The Official Stockaholics Discord Server

Discussion in 'The Cocktail Lounge' started by Stockaholic, Sep 24, 2016.

  1. Stockaholic

    Stockaholic Content Manager

    Mar 29, 2016
    Likes Received:
    As was suggest to me by @JerryM in chat earlier this morning (thanks Jerry!)

    Here are your complete commands list for all of my bots on the Discord server:

    Chart Bot commands:
    • !$TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the finviz daily charts
    • #!TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the stockcharts daily charts
    • #$TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the stockcharts daily indices charts
    • !{TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the finviz 1min charts
    • !!TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the finviz 3min charts
    • !&TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the finviz 5min charts
    • !_TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the finviz 15min charts
    • !'TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the finviz 30min charts
    • !#TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the finviz weekly charts
    • #%TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the stockcharts weekly charts
    • #&TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the stockcharts weekly indices charts
    • !~TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the finviz monthly charts
    • !/FUTURES SYMBOL = pulls the finviz futures charts
    • ! ^ TICK = pulls the 15min tick chart from stockcharts
    • !+TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the stockcharts daily charts
    • !<TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the 2-mo daily chart from stockcharts
    • !=TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the 5min charts from stockcharts
    • !>TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the major index charts from stockcharts
    • !*TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the 20-year charts from stockcharts
    • !.TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the 2yr daily charts from stockcharts
    • !;TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the YTD weekly charts from stockcharts
    • !)TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the 5yr monthly from stockcharts
    • !:0 1 2 3 4 = pulls some market stats from finviz
    • !-TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the 6-mo daily charts from profitspi
    • !}t w m q h ytd = pulls the finviz sector performance chart
    • !]TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the PnF charts from stockcharts
    • ![12h = pulls the intraday line chart of indices
    • !%CURRENCY PAIR SYMBOL = pulls the 5min forex charts
    • !,TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the 5min index charts from stockcharts
    • !|TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the extended hours charts
    • #|TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the after-hours only charts
    • #_TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the pre-market only charts
    • !imarkets = overview of the major indices
    • !mDJIA = pulls the mini chart of the DJIA.
    • !qNASDAQ = pulls the mini chart of the NASDAQ
    • !ii = pulls the djia intraday chart
    • !mm = pulls the s&p 500 intraday chart
    • !aa = pulls the nasdaq intraday chart
    • !zFUTURES SYMBOL = pulls the 5 min finviz futures charts
    • !hFUTURES SYMBOL = pulls the hourly finviz futures charts
    • !pFUTURES SYMBOL =pulls the daily finviz futures charts
    • !yFUTURES SYMBOL = pulls the weekly finviz futures charts
    • !eFUTURES SYMBOL = pulls the monthly finviz futures charts
    • !uTICKER SYMBOL = pulls the bigcharts 1min charts
    • &qTICKER SYMBOL = pulls the bigcharts 1min blue charts
    • &eTICKER SYMBOL = pulls the bigcharts 5min charts
    • }qTICKER SYMBOL = pulls the bigcharts 15min charts
    • !jTICKER SYMBOL = pulls the bigcharts 2 day 5min charts
    • &mTICKER SYMBOL = pulls the bigcharts 2 day 15min charts
    • %oTICKER SYMBOL = pulls the bigcharts 5 day 1min charts
    • &iTICKER SYMBOL = pulls the bigcharts 5 day 15min charts
    • !kTICKER SYMBOL = pulls the bigcharts 10 day hourly charts
    • &lTICKER SYMBOL = pulls the bigcharts 1 month daily charts
    • &hTICKER SYMBOL = pulls the bigcharts 2 month daily charts
    • !gTICKER SYMBOL = pulls the bigcharts 3 month daily charts
    • %kTICKER SYMBOL = pulls the bigcharts 6 month daily charts
    • &yTICKER SYMBOL = pulls the bigcharts 6 month weekly charts
    • !oTICKER SYMBOL = pulls the bigcharts YTD daily charts
