The Long Term Investor

Discussion in 'Investing' started by WXYZ, Oct 2, 2018.

  1. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Looking forward to TOMORROW. It will be nice to get the week over and move on. Too much USELESS worry over irrational DRAMA going on right now.

    Stock market news live updates: Stock futures extend declines as growth concerns weigh

    (BOLD is my opinion OR what I consider important content)

    "Stock futures opened lower Thursday evening to extend a risk-off mood in markets, with the three major indexes pulling back from record levels as concerns over the pace of the economic recovery flared.

    Contracts on the S&P 500 ticked down. The index closed lower by 0.9% during the regular trading day, with the financials and industrial sectors coming in as the biggest laggards. The Dow and Nasdaq each also dropped during the session, but closed well off intraday lows.

    U.S. equity investors have been appraising the likelihood that a surge in the Delta variant of the coronavirus could weigh more heavily on global growth than previously anticipated. In Japan, the Tokyo Olympics are now set to be held without fans later this month due to a jump in COVID cases in the country. And in China, an executive body signaled the country's central bank might cut its reserve requirement ratio for the first time since mid-2020, in an easing monetary policy move that would suggest a lack of confidence in the country's economic recovery.

    These global concerns have begun to weigh on risk assets in the U.S. Cyclical stocks that would benefit most directly from a strong economic recovery — including airlines, cruise lines, leisure firms and small-cap stocks — largely underperformed on Thursday, underscoring investors' jitters over whether the rebound might be derailed.

    "The equity markets haven't priced the Delta variant as a big risk. And I think one of the reasons why is, if you look at the United States, for example, where vaccination rates are much better than in other countries, I don't think the market is pricing in that we will see some type of repeat of what we had originally," Eddie Ghabour, managing partner of Key Advisors Group, told Yahoo Finance. "I could see a scenario where there's a headline or a warning in the media where the Delta virus is really starting to hit hard and causing a sell-off."

    Others also pointed to the Delta variant as a factor contributing to Thursday's stock market drop, while highlighting the confluence of other uncertainties still facing investors as well.

    "I think it all comes back into growth for the economy: If the Delta variant continues to gain in the severity that it is right now, then are businesses going to close again? What does that mean for consumer spending on services?" Victoria Fernandez, Crossmark Global Investments' chief market strategist, told Yahoo Finance.

    "You have a Federal Reserve where you have to wonder, if they start to pull liquidity out of the market, what does that mean for the consumer and for growth there?" Fernandez added. "And then I think the third leg of this stool is the infrastructure deal. You had anticipation of two large deals that were going to be coming, which again would provide some stimulus and growth, but it looks like it's not going to be as easy of a road as many people anticipated."

    "People are starting to worry about growth," Lee Munson, Portfolio Wealth Advisors chief investment officer, told Yahoo Finance. "And they're starting to worry are we going to have stagflation, and is the reflation trade really going to happen. I think fundamentally that was last quarter."


    This little article actually....makes me laugh. In the span of a handful of paragraphs we have the following FEAR, DOOM, and GLOOM topics:

    Worry about Stagflation.
    Worry about the FED pulling liquidity.
    Worry that the Infrastructure deal will not happen.
    Worry about economic growth.
    Worry about the DELTA variant of the virus.
    Worry about the Chinese economy.

    In other words.......everything but the kitchen sink. Throw it ALL out there....something might actually stick. Crazy any measure. They forgot to mention EARNINGS.
  2. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Here is the good news for COSTCO

    Costco Wholesale Corporation Reports June Sales Results

    (BOLD is my opinion OR what I consider important content)

    "ISSAQUAH, Wash., July 08, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Costco Wholesale Corporation (“Costco” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: COST) today reported net sales of $18.92 billion for the retail month of June, the five weeks ended July 4, 2021, an increase of 16.9 percent from $16.18 billion last year.

    For the forty-four weeks ended July 4, 2021, the Company reported net sales of $161.09 billion, an increase of 18.1 percent from $136.37 billion last year.

