A lot of you probably have watched this already, I can't believe they can treat their customers like that
Went UAL short on tomorrow's competition half as a joke. Three pages of /r/videos is related to United Airlines. I'm becoming more confident with that pick every hour...
My wife and I already greatly dislike United as it is. We had a trip to Costa Rica booked last year before my wife got pregnant, and it was so incredibly hard to get them to even give us credit to fly somewhere else. Needed a signed doctor's note about her pregnancy and how she shouldn't go to somewhere Zika was known to be, like 8 hours on the phone altogether, speaking to managers, and $400 in flight change fees. Then we had to pay for the new flights and wait like 6 weeks to be reimbursed (minus the $400 change fees). Quite ridiculous for a company of that size whose flight we cancelled like 6 months early because of the pregnancy. Can't believe the story above happened though...
There is no way United is going to come out of this looking good even though the guy being dragged out probably should have listened to orders from authority and left under protest. But of course the incident would not have gotten the viral attention without the forced removal so there is that. I would think that once a passenger clears the boarding gate with an assigned seat, get's on the plane and seated should be at a point where they cannot be forced to give up their seat. Also from what I understand, the people that were taking the seats were employees of another airline getting priority boarding because of their status. What a mess and badly mis-handled by United.
How hard would it be for them to just say "First 4 people off the plane get the next flight and can have another free flight any time in the next year"... I just don't understand.
Another airline gave someone $11,000 last week to deplane. If they're that desperate, they can pay up.
Not sure if it was what happened, but I heard that United was offering a bunch of $50 vouchers at total of $800 rather than $800 cash. If it is true then I understand why nobody took their offer
Exactly. I guarantee this extremely rich airline could easily afford to give out some free flights, and I'm sure multiple people would be thinking to themselves "Wow, another free vacation if I just leave for this one a few hours late on the next flight, sounds like a bargain!".
$11k is a LOT cheaper than $11M in legal settlements. Yet somehow, UAL was in the green for the day! Whoddathunk
They are terrible. I flew with them last Xmas, from Lisbon to NYC, and then back again. The plane was one of the dirtiest I've seen in my life, and trust me I had flown some miles, threw the years. In Lisbon, while we were stuck inside the plane due some sort of delay, waiting for take-off, the smell of piss was so stong on the last chairs, thar air hostresses were continuously spraying... The number of individual screens/monitors not working (movies, music, etc) was very high on the first flight. One week later I the good fortune of catching the same plane we had arrived. Guess what, all was the same. UA is a flag company, not a charter comp, so these are not normal situations.
Being the contrarion I am, just had to go with some calls a couple months out. Market share dropped a ridiculous amount, feel bad for the fellow and from what I've seen the right attorney will get a nice hefty settlement which he truly deserves. The CEO is already in the process to deal with public relations and the unwanted press attention, as you can bet the fire under his feet demands it gets resolved QUICKLY. In the meantime the shorts and traders have a opportunity to do their magic. In a couple months this will be in the rear view mirror.
91.33% of the float held in strong hands..... I guess the other 8.67% held by the public wasn't enough to decide the fate of the chart.... Even though you could certainly see their activity today!
Oh yeah, I don't think it'll move the needle one bit on the long term. I mean, you guys remember that WFC was at the top of the headlines for a good few months a while ago, right? hah.
Years ago, my brother-in-law used to do stats for TWA on how much to overbook a flight. They overbook them all because of cancellations. As an employee he and my sister could fly anywhere in the world on stand-by for like 10 bucks. So, whenever he and my sister wanted to go somewhere, I think he fudged the numbers a little.
One time about 7 years ago, I was the only passenger on a flight from LaGuardia to Syracuse.....I got to sit anywhere I liked....and I got the whole can of soda.
I got bumped once on a flight from Seattle to Anchorage/Fairbanks.....I could tell they overbooked and was in line before they announced. A free flight on Alaska Airlines; are you kidding me...sign me up. The wife and I went fishing a few months later.
Fishing in Alaska???... Drag me down the isle AND half way across Canada!!! I actually got to live in Alaska for a whole 3 months when I was a teenager... Only got to fish when the adults weren't too busy to take me......... Going back one day is on the bucket list!