    • &jTICKER SYMBOL = pulls the bigcharts YTD weekly charts
    • &xTICKER SYMBOL = pulls the bigcharts 1 year daily charts
    • !lTICKER SYMBOL = pulls the bigcharts 1 year weekly charts
    • %lTICKER SYMBOL = pulls the bigcharts 2 year weekly charts
    • &uTICKER SYMBOL = pulls the bigcharts 3 year weekly charts
    • &oTICKER SYMBOL = pulls the bigcharts 3 year monthly charts
    • &kTICKER SYMBOL = pulls the bigcharts 4 year weekly charts
    • &zTICKER SYMBOL = pulls the bigcharts 4 year monthly charts
    • %mTICKER SYMBOL = pulls the bigcharts 5 year weekly charts
    • &aTICKER SYMBOL = pulls the bigcharts 5 year monthly charts
    • &pTICKER SYMBOL = pulls the bigcharts 10 year weekly charts
    • %aTICKER SYMBOL = pulls the bigcharts 10 year monthly charts
    • &gTICKER SYMBOL = pulls the bigcharts 15 year weekly charts
    • %iTICKER SYMBOL = pulls the bigcharts 15 year monthly charts
    • %qTICKER SYMBOL = pulls the bigcharts 15 year quarterly charts
    • %yTICKER SYMBOL = pulls the bigcharts 15 year yearly charts
    • %pBTCUSD = pulls the 5min bitcoin chart
    • %xBTCUSD = pulls the hourly bitcoin chart
    • %gBTCUSD = pulls the daily bitcoin chart
    • %hBTCUSD = pulls the weekly bitcoin chart
    • %zBTCUSD = pulls the monthly bitcoin chart
    • %pCURRENCY PAIR SYMBOL = pulls the 5min forex pairs chart
    • %xCURRENCY PAIR SYMBOL = pulls the hourly forex pairs chart
    • %gCURRENCY PAIR SYMBOL = pulls the daily forex pairs chart
    • %hCURRENCY PAIR SYMBOL = pulls the weekly forex pairs chart
    • %zCURRENCY PAIR SYMBOL = pulls the monthly forex pairs chart
    • #+TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the company logo from earnings whispers
    • #;TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the company logo from iextrading
    • #-TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the earnings whispers mini chart
    BRK.A & BRK.B and others similar chart commands:
    • _aBRK = pulls daily BRK.A finiviz chart
    • _!BRK = pulls daily BRK.B finiviz chart
    • __BRK = pulls 5min. BRK.A finiviz chart
    • _*BRK = pulls 5min. BRK.B finiviz chart
    • _&BRK = pulls weekly BRK.A finiviz chart
    • _%BRK = pulls weekly BRK.B finiviz chart
    • _>BRK = pulls monthly BRK.A finiviz chart
    • _<BRK = pulls monthly BRK.B finiviz chart
    • _~BRK = pulls 5min. BRK.A stockcharts chart
    • _+BRK = pulls 5min. BRK.B stockcharts chart
    • _=BRK = pulls daily BRK.A stockcharts chart
    • _;BRK = pulls daily BRK.B stockcharts chart
    • _.BRK = pulls weekly BRK.A stockcharts chart
    • _,BRK = pulls weekly BRK.B stockcharts chart
    • _{BRK = pulls 5yr weekly BRK.A stockcharts chart
    • _}BRK = pulls 5yr weekly BRK.B stockcharts chart
    Mainframe commands:
    • #^ TICKER SYMBOL = pulls 5min charts from stockcharts
    • #<TICKER SYMBOL = pulls 5min indices charts from stockcharts
    • #{TICKER SYMBOL = pulls 5yr weekly charts from stockcharts
    • #}TICKER SYMBOL = pulls 5yr weekly indices charts from stockcharts
    • #~TICKER SYMBOL = pulls 10yr weekly charts from stockcharts
    • #=TICKER SYMBOL = pulls 10yr weekly indices charts from stockcharts
    • ]!TICKER SYMBOL = pulls 15yr weekly charts from stockcharts
    • ]$TICKER SYMBOL = pulls 15yr weekly indices charts from stockcharts
    • }!TICKER SYMBOL = pulls 20yr weekly charts from stockcharts
    • }$TICKER SYMBOL = pulls 20yr weekly indices charts from stockcharts
    • {!TICKER SYMBOL = pulls max weekly charts from stockcharts
    • {$TICKER SYMBOL = pulls max weekly indices charts from stockcharts
    • #[TICKER SYMBOL = pulls 10yr monthly charts from stockcharts (no log scale)
    • #]TICKER SYMBOL = pulls 10yr monthly indices charts from stockcharts (no log scale)
    Additional Stockcharts commands:
    • =!TICKER SYMBOL = pulls dark gray daily charts from stockcharts
    • =$TICKER SYMBOL = pulls dark gray daily indices charts from stockcharts
    • =#TICKER SYMBOL = pulls dark gray weekly charts from stockcharts
    • =%TICKER SYMBOL = pulls dark gray weekly indices charts from stockcharts
    • ;!TICKER SYMBOL = pulls dark blue daily charts from stockcharts
    • ;$TICKER SYMBOL = pulls dark blue daily indices charts from stockcharts
    • ;#TICKER SYMBOL = pulls dark blue weekly charts from stockcharts
    • ;%TICKER SYMBOL = pulls dark blue weekly indices charts from stockcharts
    • ~!TICKER SYMBOL = pulls sunset daily charts from stockcharts
    • <!TICKER SYMBOL = pulls sunset daily charts w/ 10/30/200ema from stockcharts
    • ~$TICKER SYMBOL = pulls sunset daily indices charts from stockcharts