    Comparable sales were as follows:

    5 Weeks 44 Weeks
    U.S. 12.1% 14.9%
    Canada 23.4% 21.0%
    Other International 15.4% 20.2%

    Total Company 14.1% 16.4%

    E-commerce 20.8% 53.4%

    Comparable sales excluding the impacts from changes in gasoline prices and foreign exchange were as follows:

    5 Weeks 44 Weeks
    U.S. 7.8% 14.4%
    Canada 8.9% 13.5%
    Other International 6.8% 14.5%

    Total Company 7.9% 14.3%

    E-commerce 18.0% 51.5%

    This year’s June retail month had one fewer shopping day versus last year, due to the calendar shift of Memorial Day. This shift negatively impacted sales by approximately one and one-half to two percent."


    Looks like the old....."V"....shaped recovery just keeps on chugging along. I remember back many months ago when......the "V"shaped recovery....was being derided as impossible. It is too much would be interesting to go back through the nearly 3 years of this thread.....and....compile a list of ALL the various doom & gloom commentary that has been pushed over that time. The VAST MAJORITY....of this stuff.....has NOT come true or happened.

    IGNORE....the short term is unhealthy for your investing sanity.
    Jwalker likes this.
  3. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    We are living in the ERA where.....everything is the worst ever.....everything is the best ever....everything is blown OUT OF PROPORTION. Why? Because there is no history before about 10-20 years ago. We are living in one GIANT SOAP GIANT REALITY SHOW. That spills over into the investing world.

    2021’s Astoundingly Average Volatility
    Even with Thursday’s wiggles, stocks aren’t very volatile this year.

    (BOLD is my opinion OR what I consider important content)

    "Dearest readers, we have an apology to make. You see, yesterday afternoon we were hard at work pulling data on the S&P 500’s volatility this year, and we were quite eager to show you that, despite what headlines have implied, stocks’ volatility this year has been amazingly … average. So, of course stocks had to tumble at today’s open, hitting about -1.5% intraday before clawing a good chunk of it back to finish down just -0.9%. What we are trying to say is, if you believe in jinxes, then we must begrudgingly accept that there is a chance our not-so-high volatility research triggered the market, which Fisher Investments founder and Executive Chairman Ken Fisher often calls, “The Great Humiliator” to throw some egg in our faces. Then again, we also think today’s market movement proves our initial point: If headlines resort to hyping a -0.9% day as impressively volatile, then that seems to us a good indication of just how placid this year has been—and how myopic the world is right now. Let us show you.

    To put this year’s wiggles in perspective, we downloaded historical data from FactSet—93 and a half years of it, to be precise. First we gathered the S&P 500’s daily price return for every day since January 4, 1928 through June 30 this year—cutting it off there so we could easily equalize a half-year with 93 other full years. Then we used some Excel, umm, wizardry to calculate the average magnitude of the index’s daily price movement for each year.[ii] In other words, the average amount the index moved up or down on a given day in each year from 1928 to the present. We were after magnitude, not direction, because volatility is technically about how much the market moves over a given period, not whether that movement is up or down. Never forget volatility cuts both ways—0.9% up is just as volatile as Thursday’s dip.

    The wildest year, on the basis of average daily return, was 1932. Then, the average daily price movement up or down was a whopping 2.59%. The calmest year was 1964, with an average daily wiggle of just 0.26% in either direction. The average for all years? 0.76%. The median, if you are into that sort of thing, is 0.65%. And through June 30, this year’s average daily movement up or down was … wait for it … 0.64%. That is about as typical as you can get.

