WWE - World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc.

Discussion in 'Stock Message Boards NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX' started by Stockaholic, Apr 4, 2016.

  1. Stockaholic

    Stockaholic Content Manager

    Mar 29, 2016
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    World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. (WWE) is an American publicly traded, privately controlled entertainment company that deals primarily in professional wrestling, with major revenue sources also coming from film, music, product licensing and direct product sales. WWE also refers to the professional wrestling promotionitself, founded by Jess McMahon and Toots Mondt in 1952 as Capitol Wrestling Corporation. As of 2014, it is the largest wrestling promotion in the world, holding over 300 events a year, and broadcasting to about 36 million viewers in more than 150 countries. The company's headquarters are located in Stamford, Connecticut, with offices in major cities across the world.

    As in other professional wrestling promotions, WWE shows are not legitimate contests, but purely entertainment-based, featuring storyline-driven, scripted, and choreographed matches, though they often include moves that can put performers at risk of injury if not performed correctly. This was first publicly acknowledged by WWE's owner Vince McMahon in 1989 to avoid taxes from athletic commissions. Since the 1980s, WWE publicly branded their product as sports entertainment, which is considered to acknowledge the product's roots in competitive sport and dramatic theater.

    The company's majority owner is its chairman and CEO, Vince McMahon. Along with his wife Linda, children Shane and Stephanie, and son-in-law Paul Levesque (known professionally as Triple H), the McMahon family holds approximately 70% of WWE's equity and 96% of the voting power. As of August 2014, due to ongoing problems with the company, Eminence Capital, a New York-based hedge fund, acquired 9.6% stake of WWE while the McMahon family retains 90.4% interest.

    The current entity, incorporated on February 21, 1980, was previously known as Titan Sports founded in 1979 in South Yarmouth, Massachusetts. It acquired Capitol Wrestling Corporation (the holding company for the World Wrestling Federation, WWF) in 1982. Titan was renamed World Wrestling Federation, Inc. in 1998, thenWorld Wrestling Federation Entertainment, Inc. in 1999, and finally World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. in 2002. Since 2011, the company has officially branded itself solely as WWE though the company's legal name was not changed.
  2. anotherdevilsadvocate

    anotherdevilsadvocate Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    WWE had quite a move today. 4.6 times normal volume, and touched BOTH support and resistance lines. 16.00 needs to hold.
  3. gareth

    gareth New Member

    Apr 4, 2016
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    Quite the crash for WWE in the second half of the day. Wrestlemania was Sunday night. Highlight was 100k people in attendance and a 46 year old man taking a insane bump of a cage and some of the old timers returning to make special returns. That was also a low point in that most of the stars were old, part time or non wrestlers. And on a good note the WWE network is doing decent numbers.
  4. anotherdevilsadvocate

    anotherdevilsadvocate Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Convincingly below 16.00 today. In a downward channel that finviz has drawn in
  5. T0rm3nted

    T0rm3nted Moderator
    Staff Member

    Apr 2, 2016
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    Reported before open today (5/10/16)
    Earnings: EPS $0.18 Revenue $171.1M
    Estimates: EPS $0.11 Revenue $169M

    Up 2.17% today
  6. anotherdevilsadvocate

    anotherdevilsadvocate Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    WWE looking strong. Daily and Weekly charts show a lot of room to run.


  7. Jrich

    Jrich Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2017
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    Up a dollar a day after earnings

    All time record revenue and record international revenue... Plus hints of future global markets in the conference call, after a successful UK intro last year


    Funny, I was all about WWF when I was a kid!... Grew out of it until I had a kid of my own.... Few years back, me and my boy would watch RAW and Smackdown together every week!

    I didn't even know they were public until now.... What a niche market they have going!... We actually went to one of the Summer Slam events, it's a show like no other!... Cheesy as it may be

    image.jpeg image.jpeg
    Stockaholic and Onepoint272 like this.
  8. anotherdevilsadvocate

    anotherdevilsadvocate Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    You see Mean Gene, I didn't even have this stock in my list. I would just peek over at the chart when I heard the name brought up. But it's in my list now brother, and it's making a strong move.