    • <%TICKER SYMBOL = pulls sunset daily indices charts w/ 10/30/200ema from stockcharts
    • ~#TICKER SYMBOL = pulls sunset weekly charts from stockcharts
    • <#TICKER SYMBOL = pulls sunset weekly charts w/ 10/30/200ema from stockcharts
    • ~%TICKER SYMBOL = pulls sunset weekly indices charts from stockcharts
    • <&TICKER SYMBOL = pulls sunset weekly indices charts w/ 10/30/200ema from stockcharts
    • ~{TICKER SYMBOL = pulls murphy daily charts from stockcharts
    • ~}TICKER SYMBOL = pulls murphy daily indices charts from stockcharts
    • ~[TICKER SYMBOL = pulls murphy weekly charts from stockcharts
    • ~]TICKER SYMBOL = pulls murphy weekly indices charts from stockcharts
    • ~|TICKER SYMBOL = pulls mohave daily charts from stockcharts
    • ~<TICKER SYMBOL = pulls mohave weekly charts from stockcharts
    • ~>TICKER SYMBOL = pulls graphite daily charts from stockcharts
    • #>TICKER SYMBOL = pulls psar daily charts from stockcharts
    • ~~TICKER SYMBOL = pulls psar weekly charts from stockcharts
    • >!TICKER SYMBOL = pulls psar daily charts w/ 50/200ema from stockcharts
    • >%TICKER SYMBOL = pulls psar daily indices charts w/ 50/200ema from stockcharts
    • >&TICKER SYMBOL = pulls psar weekly indices charts w/ 50/200ema from stockcharts
    • ;;TICKER SYMBOL = pulls ichimoku cloud daily charts from stockcharts
    • ;|TICKER SYMBOL = pulls volume by price daily charts from stockcharts
    • ;<TICKER SYMBOL = pulls pivots daily charts from stockcharts
    • ;>TICKER SYMBOL = pulls fullsto daily charts from stockcharts
    • ;&TICKER SYMBOL = pulls keltner channels daily charts from stockcharts
    • ;{TICKER SYMBOL = pulls price channels daily charts from stockcharts
    • }#TICKER SYMBOL = pulls elder system daily charts from stockcharts
    • }%TICKER SYMBOL = pulls area daily charts from stockcharts
    • }&TICKER SYMBOL = pulls heinkin ashi daily charts from stockcharts
    • }*TICKER SYMBOL = pulls ohlc daily charts from stockcharts
    • }~TICKER SYMBOL = pulls renko daily charts from stockcharts
    • }(TICKER SYMBOL = pulls bollinger band daily charts from stockcharts
    • })TICKER SYMBOL = pulls aroon indicator daily charts from stockcharts
    • }-TICKER SYMBOL = pulls adx daily charts from stockcharts
    • }_TICKER SYMBOL = pulls atr daily charts from stockcharts
    • }+TICKER SYMBOL = pulls cci daily charts from stockcharts
    • }=TICKER SYMBOL = pulls cmi daily charts from stockcharts
    • }{TICKER SYMBOL = pulls cmf daily charts from stockcharts
    • }[TICKER SYMBOL = pulls ichimoku daily charts from stockcharts
    • }}TICKER SYMBOL = pulls mfi daily charts from stockcharts
    • }]TICKER SYMBOL = pulls obv daily charts from stockcharts
    • }|TICKER SYMBOL = pulls ppo daily charts from stockcharts
    • };TICKER SYMBOL = pulls pvo daily charts from stockcharts
    • }:TICKER SYMBOL = pulls rrg daily charts from stockcharts
    • {&TICKER SYMBOL = pulls nyseupdown daily charts from stockcharts
    • }<TICKER SYMBOL = pulls slowsto daily charts from stockcharts
    • }>TICKER SYMBOL = pulls faststo daily charts from stockcharts
    • },TICKER SYMBOL = pulls tsi daily charts from stockcharts
    • }.TICKER SYMBOL = pulls ultimate oscillator daily charts from stockcharts
    • {#TICKER SYMBOL = pulls vortex daily charts from stockcharts
    • {%TICKER SYMBOL = pulls williams daily charts from stockcharts
    • {{home = pulls major indices overview from stockcharts
    International Charts:
    • ##HSI = pulls intraday hang seng 5min charts
    • #*SHCOMP = pulls intraday shanghai comp 5min charts
    • %%SSEC = pulls intraday shanghai comp chart
    • %%HSI = pulls intraday hang seng chart
    • %%n225 = pulls intraday nikkei 225 chart
    • {*TICKER SYMBOL = pulls 5min TSE stock chart
    • {=TICKER SYMBOL = pulls daily TSE stock chart
    • {.TICKER SYMBOL = pulls weekly TSE stock chart
    StockScores Charts:
    • #!!TICKER SYMBOL= pulls the daily 1min stock chart from stockscores
    • #!$TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the daily 1min indices chart from stockscores
    • #!*TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the daily 5min stock chart from stockscores
    • #!&TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the daily 5min indices chart from stockscores
    • #!#TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the 2-day 15min stock chart from stockscores
    • #!%TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the 2-day 15min indices chart from stockscores
    • #!=TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the 5-day 15min stock chart from stockscores