    Now, here you might point out that while these averages are helpful, even the average magnitude can obscure a lot of big days if the rest of the days are quiet enough. Fair enough. So, we crunched the data a different way and tallied up the total number of daily moves of 1% or higher and 2% or up in each year. For 2021, we equalized the data by doubling the first half’s totals—which isn’t how markets work, but was a handy way to show how 2021 would compare if the first half were a full year. Here, again, the most volatile in both categories was our old pal 1932. It had 181 days of 1% or more and 132 of at least 2%, which, yowza. In the 1% category, 1964 was again the calmest with just three days that big, while that year and eight others had zero days of 2% or more. Here, too, 2021 is a regular plain Jane: If the first half repeated perfectly, this year would rank 43rd out of 94 with 58 days of at least 1% up or down, and 47th on the 2% front with 8 days.

    Today’s market movement, of course, would not change the preceding sentence. The frenzy over it, in our view, shows just how myopic people are right now. It also follows this year’s pattern of headlines blowing small events far out of proportion. Remember the freakouts over the collapse of private investment office Archegos? Or the UK’s Greensill Capital? The wild ride in GameStop and the related Congressional hearings? The Suez Canal blockage? Post-Brexit chaos at ports? The UK and EU’s squabbles over chilled meats crossing the Irish Sea? Hyped by headlines, many thought these—and more—were hugely significant for markets, the economy or the financial system’s inner workings. Yet all came and went, and at least some of those mentions probably made most readers draw a blank, because they have long since receded from the international consciousness.

    For all the alleged drama, market-wise this has been a pretty calm and uneventful year. There is a lot of talk on multiple fronts. But stocks have mostly risen calmly throughout, without much in the way of pullbacks. Stretches like that are something to enjoy. But they are also not predictive, so we remind you volatility—bigger than today’s—can return at any time, for any or no reason. That could include a correction—a sharp, sentiment-fueled drop of -10% to -20%—which can also start for any or no reason. A lack of volatility isn’t any more predictive than volatility itself. So enjoy the calm waters if they last a while longer. And if they don’t, remember volatility comes with the territory sometimes. It is the tradeoff for stocks’ very nice long-term returns.


    BINGO.....I could not have said it better myself....which I have many times on this site. way out of control. It is NOW....all about DRAMA. Nothing more nothing less. The BREATHLESS headline.....EVERY DAY.

    Of course this plays into the current internet mind set. There is NO history. ALL appreciation for what might ACTUALLY be the norm is now gone.....long gone. There is NO history before the advent of the internet.....about 20 years ago. I am calling the advent of the internet 20 years ago since at that point it was TOTALLY mainstream and all encompassing.

    You could call it the......NEW NORMAL....era. EVERYTHING is a new normal because there is no past. We are ALL special and unique and there has NEVER been anything like "us" before in all of history. So history does not matter and does NOT exist.

    So investing becomes GAMBLING....short term trading....micro daily events.....all about ME, me, me. UNFORTUNATELY......since that is NOT REALITY......saying and thinking something does NOT make it TRUTH. Investing is exactly the same as it always has been. Driven by the same human behaviors. a result.....the average investing result WILL probably be the same as always.....
    #6523 WXYZ, Jul 9, 2021
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2021
  4. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    And to continue.....I just saw a headline on a morning business show:

    "DOW Is On Track For A Record Close"

    HELLO.......we are 43 minutes into the market day. I think a lot can STILL happen today. it is a little early to be calling a record close. The HYPE machine is all fired up.

    Our human brains continue to operate in the same mode as thousands of years ago. A BIG number MUST be bigger....right? I cant wait for DOW 1,000, that point a loss of only a half of a percent will be a loss of.......5,000 points......we will be FREAKING OUT every day because the numbers will be so BIG.

    NONE of the averages yesterday were down....even.....1%. They were ALL below......even though the points looked BIG.
  5. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Been on the road all day today....nice to be home.

    I was in the green today......medium gains.....9 of 10 stocks were in the green. The only stock of my 10 that was red today was....of course....AMAZON. I got beat by the SP500 today by 0.48%.

