I got killed by Voyager, those disgusting bastards. The prevailing zietgeist in crypto right now is to keep anything you've got on a cold storage wallet of some kind. But if you are talking about finding a place to buy then I'd say Binance seems to be where everyone is going, especially after BlockFi got screwed. Coinbase is still there, but that's sort of the exchange for pop culture buyers who -shakes head like Ave Ventura- "Get into CRYP-TOE!" My personal experiences are that Coinbase is fine if you use Pro to save on the fees, otherwise Binance is better if you embrace BNB. Binance's KYC and approval time is horrific though. If you want to buy on Binance you better register 3 months before you wanted to execute on your trades. There are others I could touch on, but considering how badly I want head's from the people at Voyager, it's better to just discuss the big two, Coinbase and Binance.
I've used Blockchain.io for years. Never had any issues. Tried Coinbase for a while, so can recommend that one too.
After all those things happened to FTX, AAX etc I believe that one of the best options is to use DEXs.
Eh your costs go up exponentially on DEX's. You have to consider that - you swap ETH for everything. So you have to buy the ETH. Move the ETH. Burn some ETH in the swap. It's a black hole. Not saying it's no good, just that most buyers don't have that awareness of it. I'd still rather buy BTC fee-free from Binance and then just move it once to a Ledger, all things considered.