    • #!+TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the 5-day 15min indices chart from stockscores
    • #!-TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the 10-day 15min stock chart from stockscores
    • #![TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the 10-day 15min indices chart from stockscores
    • #!]TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the 15-day 30min stock chart from stockscores
    • #!<TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the 15-day 30min indices chart from stockscores
    • #!>TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the 1-month 60min stock chart from stockscores
    • #!{TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the 1-month 60min indices chart from stockscores
    • #!}TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the 3-month daily stock chart from stockscores
    • #!^TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the 3-month daily indices chart from stockscores
    • !!!TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the 6-month daily stock chart from stockscores
    • !!$TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the 6-month daily indices chart from stockscores
    • !!#TICKERSYMBOL = pulls the 1-year daily stock chart from stockscores
    • !!&TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the 1-year weekly stock chart from stockscores
    • !!%TICKERSYMBOL = pulls the 2-year weekly stock chart from stockscores
    • !!=TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the 3-year weekly stock chart from stockscores
    • !!-TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the 5-year monthly stock chart from stockscores
    • !!+TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the max monthly stock chart from stockscores
    • !#!TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the 1-year daily indices chart from stockscores
    • !#$TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the 2-year weekly indices chart from stockscores
    • !##TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the 3-year weekly indices chart from stockscores
    • !#&TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the 5-year monthly indices chart from stockscores
    • !#%TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the max monthly indices chart from stockscores
    Text commands:
    • $TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the latest stock info
    • !price TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the latest stock quote
    • !quote TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the latest detailed stock quote
    • !crypto BTC = pulls the latest bitcoin quote
    • !exthours TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the latest extended hours stock quote
    • !bio TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the description of the stock
    • !nexter TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the company next earnings report date
    • !erresults TICKER SYMBOL = pulls the most recent company earnings results
    • !define2 FINANCIALTERM = pulls the financial term from investopedia
    • !wiki WIKITERM = pulls the wiki term from wikipedia
    • !urban WORD = pulls the urban dictionary definition
    • !earnings = pulls the week's most anticipated earnings calendar
    • !ervol = pulls the week's highest volatility earnings calendar
    • !ermonthly - pulls the month's most anticipated earnings calendar
    • !ertoday = pulls today's company earnings
    • !eramresults = pulls before market open earnings results
    • !erpmresults = pulls after market close earnings results
    • !epsam = pulls before market open earnings releases
    • !epspm = pulls after market close earnings releases
    • !eramc = pulls the after market close earnings whispers calendar
    • !erbmo = pulls tomorrow's before market open earnings whispers calendar
    • !eroutsized = pulls the bigger than usual earnings moves for the day
    • !analyst = pulls the day's analyst stock upgrades and downgrades
    • !insider = pulls the day's insider tracking filings
    • !divical = pulls the day's dividend calendar
    • !"DATETIME (ex. 07180956) = pulls the current S&P heatmap
    • !ecalday = pulls the economic calendar for the current day
    • !ecalevents = pulls the economic calendar for the next day
    • !econcal = pulls the economic calendar for the week
    • !ipolist = pulls the upcoming IPOs
    • !holiday = pulls the 2018 market holiday dates
    • !8ball = ask 8ball a question
    • )meme meme "top text" "bottom text" = meme image creator
    Here are the list of currently available meme's you can use-