    Weekly chart:

    Nice to see it pays a dividend. But more importantly it is a content producer, that has its own channel. It is a harbinger of businesses to come.
    Onepoint272 and Jrich like this.
  9. Jrich

    Jrich Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2017
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    The fundamentals also seem solid, to my untrained eye.... One thing I noticed, the short ratio is pretty high! (12.31)

    If I understand correctly what that means, this could be the beginning of a pretty big squeeze.. Right??
  10. anotherdevilsadvocate

    anotherdevilsadvocate Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Right, shorts have to eventually close. At that point they will be adding to the demand for the stock.
  11. Jrich

    Jrich Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2017
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    Good!... All things considered, it sounds like a good time to play!

    Think I'll build up a small position, then sit tight to find the resistance before I buy more

    And that's the bottom line because Stone Cold said so!
  12. Onepoint272

    Onepoint272 2019 Stockaholics Contest Winner

    Apr 26, 2016
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    Nice find. It would be a nice gift if it would retrace to the $20 area. A 50-cent-box by 3-box-reversal point and figure count gives an objective of $59.

    Weekly Sticks:
  13. Jrich

    Jrich Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2017
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    I tried to figure out what you said by looking at your chart... But I give up

    50 cent box, 3 box...??.. I don't see this

    And what is the white "no supply" line pointing out??... I see plenty of low volume days prior to your line (but not after, if that means anything??)
  14. Onepoint272

    Onepoint272 2019 Stockaholics Contest Winner

    Apr 26, 2016
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    A point and figure chart is independent of time. It shows volatility while filtering out noise dependent on the box size and reversal amount. It is useful for price projections because it is a better indicator of how much cause has been built; how much of the tradable shares have been accumulated or distributed by the big interests.

    The "No Supply" refers to the attempt of the big interests to take price down but finding little to no supply of stock for sale. They had gotten all they could at that point in the trading range. It is then they knew they control the supply available for trading and can therefore cause the price to rise by simply limiting the supply available to the market.
  15. Jrich

    Jrich Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2017
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    Ok, I think I understand the point and figure chart now (Google)

    But I'm still confused how you singled out that one column as "no supply"... How does it stand out from the others??
  16. Onepoint272

    Onepoint272 2019 Stockaholics Contest Winner

    Apr 26, 2016
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    For clarity, the chart I posted above is not a point and figure chart. It is a vertical price chart. It is time based. It is just like any other chart you see on this site with some exceptions. Most people use candlesticks. I used to use candles but now I have good reasons for using western bars. It is a deliberate choice, not just a preference. Also, I normally don't use the opening-tick on my bars, just the closing-tick.

    Why did I single out that one bar. Okay, deep breath...The market is not about the bulls versus the bears, the longs vs. the shorts. It is about the smart money (the big interests) versus everybody else, the public, the dumb money. The smart money includes the insiders, the big institutions, politicians, the board members, their friends at the club, and all their concubines. These have intimate knowledge. If they traded amongst themselves they'd just be pushing money around the table. Enter the public and they now have a field of money to harvest. Are you paying attention?

    Okay, so here is where I may offend a few on this board, but it is the way I model the market. Fundamentals and news and ERs don't mean squat to me. Why? Because I can't know the truth. I can't have intimate knowledge. All of that garbage is for the sheep. So what moves price? Supply and Demand of the stock moves the price. If the smart money can control the supply of stock then they can control the price. They accumulate that stock in a trading range. They can't just buy it all at once like you and I. They have to slowly accumulate so as not to effect the price. That bar I singled out came after a downdraft on fairly good volume. That bar was a re-test of that downdraft. A test to see if they could squeeze out anymore shares from the public. But the hole was dry. Every dumb person that wanted to sell already sold. Now the smart money knew it was safe to take it higher. Perhaps one of them, the biggest dog probably, hired someone to publish a glowing news article, I dunno, I don't read the news, don't need to remember, news is for the sheep. Since the stock is now in short supply, the price must go higher to meet the demand. At first the lesser of the big dogs see what is going on and jump in and then the public gets wind of it, and voila we got action. The smart money is in it for the long haul, so they don't sell. They don't want the supply to increase. But some of the smarter public does sell, those who wouldn't sell at the lower prices and so eventually there is profit taking. But so long as the smart money controls most of the supply, the stock will stair step up and up until it gets to THEIR price and that's another story about distribution for later.

