My style of investing is of my own demise. No rules, no plans. Buy low sell high, occasionally I get high and sell low. Market Makers sometimes send thank you notes and family vacation postcards to show their gratitude. I just smile and wave, sitting on my sack of seeds.
Took a small nibble of APE 2.48 mainly for fun. NIO 14.13 just because. My main one is on high alert, currently watching the short side do their magic.
Oopsy looks like another rug pull day. Glad I bought at the top. hOdL APE,NIO. No hooker and coke money this week.For now we sit,wait and anticipate.
These are particularly severe times for a short term investor. We have let our portfolio crash. Like everyone, I had a strong idea the market would cool. Unlike everyone, I see really bad times around the end of the year and the very early part of next. I plan to watch this train wreck from the sidelines. I will not change my approach in light of this market outlook. Whatever happens, I will watch your trajectory with interest and hope for the best possible outcome. Good luck, my friend.
Absolutely. Thanks for stopping by Mr. Tom. Started my own little corner to keep from clogging up the other ones I frequent. I'm also heavy cash at the moment. Have the 2 small positions. APE is for amusement purposes, surely you realize us APES are going to squeeze KENNY BOY into bankruptcy. NIO is a short term bounce play or it was until the Market Makers needed me to buy a round of drinks. CHEERS.. I'm with you on the slim pickings ahead, we should proceed with caution. I like to kick around and have some fun. MY wife left me and the dog run off. I sure do miss my dog.
This was worded horribly. I plan to watch this train wreck while riding the second stock car. I'm going to ride until it stops and then sit tight when it catches fire. For me, long term investing is a game of chicken. If I flinch, I lose. My goal is to stand my ground and pretend everything is fine no matter what happens. To be fair, we have really strong distributions, RE holdings, a lot of cash, and my wife's DB pension. We aren't worried about starving but you never know how bad it could get.
If we were to compare performance over a 5-10 year timespan I would be foolish not to concede. For now I'm skipping stones awaiting the Banks to report and to see the CPI for a sense of how the money wants to roll. A few LONGTERM opportunities have caught my eye. Definitely will re-enter Tesla "much smaller position"at some point. Read where Cathie Wood purchased 32 million, based on the history of her past buys I felt it was time to exit. She has made the inverse players of her buys very profitable. My PPS was 248.05 A couple in my sights are low floats that rarely experience selloffs, those I have the GTC Limit orders waiting for the right moment. For amusement I have small positions in APE,NIO. Neither would qualify as something I would consider investment worthy. On the plus side, smoking a bowl and watching the Musk/tweeter show, Love his style.
Grabbed some Tesla at 220.57 Plucked a few Apples at 138.85 Still awaiting the APE squeeze while our CEO is on the dilution train. NIO is limping in the corner recharging for the moonshot. Nothing to big or anything to worry about. My main target dropped 1.5% today, far from my bullseye. Takes a lot to shake the panic tree. Still mostly cash smoking a bowl,takin a trip and never left the couch. There's a bear outside.
Today is hump day there is a bear outside. Maybe WXYZ will post some articles soon, back to the couch.
Tesla and Apple are in the hands of the new owners. Thank you for the money. Now we wait and anticipate.
The one I REALLY want dropped a measly 10 cents. Time to break out the "Treeshakur" and scare up a few shares. Tesla,Apple still doing what I hoped ¿¿
Apple rarely misses earnings, most likely will hold for now. TSLA The trader in me wanted to hop out at the early morning pop. My investor sides see 204.09 as a good entry and will play defence at the 205.. area. Tesla's magic "ANALysts" number is 1.03. I on the couch, now we wait and see. Nio,Ape are still bags of #2, both purchased under the influence. Took a trip and never left the couch.
I currently own a little bit of a company I consider to be a bowl of unflushed logs. To be fair, it's not terrible, but I don't want to own it anymore. I sold about 85% of it at a nice price, then the price started dropping and it has never returned. I continue to hold the rest. I'm conflicted regarding selling the dogs and getting into a good company, versus hoping they return. In this case, I don't think the mismanagement is terrible but I do not expect them to perform well again with this executive suite. So, I understand how conflicting it can be when a company does not perform. I also understand how it feels when a stock doesn't do what you want or expect. Here's to hoping you find a few coins between cushions of the old couch.
Very well spoken, having the knowledge and ability to "crunch the numbers" before walking the plank is a wise man's gift. My 2 losers will someday return to the barn after the cow jumps over the moon, both are currently laying in the mud. On the positive side of the fence, T & A are shakin just fine both are permanent members of the family. Simply attempting to play short term defense by lowering my PPS. That works until it doesn't. Takin one for the team and being down $ 44.00 a share is not on my menu either. I prefer full coverage on my journey through wall st. DEFENSE. T... is currently 204.09 from 248.05, that's a highly discounted advantage over a very short period. Time to be extra careful though, the cups runneth over. A.. has always been a enjoyable ride and I don't see anythong wrong with holding it. Sometimes we have to read through the lines. Another company refuses to hit my GTC limit order. Maybe a good tree shaker will help it fill. Same couch different day, took a trip n blasted away. Never can tell I might just stay.