    Here is an example of how to run this in the chat:

    )meme brace "brace yourself" "the meme's are coming!"
    It would generate this image and post it into the discord channel-


    Newest bot commands as of 1/3/2019:
    • !!*tickersymbol = compares any ticker against the spy (1yr daily chart)
    • !!{tickersymbol = compares any ticker against the spy (3yr daily chart)
    • !!<tickersymbol = compares any ticker against the spy (5yr daily chart)
    • !!>tickersymbol = compares any ticker against the spy (10yr daily chart)
    • !!]tickersymbol = compares any ticker against the spy (20yr daily chart)
    • !!/tickersymbol = compares any $indices ticker against the spy (1yr daily chart)
    • !!^tickersymbol = compares any $indices ticker against the spy (3yr weekly chart)
    • !!;spy = compares spy against all major u.s. indices (1yr daily chart)
    • !!"xlb = compares xlb against all major u.s. sectors (1yr daily chart)
    • !!,spy = compares against all major u.s. indices (20yr daily chart)
    • !!|xlb = compares xlb against all major u.s. sectors (20yr daily chart)
    • *stock tickersymbol = pulls some stock data from iextrading
    • *quote tickersymbol = pulls addtional stock data from iextrading
    • *bio tickersymbol = pulls full bio of a company
    • *stats tickersymbol = pulls full stock data from iextrading
    • *exthours tickersymbol = pulls extended hours data from iextrading
    • *news tickersymbol = pulls some company news from iextradaing
    • *erdata tickersymbol = pulls a company's last 3 quarters earnings data
    • *dividend tickersymbol = pulls some company dividend info from iextrading
    • *news2 market = pulls some market news from iextrading
    • *c tickersymbol 1y = pulls daily candles chart.
    • *cw tickersymbol 1y = pulls weekly candles chart.
    • *cm tickersymbol 1y = pulls monthly candles chart.
    • *cq tickersymbol 1y = pulls quarterly candles chart.
    • *cy tickersymbol 1y = pulls yearly candles chart.
    • (change 1y to 1m = 1 month, 6m = 6 month, 5y = 5 year, 1dec = 1 decade.)
    • *avatar = pulls your own discord avatar in full size
    • *userinfo = pulls your own discord account info
    New bot commands as of 1/4/2019:
    • *topgainers sp500 = pulls top 9 stocks for the day
    • *toplosers sp500 = pulls top 9 worst stocks for the day
    • *financials tickersymbol = pulls a company's financials from the most recent quarter.
    • *previous tickersymbol = pulls a stock previous day's data
    New bot commands as of 1/8/2019:
    • *divi tickersymbol = pulls stock dividend data from iextrading
    • *largesttrades tickersymbol = pulls largest trades data from iextrading
    • *peers tickersymbol = pulls stock peers from iextrading
    • *shortinterest tickersymbol = pulls short interest data from iextrading
    • *splits tickersymbol = pulls stock splits data from iextrading
    • *erbmotoday market = pulls before market open earnings data for the day
    • *eramctoday market = pulls after market close earnings data for the day
    • *iexpercent market = pulls iextrading top percentage movers for the day
    • *iexvolume market = pulls iextrading top volume movers for the day
    • *mostactive market = pulls the most active stocks for the day
    • *infocus market = pulls iextrading in focus movers for the day
    • *ipostoday market = pulls today's ipo's from iextrading
    • *ipos market = pulls the upcoming ipo's from iextrading
    • *sectorperf market = pulls sector performance from iextrading
    • *topgainers2 market = pulls the top 3 stock gainers from iextrading
    • *toplosers2 market = pulls the top 3 stock losers from iextrading
    • !btfd = pulls tony dwyer cnbc pic #1
    • !buytfdip = pulls tony dwyer cnbc pic #2
    • !buythedip = pulls tony dwyer cnbc pic #3
    ***You can also find the complete commands list on the #bot_commands channel in the server...or by sending !help into the chat to get the bot to DM you the commands.***
    #1 Stockaholic, Sep 24, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2019
    T0rm3nted likes this.
  2. Stockaholic

    Stockaholic Content Manager

    Mar 29, 2016
    Likes Received:
    There seems to be just a bit of confusion with 2 of the commands from ChartBot in the chat...

    They are-
    • }t w m q h ytd = finviz sector performance
    • {00(month)00(day)00(year)0000(time) = current finviz market heatmap

    First up: }t w m q h ytd = finviz sector performance

    In order for Chartbot to pull up the finviz sector performances in chat here's what you need to do...

    Type in the command } then type in one of the 5 options "t, w, m, q, h, ytd"

    }t = today
    }w = week
    }m = month
    }q = quarter
    }h = half
    }ytd = year-to-date

    So for example if you want to pull up TODAY'S sectors performance you would simply type the following command into chat:


    for month


    That's it! Easy enough right? :D


    Now as for this command {00(month)00(day)00(year)0000(time) = current finviz market heatmap

    This one is a much more tedious and confusing command to nail down than the first one... Finviz has really made this one difficult for us to use, but it is still full functioning and usable if you know exactly how to input the command the proper way...

    In order to pull up the most recent up-to-date finviz market heat map for the day, here is what you need to do...

    Type in the command { then type in the date & time in this format 0927161316

    09 = the month
    27 = the day
    16 = the year
    1316 = the time 1:16pm est.

    So you would simply need to type into chat:


    That will pull up the market map from 9/27 @ 1:16pm est.

