
Discussion in 'Investing' started by bigwin1234, Feb 13, 2017.

  1. bigwin1234

    bigwin1234 New Member

    Feb 10, 2017
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    I have recently heard about one or two people on the internet, that only trade one or two stock at a time. One mans favorite is apple. I know I started out by watching two many. so now I like the idea of watching one or two and getting familiar with them.....
    My question is volume fluctuation. The only way i know how to screen for volume is to use fin viz. I will start watching a stock it will have a lot of activity then nothing to speak on for days. Is this normal? or should i adjust my filters?

    any advice is greatly appreciated, help me think out side the box

    thanks bw
  2. Gray Wolf

    Gray Wolf Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Tell us a little more about what you are screening on. What filters and values are you plugging into finviz?
  3. bigwin1234

    bigwin1234 New Member

    Feb 10, 2017
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    I use relative volume over 1 ( assuming it is x a million)
    current volume over 750,000

    average volume 500k-1mill

    price under 20.00

    market cap small to mid
  4. Gray Wolf

    Gray Wolf Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    I suspect the inconsistency is from the use of relative volume. Relative volume is a ratio not a number. When you ask for relative volume over 1 it appears you are asking for stocks that are currently higher then the average number. If you ask for a relative over 2 you are asking for stocks that are trading at twice the average etc. It also looks like setting avg volume to 500 to 1 mill and then setting the relative volume your avg vol changes to Custom (elite) so I'm not sure how that is impacting your screen. So now comes more questions. What do you feel the results of this screen is telling you that makes it something to consider? Why limit cap size and price?
  5. bigwin1234

    bigwin1234 New Member

    Feb 10, 2017
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    Thanks for explaining the relative. i will stop using this now i know what it is. I feel the results are telling me the volume is high enough to be able to enter or exit a trade quickly. Weather it be a day or two weeks. Also there is enough movement to start seeing some patterns form. In my mind less volume, equals longer time in or watching to be in trade. equaling less time learning how a stock operates/moves. I drive truck so i am limited to my pay as I go phone most of the time.(mean i don't usually have access to a big screen) Leaving learning to be a already slow and long process.

    I choose 20.00 and under because of my account size. I would have loved to be in NKE from there 50.42 to 56.?? However when i got back to trading i only had 150$ so i would still be in it. Because i would still not be at break even with the cost of the trade.
  6. Gray Wolf

    Gray Wolf Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    It's not actually bad to use. It is telling you that it is trading at higher then normal volume which is what you want on a rising stock. Problem is the criteria you are using will also show falling stocks so one would have to be careful. Take a look at this one.


    You should be able to see the criteria. I lowered the volume but kept the relative volume. I added some technical stuff to try and show only ones that are on the rise and not falling. May or may not help :) BTW, if you register at FinViz you can save screens and use them later.
  7. anotherdevilsadvocate

    anotherdevilsadvocate Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    It is pretty normal. In fact when you do find a stock with 3 consecutive days of large volume, you usually are too late to catch the heart of the move.

    That said, VUZI is a $5/share stock that has had big volume for 3 consecutive days. However it is scheduled to report earnings tonight, so expect volatility. Just mentioning this for something that you can watch.

    Maybe you can try scanning for stocks with relative volume > 1 that are near the 50-day moving average ("near" i.e. put a number like <10% above 50 sma). Take a look at CHKP from 1/4 to 1/6, and see what has happened since.
    Gray Wolf and bigwin1234 like this.
  8. bigwin1234

    bigwin1234 New Member

    Feb 10, 2017
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    Jerry, i did not know that thank you.

    ad, i will thanks
  9. Gray Wolf

    Gray Wolf Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Great minds think alike. :D The screen I gave him above looks for stocks above the 20 day and below the 50 day. And I was thinking after I posted the screen that a change to relative volume over 1.5 would be better for more momentum.
    bigwin1234 likes this.
  10. bigwin1234

    bigwin1234 New Member

    Feb 10, 2017
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    This was a great chat, Thank you both very much. Time for me to run out. How ever I wanted to tell u Jerry. That I have read countless time that $1500 is a good trading account size for some one as new as i am. I am just working my way there. I currently have about 600 in my account and will be all cash on Thursday. I come off vacation next Monday so i should be adding to it soon.

    I will try both of your recommendations on finviz. I did already notice a difference. U both have been helpful.
  11. Jrich

    Jrich Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2017
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    A fellow trucker!... I trade from my phone too... It can be rough, can't watch stocks all the time, have to look at the road occasionally :rolleyes:

    You should check out Robinhood.. Free trading... I have a small account too, if not for free trading, I wouldn't be able to trade at all

    Actually, Im only investing my cigarette money... I was smoking 2 packs a day, now I've cut back to 1, and I put the other pack in Robinhood every day instead of my lungs...... Slowly but surely it's adding up!
    bigwin1234 likes this.
  12. bigwin1234

    bigwin1234 New Member

    Feb 10, 2017
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    Thanks for the tip on robin hood, how fast is the fill time? Were starting small. But we'll get there. Congrats on cutting back on smoking!!! I am doing the same idea just with fast food :). the road is'nt moving pay attention to the cars...lol be safe
    Jrich likes this.
  13. bigwin1234

    bigwin1234 New Member

    Feb 10, 2017
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    That said, VUZI is a $5/share stock that has had big volume for 3 consecutive days. However it is scheduled to report earnings tonight, so expect volatility. Just mentioning this for something that you can watch.

    I did not catch the earnings, but i do see a significant down side, plus i am a day late. I will keep a eye on VUZI, If it has consistent volume i may start watching this on a regular.....This looks like the same set up i got from sprint last week, Vuzi has come down this am $.30 ish. If i had cash, and if a bottom were to form into a channel. If the the channel poped high and stay over $.02 out of the channel i would try to play it for a move up. Please tell me what you think ?

    P.S. i tried the quote thing i dont know if i did it right
  14. Jrich

    Jrich Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2017
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    10/4 on that driver!... If we got rid of those cars, we'd get a lot more done!... But then again, I'd have nothing to do anyway (no cars = no gas)

    Robinhood is surprisingly quick.. The notifications lag, but no complaints on transaction speed....... I was worried at first, since I'm buying such small amounts of shares that it would be hard to sell them back.. But no issues so far..... I just make it a rule not to buy anything without minimum volume of 1m
    bigwin1234 likes this.
  15. bigwin1234

    bigwin1234 New Member

    Feb 10, 2017
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    I used your screener this morning. What a huge difference. Thank you

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