Dr. Dave Janda explains how Trump tied trade deals with North Korean deal to de-nuclearize the Korean Peninsula.
^^ long video & Dave Janda is like so many Americans that does not get the Asian culture at all imo. Not to mention, he clearly doesn't get trade war with China has more to do with "made in China 2025" than anything else, which has the USA a bit nervous & for good reason. And last but not least, that culture believes that "it is only polite to respond in kind" which they did again on Friday after Trump's latest lol. Following is worth a read >> CHINA’S STRENGTH IS IN MAKING THE WEST DOUBT THE VALUE OF DOUBT - http://www.scmp.com/week-asia/opinion/article/2148802/chinas-strength-making-west-doubt-value-doubt As far as Janda's claims in relation to Trump being a business man/negotiator, this old article is still very relevant imo >> Why Donald Trump isn’t the successful businessman he claims to be https://www.independent.co.uk/news/...us-elections-republican-politics-7173666.html MSNBC Host Can’t Stop Laughing At Trump’s North Korea Real Estate Pitch - https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entr...korea-real-estate_us_5b209cafe4b0adfb826f2b0a
You used CNN for Obama?....talk about stacking the deck....lol... Here's the real numbers: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/promises/obameter/browse/
You are right, those numbers were only up to date as of 2012. He actually kept 48% according to Politifact's API. http://www.tampabay.com/projects/2017/politifact/obameter/home/
after 8 years...also Obama used executive orders to pass a lot of his "promises": His decision to use executive power infuriated Republicans in Congress and prompted challenges in court. But it also helped him follow through on a number of things he promised voters. Trump = we'll see what happens after 8 years....
I am just providing context to your idea that CNN is inaccurate in this case, which is true. They underestimated the amount of promises Obama kept. The 'real numbers' from politifact show he kept a lot more.
lol not stacking deck at all - i used CNN because it was much easier & gave percentages for 2 year period right there on first page which i didn't see in your link which i did check before posting CNN data
Judge Andrew Napolitano rhetorically asks, how many ways are there to create wealth? 1) The inheritance model. 2) The economic model, by selling the sweat of your brow or the creation of your mind, etc. 3) The intimidation model, your money or your life Which way does the government use? It's not even a close call.