    Hopefully that was easy to understand, but if you guys have any questions about this please fire away in chat and I'll see if I can refine this post to make it more understandable! :)
    #2 Stockaholic, Sep 27, 2016
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2016
  3. StockJock-e

    StockJock-e Brew Master
    Staff Member

    Apr 3, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Holy shit! You really went to town on that bot! :D

    T0rm3nted and Stockaholic like this.
  4. Stockaholic

    Stockaholic Content Manager

    Mar 29, 2016
    Likes Received:
    the first post has been updated! i know its a bit of a doozy with all of the different commands in there lol, but i think we're good on the new bot commands for now...

    i've also updated Andrew's Chartbot_2 commands as he had added some cool new one's as well (thx Andrew!)

    if you guys should have any questions about any of the bot command let me know, but i think most are pretty straight forward
  5. Stockaholic

    Stockaholic Content Manager

    Mar 29, 2016
    Likes Received:
    okay so just a couple of small changes to chartbot today due to a conflict with the * as this was posting up a blank chart in those instances when people wanted to use * to show a typo'd word ... thus *symbol is no longer a valid chartbot command

    here are the changes-
    /symbol = -symbol = profitspi charts
    *symbol = /symbol = 3min intraday finiviz charts
    -0 1 2 3 4 = :0 1 2 3 4 = some market stats from finviz

    i've updated the first post to show these changes
    #5 Stockaholic, Oct 1, 2016
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2016
  6. Stockaholic

    Stockaholic Content Manager

    Mar 29, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Here is the updated commands list for @ChartBot2 (all courtesy of Andrew on the Discord channel! Thanks!)-

    I'll update the first post to include all of these as well. :)


    • !chart_i5m - Gives intraday 5m chart for a stock
    • !chart_eurusd - 5m EUR/USD Forex Chart
    • !chart_m - Gives monthly chart for a stock
    • !chart_gold - Gold Futures
    • !chart_i15m - Gives intraday 15m chart for a stock
    • !chartotc_w - Weekly OTC Chart
    • !chart_nasfut - 5m Futures for NASDAQ
    • !chart_oil - Crude Oil WTI 5m Futures Graph
    • !chart_usdcad - 5m USD/CAD Forex Chart
    • !chart_w - Gives weekly chart for a stock
    • !chart_rusfut - 5m Futures for Russel
    • !chart_usdjpy - 5m USD/JPY Forex Chart
    • !chart_djfut - 5m Futures for DJIA
    • !chart_nkdfut - 5m Futures for Nikkei 225
    • !chart_gbpusd - 5m GBP/USD Forex Chart
    • !chart_d - Gives daily chart for a stock
    • !heatmapw - Weekly heatmap
    • !chart_i3m - Gives intraday 3m chart for a stock
    • !heatmap - 1 Day heatmap
    • !chart_spfut - 5m Futures for S&P 500
    • !chartotc_d - Daily OTC Chart


    • !upgrades - Returns the top 10 stocks with recent upgrades according to Fi...
    • !overbought - Returns the top Most Overbought Stocks from Finviz
    • !earnings - Returns 25 Stocks with Earnings Tomorrow - over 1 mil vol and ...
    • !volatile - Returns the top 10 Most Volatile Stocks from Finviz
    • !oversold - Returns the top 10 Most Oversold Stocks from Finviz
    • !downgrades - Returns new downgrades per finviz
    • !newhighs - Returns the top stocks making New 52 Week Highs from Finviz
    • !gainers - Returns the top gainers from Finviz
    • !newlows - Returns the top stocks making New 52 Week Lows from Finviz
    • !unusualvol - Returns the top 10 stocks with Unusual Volume from Finviz


    • !version - Shows Bot's current version
    • !uptime - Shows Bot's uptime


    • !rss - RSS feed stuff


    • !d - Defines a word from glossary
    • !findticker - Searches for a ticker based on name


    • !exthrs - Gives Extended Hours Quote for a stock
    • !cl - Oil Futures - Price - No Chart
    • !bio - Get Bio of a stock from Google
    • !charteps - under construction
    • !nas - NAS Futures - Price - No Chart
    • !stock - Gives information about a stock
    • !markets - Market levels
    • !ah - Gives After Hours Volume and High and Low for stock - slightly...
    • !zmf - Get Z M and F Score for a stock
    • !nexter - Gives next ER for a stock AMC=After Market Close BMO - Before ...
    • !pm - Gives Pre Market Volume and High and Low for stock - slightly ...
    • !es - Spy Futures - Price - No Chart
    • !ak - Andrew Special Look Up
    • !otc -


    • !insider - Insider transaction summary for last 3 and 12 month period
    • !calendar - Returns the days economic calendar events
    • !oi - See OI and call/put ratio for given stock
    • !pipeline - Up to 10 drugs in Pipeline for a stock
    • !fda - 10 Upcoming FDA filings
    • !erdata - Returns the last 2 years of moves for Earnings Data
    • !ta - Returns the support and resistance levels on a stock
    • !tostock - Returns the top 20 Stock Option Volume
    • !flow - Returns optionflow for a stock
    • !toetf - Returns the top 20 ETF Option Volume
    • !sec - Returns the latest sec filings for a company
    • !news - Returns the latest news from google finance on a stock
    • !sma - Returns the 20,50,200 day SMA of a stock
    • !uoa - Top 20 Unusual Stock Option Activity

    No Category:

    • !help - Shows this message.