    NICE to be done with this week and to have a SOLID positive day for the markets today. A nice end to the week. PLUS.....ALL the averages but the RUSSELL were positive.....for the week. None by a HUGE amount....but....I am satisfied with any weekly positive all adds up over time....bit by bit....dollar by dollar. EVENTUALLY it adds up to REAL MONEY.

    DOW year to date +13.93%
    DOW for the week +0.24%

    SP500 year to date +16.33%
    SP500 for the week +0.40%

    NASDAQ 100 year to date +15.04%
    NASDAQ 100 for the week +0.67%

    NASDAQ year to date +14.07%
    NASDAQ for the week +0.43%

    RUSSELL year to date +15.45%
    RUSSELL for the week (-1.12%)

    It is amazing how consistent all the averages are this year. ALL are in the same general range for year to date gain. A VERY GOOD year across all the various types of stocks that the averages represent.
  6. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    GOOD....that my little short term NVIDIA split play was able to end up positive today. If it had ended up in the red I was going to have to consider ending this little short term trade a bit EARLY. As of today I had enough profit.......since May 21, 2021.....on this small number of shares......30/ clear.......9 pre-split shares......after paying off my Margin balance. My goal is to clear 10 or more pre-split shares or at least 40 post-split shares.

    I was thinking that if it ended in the red today that I would just take my profit on Monday....after seeing how we open on Monday. BUT.....I will hold on......for now..... since we ended with a gain....and....a final price of $802 per share. My profit on this little short term split trade as of the close today is $6792. count-down to the split is now.......6 days. I am hoping for some publicity and BUZZZZZ next week heading into the split to drive the stock up another $40-$80 per share. Right now....not sure if it is going to happen. Where are the REDDIT BOYS....when I need them?
  7. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    I dont think I gained any ground on the SP500 this week. Thursday took a BIG BITE out of my tech heavy 10 stock portfolio. I am NOW....year to date.....+17.27%. The SP500 as to today is....year to date.....16.33%.

    I am very happy to be where I am at this is obvious that this market can turn on a dime and bite you in the butt. SO......I am NOT counting any chickens.
  8. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    A good day and a good end to the week.

    Stock market news live updates: Stocks rise to records to recover losses as investors shake off growth concerns

    (BOLD is my opinion OR ht I consider important content)

    "Stocks gained on Friday to set new all-time highs, shaking off declines from a day earlier as concerns over the pace of the economic recovery flared.

    The S&P 500 added more than 1% led by the financials, materials and energy sectors that had been some of Thursday's biggest laggards. The Dow and Nasdaq also set fresh record closing highs by the end of the session, taking out previous highs from earlier this week. U.S. Treasury yields also gained to reverse course from Thursday, and the 10-year yield added more than 5 basis points to trade back above 1.3%.

    U.S. equity investors have been appraising the likelihood that a surge in the Delta variant of the coronavirus could weigh more heavily on global growth than previously anticipated. In Japan, the Tokyo Olympics are now set to be held without fans later this month due to a jump in COVID cases in the country. And in China, an executive body signaled the country's central bank might cut its reserve requirement ratio for the first time since mid-2020, in an easing monetary policy move that would suggest a lack of confidence in the country's economic recovery.

    These global concerns weighed on risk assets in the U.S. this week. Cyclical stocks that would benefit most directly from a strong economic recovery — including airlines, cruise lines, leisure firms and small-cap stocks — largely underperformed on Thursday, underscoring investors' jitters over whether the rebound might be derailed.

    "The equity markets haven't priced the Delta variant as a big risk. And I think one of the reasons why is, if you look at the United States, for example, where vaccination rates are much better than in other countries, I don't think the market is pricing in that we will see some type of repeat of what we had originally," Eddie Ghabour, managing partner of Key Advisors Group, told Yahoo Finance. "I could see a scenario where there's a headline or a warning in the media where the Delta virus is really starting to hit hard and causing a sell-off."

    Others also pointed to the Delta variant as a factor contributing to Thursday's stock market drop, while highlighting the confluence of other uncertainties still facing investors as well.

