I don't think I have ever conducted a bitcoin poll in my group section here. Just for the fun of it, where do you all see the bitcoin going to next from here? $30,000 or $5,000 Daily chart of BTC/USD as of January 4th, 2018- VOTE & POST YOUR VOTE!
Going with a definite 30,000. Will see some dips along the way, currently hovering around 15k, I don't see 5k ever happening again..
For this to be the biggest bubble burst in recent history, it needs to rise a lot more before it is destroyed. There was every opportunity to sell off here, but its not, I will have to agree with Timbo, Im not seeing the panic or the catalyst it needs to crash at the moment.
^^ yeah this is true ... i'll say 30k first before 5k as well ... question is will we see it in 2018?
You will see 50k, quicker than you think. Some believe it's a bubble,scam,etc,blah,blah,blah. The best is yet to come, the only thing that will be destroyed is the way central banks control the value of fiat paper, at some point it will stabilize. The weaker/fluff crypts will weed itself out, I agree with that part, more and more will start accepting it for payment. My metals supplier gladly takes it, actually at a better rate than debit/credit cards,also I can drive 15 minutes to a atm that exchanges it.Honestly, I wish it would crash to 5k or below tomorrow but those days are gone.
Ok, here is an important milestone, you can't make a top unless everybody is on board! Jamie Dimon: ‘I regret’ calling bitcoin a fraud
You don't even understand what the KodakCoin is going to be used for. LOL I did mention this in another thread ..... that governments, counties, media, and corporations will adapt crypto/blockchain, which has nothing to do with Bitcoin (will inevitably become a dinosaur). I feel like it's only a matter of time until Jack Dorsey announces integration of blockchain into Twitter.
I fully understand BLOCKCHAIN and didn't say they were using bitcoin. I should have clarified.. Keep in mind, I have to give my personal critic something to flap his wings about so he can feel important and superior in the never ending quest of whatever it is your trying to prove..
Backtracking again eh? Welp - looks like you lost Microsoft: https://cointelegraph.com/news/microsoft-removes-bitcoin-as-payment-option-for-microsoft-store And some of the ETF proposal to the SEC were withdrawn: https://cointelegraph.com/news/several-bitcoin-related-etf-proposals-withdrawn-at-secs-request
Then they came back, but still, who uses bitcoin for transactions now that the fees are so high? And why use bitcoin to pay for anything if you can just hold it and become a millionaire? Microsoft restores bitcoin payments after ‘working to ensure lower amounts would be redeemable’
Just keeping Lil rooster on his toes, gotta give something to crow about. BTC refuses to die, buy the dippers are holding it up, the nickel & dimers are mostly in the other cheaper coins.
I voted $30K, although I think 2018 is going to be the rise of all the ALT coins. I believe BTC will lose a great portion of its market share as well, maybe even its position as the top crypto.