Thanks but think i'm done playing today - market is not like it was last week + started late so wasn't even sure i was going to get a play today. Couldn't make up my mind between HMNY or PETS which gave back all ER gains but went with the safer one >> PETS & made a bit more there than i would have with HMNY.
"we may getting close to run-up on FB before earnings - if it's following usual pattern imo" thanks neil. was watching it as well. I agree a run up is in order.
ONCS moving up BUT Steve Cohen (hedge) 13G filing over on SEC not happy b/c he is a known short term player that has messed with a few of my other plays >> WTW - OLN - CARA which got an initial spike after he got in but didn't do that well until he was done playing so i may be selling & playing with him lol Used to keep track of Cohen's 13F filings & was wondering about IMGN so went to SEC & he can't be blamed for IMGN BUT CARA - ADAP - EXPR - SAGE are another story lol. He doesn't have much left so maybe they will all be moving back up soon. Also still has a good bit of OLN but must not be into shorting that one lately. HA just found another one & believe he was all out of WTW at one point & it started heading north real nice but he must have bought more or i missed seeing his shares - only has 16k left so no biggie.
TWTR moving big on upgrade. I got some calls this morning. And i wonder, do you all ever try to scalp up or downgrades? Does it fare well for you when/if you do? It seems usually the big move happens in the first minute or two of market open. Sometimes fills gap, sometimes keeps moving the same direction. I really havent figured out a reason or rhyme why they act different.