    "I think it all comes back into growth for the economy: If the Delta variant continues to gain in the severity that it is right now, then are businesses going to close again? What does that mean for consumer spending on services?" Victoria Fernandez, Crossmark Global Investments' chief market strategist, told Yahoo Finance.

    "You have a Federal Reserve where you have to wonder, if they start to pull liquidity out of the market, what does that mean for the consumer and for growth there?" Fernandez added. "And then I think the third leg of this stool is the infrastructure deal. You had anticipation of two large deals that were going to be coming, which again would provide some stimulus and growth, but it looks like it's not going to be as easy of a road as many people anticipated." "


    RIGHT....blah, blah, blah....Delta variant.....blah, blah, blah. A big JOKE. I see various "professionals" saying that this is just BALONEY....they are not seeing any concern about Delta. This is PURE media fear mongering. is the cares. Next the BEGINNING of the rest of the year and a NEW start.

    I continue to be fully invested for the long term as usual.
  9. gtrudeau88

    gtrudeau88 Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2020
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    Been a good week, Up .32% in my stock account consisting entirely of TSM which had dropped badly early in the week. IRA up 1.18% for the week as Amazon and VOO doing great and GM making an almost 5% jump today to recover from big drops earlier in the week. Life is good and I'm happy.

    Up 14.26% for the year in my stock account and up 8.73% in my IRA since I took over from Edward Jones at the start of April.

    WXYZ likes this.
  10. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    GOOD FOR YOU.....G. How is the remodel going?
  11. gtrudeau88

    gtrudeau88 Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2020
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    Remodel of main floor (kitchen, dining, bedroom, den, living, hall, not bath) going well. New luxury vinyl floors in everywhere, painting almost complete everywhere, new furniture (antique and vintage pieces) in place, new lighting in kitchen and dining. We bought a huge used kitchen (cabinets, sinks, most appliances) pulled from a 3 million dollar house in NJ and that gets delivered Monday morning. It will need a touch up paint job as well as modification from my builder to fit into our much smaller kitchen with some of the cabinets being added to the dining room. I think end of next week we'll have the cabinets modified and in place and then a couple weeks for the Vicostone countertops and the backsplash to get installed. Hoping all is done at end of July.

    This is the kitchen we bought from Renovation Angel:

    All told we're going to be spending somewhere around 33K. We're fairly frugal people but wanted this house to be pretty and comfortable to retire in. We hired an interior designer (great investment!) and in doing so avoided buying wrong colors, etc. .We bought antique and vintage pieces (more character and way cheaper than buying new) off of facebook marketplace and craigslist, and made good use of the discounts my designer and builder could get for me. We also inherited nice furniture pieces and artwork (not up yet) from my folks.

    Buying the used kitchen saved a ton of money. New custom cabinets would have been north of 8K and we needed a new stove/oven and a new vent fan (over 2K for both). We paid $6500 for the kitchen including delivery, and am getting a double electric oven by Thermadore from 2014, a 6 burner gas stovetop, and a good fan/vent. Yes we have to pay our builder to modify some parts of the cabinets to make things fit in our smaller kitchen but I think we're still coming out ahead.

    Lastly this whole project is taking about 9 weeks to complete start to finish. Not bad. New cabinets are taking 12 to 14 weeks these days due to lumber and labor shortage issues so I'm really glad we bought the used kitchen.

