell... I think as the economy in general tightens youre going to see people NEEDING to sell to convert their "fun money," into cash. ... my opinion.
Exactly. Ive seen a lot, like you said, around 15-16$/averages. .. must be nice to be holding something that pops like that
Definitely makes a lot of sense. What you've said are all true but maybe it depends as well on the strategy they will do.
Just imagine you got a fat stack when it was on single digit. Anything you say and most people will believe you
Yeah, I always have to consider the source. WSB's guys are now using their 10mil+ following to simply boost their own holdings. Smart for them. If you have that size of an audience, might as well use it to your financial advantage.
Saw this article that talked about AMC squeeze And went to see this. Any thoughts on $NAKD or $Tesla? Seems like there is quite alot of talk on this 2 counters
Congratulations to all investors! Hope it´s ok to mention, that the D-BOX stock could also profit massive from AMC, now.
All of Reddit and like a small portion of the interwebz was broken. I havent heard any additional details yet but it affected a number of large media companies also.
Just below $40 was where the first big pullback ended after this most recent pump. Traders will be watching that area to see if it holds support.