if it hold 8.28 could do a run to ritest the hod then 8.58 see if it hold the pressure on ask at teh moment it looks like a tree shake JMO you DD
I had PACB again as well (4.52 - 4.71) but didn't like to post in case you follow me don't open many otherwise you get stuck (if you try to scalp) learn well in one then move on the other etc...
Kosta AOS scalping it tell me to sell at 8 but on the 5 min chart was good to hold further ... L2 confirmed.. at 8.07 got more then my target so sold it ... you get the meaning? edited// wrong stock... meant OAS
grrr missed CLF over VWAP 7.47 nice entry woulda..... still no more trading ... got my centss.... now relax