    desired budget $25,000.00

    20% buffer $5,000.00
    sold silverware $50.00
    sold philco table $5.00
    sold china cabinet $75.00
    sold misc $3.75
    copper from stove $4.92
    sold microwave $60.00
    sale of end tables $40.00
    total inputs $30,238.67
    new furnishings, etc $1,900.00
    wood for shelves $73.00
    handyman $50.00
    record player $106.05
    uhaul $1,708.67
    kitchen and dining cabinets $6,507.26
    new microwave $69.87
    quartz countertop $5,200.00
    new kitchen and dining lighting $750.00
    electric and plumbing $2,000.00
    designer fee $770.00
    Daves labor $6,500.00
    new front storm door $350.00
    vinyl flooring (materials) $4,851.61
    paper and painting in dining room and kitchen, fix ceiling after light removal, paint living room, other misc. $2,000.00
    trash removal $134.74
    doghouse $197.34
    cabinet hardware $500.00
    Predicted spending (assuming no designer discounts on materials or labor) $33,668.54
    #6531 gtrudeau88, Jul 10, 2021
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2021
  12. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    That is a BIG remodel for a very reasonable budget. I like the use of the kitchen and the furnishings. WELL DONE. Sounds like the value you add will be way over the cost.
    gtrudeau88 likes this.
  13. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Speaking of homes. Out little area of 4200 homes is definitely cooling is the entire Central Texas area. We now have 20 homes actively for sale. STILL way below normal....but the total PANIC buying has backed off some. It is STILL an extremely strong sellers market. Still nothing below $500,000. That seems to be the new floor on prices in this area.

    I see the same thing in the Seattle and Portland markets.....still strong....but the FRENZY is backing off. We are seeing some homes that are in less desirable condition taking weeks to sell rather than days....and....some homes even having price decreases from EXORBITANT listing prices.

    I think we are at the BEST time for a buyer right now. As we head into August and the start of school the number of listing will fall as usual. So it seems like we are now stable with about 20 active listings....compared to a normal number for this time of the year being about 120 to 160.
  14. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    This should be a BIG HELP to those looking to buy a home right now.

    Mortgage rates slip to four-month low

    (BOLD is my opinion OR what I consider important content)
    "Mortgage rates dropped to their lowest level since late February.

    The rate on the 30-year fixed mortgage — the most common home loan — decreased to 2.90% this week, down from 2.98% a week ago, according to Freddie Mac. That's the lowest rate since Feb. 18 when it hit 2.81%. A year ago, the rate stood at 3.03%.

    The drop comes after a rally in 10-year Treasury bonds as economic growth concerns and the Federal Reserve's next move on interest rates weighed on investors. That pushed the 10-year bond yields lower, which fixed mortgage rates tend to track.

    "Markets are trying to anticipate the timing of the Fed’s next move and this week, the Fed meeting minutes conveyed more patience toward tapering and rate hikes than the market had expected immediately following the late June meeting," said Danielle Hale, chief economist of "In other words, rates slipped as investors realized that the last Fed discussion may not have been as hawkish as was originally believed."

    (Credit: Freddie Mac)
    'I haven’t seen any increase in refi prospects'
    The rate provides an opportunity for 13.856 million creditworthy homeowners to shave off three-quarters of a point from their mortgage and reduce their monthly payment by $290 on average through refinancing, according to data provided to Yahoo Money by Black Knight Inc., a mortgage data analytics firm.

    Still, refinance applications have trended lower than 2020 levels for the past four months, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association. For instance, the MBA's index that measures refinance activity decreased 2% last week from the previous one and was 8% lower than the same week a year ago.

    "While rates have lowered somewhat, I haven’t seen any increase in refi prospects," John Stearns, senior loan officer with American Fidelity Mortgage Services in Wisconsin, told Yahoo Money. "I closed a refi Tuesday but their rate was locked in over a month ago."

    'Buyers will have to be persistent'
    For home shoppers, the drop presents an opportunity to lock-in that low rate.

    "The new purchase clients I’m talking to are happy with the rate movement," Stearns said. "Everyone says, 'I thought rates were going to go up this year.' All I can say is 'Me too.'"

    But buyers face headwinds that diminish the benefit of low rates. The inventory of homes remain near historic lows, forcing buyers into bidding wars over houses. That's sent prices surging. In April, home prices jumped 14.6% year-over-year, a pace not recorded in more than 30 years.

    "Buyers will have to be persistent and act quickly," Hale said. "Homes were on the market for a record-fast 37 days in June."

