Gotcha. Thanks. Didnt know if you had some scanner set up that alerts you when certain perameters are met or what not.
also, watching favs that had one bad quarter (because of sandbagging) and then, buying on panic selling.
Wow. I like UCTT as well, but would be scurred to enter it right now. Shorting would be bucking the trend, but i may wait and see if i can catch a dip. Thanks for the good prospects.
yeah - it's been on a run since $23 - will probably have typical 50% retrace. - also, check out TSS (and the MACD) - fast growing company. Trying to buy: BRKS & COHU - these are gems - won't come down!
fwtiw - i have been using Finviz scanner to find stocks to play - great free source
pulled up a 3 year chart & it has that nice (kinda) U that i like to see but i agree with B Rus on this one right now.
that one's having a good day +$2 now; BDRBF was $1.57 yesterday on open; has rebounded today: $1.82 (still has long way to go imo).
out @ $10.90 - can't get over $11 & thinking about shorting but don't want to hold o/n Note for readers >> i sold so probably time to buy now
Almost jumped back in HMNY @10.60 but didn't & missed another 40 cents but broke over that $11 wall by a few cents. VERI down in the $30's now. TRUE over $15.
Okay - i never touch pennies below $.50; but this one is a total enigma: OTTV: .0022 (250,000 shares for around $550). Anyway, it's a real company with real subscribers and their new website is going up in the next few days. They must not have ten cents in cash; but, there may be something going on here. PR: - have no clue about it and it will probably go to zero; but there seems to be a kernal of a business here - just can't figure out how they're still going with no cash (but, not much debt).
@Neil Allen have seen that ticker & just pulled chart for OTTV & is OTC company that lives in the wild west which i try to avoid. Short story - was away from trading for quite a few years and came back around end of 2014 & was so ready to play & completely forgot about my early OTC training and the fact that it was an OTC stock that wiped out my account. So what did i do after i returned >>> i jumped right back into another one & it served as a very good reminder b/c took me over a year to work my way from under & i tend to stay way far away from that world b/c sec is not as strict & many tend to embellish on filings etc. Adding - not all OTC companies are bad but the majorities are not worth much & very few move to higher exchange.