    Okay, so you don't believe me, that fundamentals don't matter. Then try to explain how it is that many stocks can move up and down 50% or more with essentially no change in the fundamentals. Why waste your time with all that "due diligence". It's all Bull Shmidt. Concentrate on the tape. Keep your eye on the ball not what is happening in the grand stands.

    EDIT: I peeked. There was an ER. It must have been a good report or maybe not. Maybe the outlook was good. I dunno. See, it really doesn't matter. I don't need to know. The ER does not matter. The big boyz are going to make it move in the direction they want it to go. The upward price explosion is just verification of what you can see in advance on the tape. If it is not clear, then move on to another chart that is clear.
    #16 Onepoint272, Feb 13, 2017
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2017
    Jrich likes this.
  17. Jrich

    Jrich Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2017
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    Well look who just featured WWE on his cable television show...... Dawning the heavy weight championship belt, and roping off his studio to resemble a ring

    Jim Cramer never dissapoints!.... Except, he coulda had a few Divas in for an interview.... But, I guess it is a G rated show

    Nothing I didn't already know... Event attendance growing.. Network subscriptions growing.. International interests growing... #1 and #2 in ratings on networks OUTSIDE of their own..... All good stuff..... But I think the chart says even more

    Looking at the pull back on a daily chart... volume falls off quicker than price, and then starts climbing faster than price after the bounce off the 50 DMA...... I think it's trying to say demand is still beating supply

    T0rm3nted, Onepoint272 and hipchack like this.
  18. Onepoint272

    Onepoint272 2019 Stockaholics Contest Winner

    Apr 26, 2016
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    Yep, with Cramer ringing the bell, I think it is safe to say the trading range (TR) has been accumulation and the all the big boys have loaded their boats. My 50-cent-box by 3-box-reversal point & figure with the most conservative (lowest) LPS at $17 gives an upside objective of $59, but the one thing this TR has been missing (on the weekly chart) is a Sign of Strength (SOS), a big greeny with exceptionally high volume, Cramer's call of "all aboard" could do it.

    Edit: My reasoning to say it needs to show a SOS is because if you pull this back on a monthly you would see it has weakness in the background....it came down hard from a high of $32 back in March of 2014. If a stock is just being re-accumulated in an uptrend it does not need to prove demand with an SOS; demand has already proven itself. In the mid-term that may be the case here, but I'd still like to see an SOS because of the longer-term weakness in the background.

    Thanks for digging this out of the archives JRich.

    Weekly Sticks:
    #18 Onepoint272, Apr 2, 2017
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2017
    Jrich likes this.
  19. Jrich

    Jrich Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2017
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    My pleasure!

    Honestly though, I had no clue what I was looking at when I found this one... Even a blind dog can find a bone if he sniffs around long enough...... But my eyes are getting keener every day!

    I actually sold what I had a while back just to free up some capital.... Now it's not far off my original entry point, so I'll be getting back in!..... I just hope the pre-market jerks don't run it up too high before the bell!
  20. Onepoint272

    Onepoint272 2019 Stockaholics Contest Winner

    Apr 26, 2016
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    So do you know about pivots? I occasionally use traditional pivots, where the pivot for Monday will be Friday's average of the high, low, and close. For WWE that would be (22.62 + 22.10 + 22.22) / 3 = 22.31. So ordinarily if price opens above the pivot and you are looking to get long, you should wait for a test of the pivot. There are also other levels known as pivot-supports and pivot-resistances, below & above the pivot, respectively. There are a number rules to use them to judge the market. If you want to learn more see the Forex Peace Army Education pages:


    However, since Cramer rang the bell, the demand may not allow a retest of the pivot. Some traders use the "open" the same way as I described for pivots. Using the open as a reference may be better for Monday on this.

    I am considering just placing a buy-at-market order.... to buy the open.
    #20 Onepoint272, Apr 2, 2017
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2017
    Jrich likes this.

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