    Type !help command for more info on a command.
    You can also type !help category for more info on a category.
  7. Stockaholic

    Stockaholic Content Manager

    Mar 29, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Hey everyone! It's been a super long while since I've last updated this thread. I haven't run my bot in a very long time, until just recently we when had lost Andrew's ChartBot2. So, I've brought my bot back online again...and with much better code this time around as well! No more nagging bot crashes like before, and a bit cleaner commands list to boot!

    Here are the current commands list for Chart Bot that runs in the Stockaholics Discord Channel-
    (You'll notice the commands are still the same as the last time, however now it is required to first type in ! before you type out the command. Read below this commands list for the reason why this was changed.)
    • !$symbol = finviz daily charts
    • !{symbol = finviz 1min charts
    • !!symbol = finviz 3min charts
    • !&symbol = finviz 5min charts
    • !_symbol = finviz 15min charts
    • !'symbol = finviz 30min charts
    • !#symbol = finviz weekly charts
    • !~symbol = finviz monthly charts
    • !/futuressymbol = finviz futures charts
    • !^tick = 15min tick chart from stockcharts
    • !+symbol = stockcharts daily charts
    • !<symbol = 2-mo daily chart from stockcharts
    • !=symbol = 5min charts from stockcharts
    • !>symbol = major index charts from stockcharts
    • !*symbol = 20-year charts from stockcharts
    • !.symbol = YTD daily charts from stockcharts
    • !;symbol = YTD weekly charts from stockcharts
    • !)symbol = 5yr monthly from stockcharts
    • !:0 1 2 3 4 = some market stats from finviz
    • !-symbol = 6-mo daily charts from profitspi
    • !}t w m q h ytd = finviz sector performance
    • !]symbol = p&f charts from stockcharts
    • ![12h = intraday line chart of indices
    • !%currencypairsymbol = 5min forex charts
    • !,symbol = 5min index charts from stockcharts
    • !|symbol = extended hours charts
    • !imarkets = overview of the major indices
    • !mDJIA = mini chart of the DJIA.
    • !qNASDAQ = mini chart of the NASDAQ
    The commands were changed because the bot was constantly getting triggered on those special characters.

    So for example, whenever someone was posting:


    It would post a chart.

    Never a good idea to have those special characters to start off a command! :p

    So, now you just need to first type ! and then the command.


    !$AAPL will pull up the daily chart of AAPL.

    !!AAPL would pull up the intraday chart for AAPL.

    and so on and so on...

    In addition to those command changes, I have also recently added a few new commands to the bot.
    • !imarkets = overview of the major indices
    • !mDJIA = mini chart of the DJIA.
    • !qNASDAQ = mini chart of the NASDAQ.
    ...and finally a meme generator! :p

    • )meme meme "top text" "bottom text" = meme image creator
    Here are the list of currently available meme's you can use-


    Here is an example of how to run this in the chat:

    )meme brace "brace yourself" "the meme's are coming!"
    It would generate this image and post it into the discord channel-


    I've updated my first post in this thread with all of these changes in case anyone needed to find these.

    If there are any issues with any of these, don't hesitate to let me know. Thanks!
  8. Stockaholic

    Stockaholic Content Manager

    Mar 29, 2016
    Likes Received:
    added a bunch of new chart commands that pull up various stock & futures charts on different time frames.
    • !ii = pulls the djia intraday chart
    • !mm = pulls the s&p 500 intraday chart
    • !aa = pulls the nasdaq intraday chart
    • !zfutures symbol = pulls the 5 min finviz futures charts
    • !hfutures symbol = pulls the hourly finviz futures charts
    • !pfutures symbol =pulls the daily finviz futures charts
    • !yfutures symbol = pulls the weekly finviz futures charts
    • !efutures symbol = pulls the monthly finviz futures charts
    • !usymbol = pulls the bigcharts 1min charts
    • !osymbol = pulls the bigcharts YTD daily charts
    • !gsymbol = pulls the bigcharts 3 month daily charts
    • !jsymbol = pulls the bigcharts 2 day 5min charts
    • !ksymbol = pulls the bigcharts 10 day hourly charts
    • !lsymbol = pulls the bigcharts 1 year weekly charts
    first post has been updated to include these new commands.

