Would You Rather.... Sell or Live In Truck?

Discussion in 'The Cocktail Lounge' started by ddebrazza, Jun 17, 2022.

  1. ddebrazza

    ddebrazza Active Member

    Jun 23, 2021
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    Alright, so I am in an odd situation. My wife and I are splitting up and going our separate ways at the end of this month. The rental market in my area ranges anywhere from 1000-1300 for a 1 bedroom apartment. On just my one income, I would have to work full-time hours just to break even at the end of the month. This doesnt make much sense to me.

    So, I have decided I would travel north a bit, away from the city, and live out of my Truck for the next 3-6 months in an attempt to save money towards OWNING something.

    My truck is a 2006 Ford F150 XLT SuperCab (148k miles), is paid off and is probably worth about 7-8,000 if I were to sell it.

    I have a job that I start Monday in my new area, and a backup job at a gas station if the job I was hired for on Monday doesnt work out or I do not like it. With the labor market as "in-need," as it is, I see now problem finding work. I have been getting at least 2 calls every day wanting to interview and seen countless job openings.

    If you were in my situation, what would you do? I have about 2k$ in debt left before I am free and clear of my debt as well (not including student loans)
    Spud likes this.
  2. emmett kelly

    emmett kelly Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2017
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    live in the truck. just watched a youtube video where a guy saved a ton of money living in his truck for a while. he wasn't forced into it like you are but just decided it was a good way to save money.
    TomB16 and Jwalker like this.
  3. hitman

    hitman Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2016
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    ddebrazzaActive Member
    Jun 23, 2021
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    My wife died from taking the vaccine. I feel I should be able to discuss that. While I understand this is a Stocks Forum, this was posted in a Misc./ General forum... It is good to have places where off-topic subjects can be discussed intelligently.

    I do not want to get into the whole debate over the data as it can be fudged to show whatever you want it to show. And there just isnt a limited data set available at this time.

    My final take is that medical decisions should be between the individual and their doctor. If the person ultimately decides it is in their best interest to NOT take the vaccine, then that should be their choice. I am not in favor of the Federal Government mandating healthcare decisions.

    And what is even worse the Federal Gov't is dictating to private businesses that they must enforce this unconstitutional mandate. Forcing people to choose between taking this Pfizer/ Moderna product and feeding ones' family is extremely unethical. No one should ever be forced to make a medical decision on the premise of potentially losing your job and source of income.

    This country has gone to shit under the worst President in American history, Joe Biden. and to think Kamala Harris is even worse than he is. SMH

    Let's Go Brandon.

    @ddebrazza Credibility out the window.
    removedatuserrequest likes this.
  4. ddebrazza

    ddebrazza Active Member

    Jun 23, 2021
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    hitman- sorry, I am not talking about a legal wife. I have this habit of calling girlfriends "wife." I dont know why I always felt silly saying this is my girlfriend as someone in their mid-thirties. plus the women ive been with have liked being called "wife," so it just works.

    In reality, this is just a woman ive been dating/ co-inhabitating with for the last 6 months or so. You are focusing on the insignificant part of the story.
    #4 ddebrazza, Jun 18, 2022
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2022
  5. ddebrazza

    ddebrazza Active Member

    Jun 23, 2021
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    That is the goal. To hopefully save enough money to be able to buy a home once the market has cooled off, which it looks like is going to happen here very quickly if it hasnt already started to happen. It seemed to me that I would be able to reach my goal much faster if I make the sacrifice and rough it for maybe +6 months

    I wouldnt say I am being forced into it. I could easily sell my truck and move into an apartment. The money from my truck would pay for about 5 months of rent but that seems like a silly move when I have all the equipment and gear already needed to pull off living in my truck/ in a tent.

    I am just a little nervous of what happens if something goes wrong with my truck. I am putting all my eggs into one basket pretty much. But, on the positive side, I start work Monday morning and get paid weekly so I would have to have some pretty shitty luck for something major to go wrong before ive had a chance to establish a steady income flow again
  6. Spud

    Spud Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2022
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    Live in truck. Been there done that after a nasty divorce. Live and eat cheap.
    TomB16 likes this.
  7. ddebrazza

    ddebrazza Active Member

    Jun 23, 2021
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    Thanks, I really hope this works. I am going to be heading up north a little ways tomorrow morning to scout out the land around my new job. The good thing about this company is that they have branches all over the state, so I could potentially transfer locations when winter comes. Climate-wise the place I am heading should be good from now until early October I am hoping. At least finding work is not a problem right now. If you cant find a job in 1 day right now, you arent looking. I do see the labor market getting much tighter in the coming months though as companies are forced to react to reduced consumer spending.

    I think the best investment I will make is my Planet Fitness Black Card. 20$ a month and unlimited access to any of their branches. Plan on using them primarily for showering, recharging electronics, restrooms, and getting out of any bad weather.
    Spud likes this.

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