    Future of rates
    Experts expect rates to bounce around 3% at least until August, when the Fed may provide a clearer timeline for its plans to curb its mortgage-backed security purchases, which helps to drive down mortgage rates.

    But rates are unlikely to reach the all-time lows set in early January. On Jan. 6, the 30-year fixed mortgage rate hit 2.65%, the lowest level on record dating back to 1971.

    "It's certainly possible, but it would take a big departure from the current trends," Hale said of carving out new lows. "The housing market would need to slow and Treasuries would need to decline further. Given the improving economic outlook, I don't see that happening."


    STILL....historic low mortgage rates. For people in my age group.....we have NEVER seen rates as low as they have been in recent years. I suspect that people will be telling stories about these rates......30 year from now..... like we talk about the 12% mortgage rates back in the old days.
  15. emmett kelly

    emmett kelly Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2017
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    did you cover this story, boss? good to know people in high places.

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband cashed in on Big Tech just as Congress was set to pounce
    Sophie Mellor
    Thu, July 8, 2021, 5:26 AM·3 min
    The week before the House Judiciary Committee voted on reigning in big tech, Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband exercised a bullish bet on Google-parent Alphabet, in a timely transaction that netted him $5.3 million.

    The antitrust bill was advanced as a push by the government to curb the “unregulated power” of big tech firms Google, Amazon, Apple and Facebook. It was the final part of a six-part package called “Ending Platform Monopolies Act” aimed at restricting how big tech companies offer their products to ensure they don't use their size to dominate the market.

    However, despite its good intentions, the market reaction to the judiciary panel approving the legislation was muted—shares in big tech companies in fact rose after investors found the House proposal to be no real threat.

    Paul Pelosi, who bought 4,000 shares of Alphabet on June 18 (as revealed in a financial disclosure signed by Nancy Pelosi and filed on July 2), made an initial $4.8 million gain from Alphabet's rising share price, and has since seen his gain grow to $5.3 million.
  16. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    YES.....I saw that. Isn't it amazing how this always seems to work out for....certain people.

    I try to NEVER put up content that laps over into politics, taxes, the policies of the current administration, culture, social issues, historical stuff, Critical Race Theory, teachers, the current state of the education system, etc, etc.

    It is just a KILLER to get into these sorts of discussions on a board like this. ALTHOUGH....these sorts of topics have a HUGE impact on Investing and Investors. I do consider....very strongly....this sort of stuff when I am making personal investment decisions. BUT....I will not talk about it on here.

    On here I try to follow the......."best practices"....that apply to the stage. NEVER discuss politics, religion, or any other attack on half your audience. Ask the Dixie Chicks how this tends to work out.
    #6536 WXYZ, Jul 10, 2021
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2021
    Globetrotter and emmett kelly like this.
  17. emmett kelly

    emmett kelly Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2017
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    completely agree with post 6538. as a rule i stay away from political discussions, especially in person. i really don't care what others think politically and certainly know they don't give a rat's ass what i think. waste of time and energy. nonetheless, the information about knowing legislation is going to be enacted and its affect on certain stocks is a relevant topic.
    WXYZ likes this.
  18. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    yes it is a relevant topic. AND....I am not a moderator....I ONLY speak for myself and what I will or will not post on here. Anyone else can discuss whatever they wish on this board or this thread....subject to what the MODS allow.
  19. TomB16

    TomB16 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    I wish to share the opinion that I adore this real estate market.

    That is all.
    gtrudeau88 likes this.
  20. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    That is all....but that is a lot.

    I think everyone that posts on here ADORES the real estate market. It has DEFINITELY been very good for my net the tune of about $500,000. I have never seen anything like it. A nice way to cap off a WEIRD YEAR...with the pandemic and everything. In the spite of everything.....we ALL have done really well over the past 1.5 years with the stock markets and property.

    In addition some of us that are myself and Zukodany...have also done very well with "stuff".
    zukodany and TomB16 like this.

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