    any other time frames we needed added in there? let me know! thx.
  9. fireopal

    fireopal Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2016
    Likes Received:
    unreal - didn't even know there was stockaholics' chat room :oops: will have check this out so thanks for popping this thread up. :)
    Stockaholic likes this.
  10. Stockaholic

    Stockaholic Content Manager

    Mar 29, 2016
    Likes Received:
    well the room is also shared by our reddit communities r/stockmarket and r/investing as well not just stockaholics :p

    will be awesome to see you in there :D

    i just went ahead and added commands for those bitcoin/forex charts on the different time frames.

    here are those commands:
    • %pBTCUSD = pulls the 5min bitcoin chart
    • %xBTCUSD = pulls the hourly bitcoin chart
    • %gBTCUSD = pulls the daily bitcoin chart
    • %hBTCUSD = pulls the weekly bitcoin chart
    • %zBTCUSD = pulls the monthly bitcoin chart
    • %pforexpairsymbol = pulls the 5min forex pairs chart
    • %xforexpairsymbol = pulls the hourly forex pairs chart
    • %gforexpairsymbol = pulls the daily forex pairs chart
    • %hforexpairsymbol = pulls the weekly forex pairs chart
    • %zforexpairsymbol = pulls the monthly forex pairs chart
    i updated the first post to include all of this.
  11. Stockaholic

    Stockaholic Content Manager

    Mar 29, 2016
    Likes Received:
    couple more added to the first post:
    • &asymbol = pulls the bigcharts 5 year monthly charts
    • %asymbol = pulls the bigcharts 10 year monthly charts
    • %lsymbol = pulls the bigcharts 2 year weekly charts
    • %msymbol = pulls the bigcharts 5 year weekly charts
    • %qsymbol = pulls the bigcharts 15 year quarterly charts
    • %ysymbol = pulls the bigcharts 15 year yearly charts
    • %isymbol = pulls the bigcharts 15 year monthly charts
    • %osymbol = pulls the bigcharts 5 day 1min charts
    • %ksymbol = pulls the bigcharts 6 month daily charts
    • &qsymbol = pulls the bigcharts 1min blue charts
    do we have most of the important time frames covered?
  12. Stockaholic

    Stockaholic Content Manager

    Mar 29, 2016
    Likes Received:
    ok, this will probably be my final update in here for a while (unless i can figure out a way to add the market heatmap and earnings release dates into my bot).

    i went ahead and added all of the other remaining time frames from bigcharts into the bot.

    i also sorted my commands list by highest time frame to lowest time frame. hopefully this makes things a bit more easier looking up the commands.

    let me know how that 1st post is looking now. think we should be covered pretty good now on all of the chart time frames. :p
  13. Stockaholic

    Stockaholic Content Manager

    Mar 29, 2016
    Likes Received:
    OK, so I'm not really sure if anyone still checks up on this thread to find all of my bot commands for our Discord server. Of course since the creation of this thread back in 2016, it is now possible to find the full commands list by simply sending !help into the chat to get the bot to DM (direct message) you the full list. And, the #bot_commands channel which has the full list right in the server as well.

    FWIW, I have been quietly updating the first post of this thread for a couple of months now (I say "quietly", because I haven't been bumping this thread to the top whenever I've added something new). I am pretty amazed at what has evolved since my first days of running the bot! After years of hard work, I am happy to say that it is almost complete!

    Anyway, I thought to share this new batch of commands that I added just this past week. The reason I am sharing this one is because I am pretty doggone proud of finally being able to figure out how to pull requests from a JSON file in JavaScript and have it spit out data into Discord. I found a really cool API (iextrading) which does not require any authentication and is completely free. :)

    Here are the newest commands that were added, and what they do on the Discord server.

    (I always thought we needed to have a "topgainers" and "toplosers" command to pull up the top 9 up and down s&p 500 stocks on the day.)

    I'm now working on getting an upcoming IPO's/earnings, and an IPO's/earnings for the day command in the bot as well. :D

    I've updated my first post here to include all of this in there.

  14. Stockaholic

    Stockaholic Content Manager

    Mar 29, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Added one more batch of commands in my bots this morning...

    New bot commands as of 1/8/2019:
    • *divi tickersymbol = pulls stock dividend data from iextrading
    • *largesttrades tickersymbol = pulls largest trades data from iextrading
    • *peers tickersymbol = pulls stock peers from iextrading
    • *shortinterest tickersymbol = pulls short interest data from iextrading
    • *splits tickersymbol = pulls stock splits data from iextrading
    • *erbmotoday market = pulls before market open earnings data for the day
    • *eramctoday market = pulls after market close earnings data for the day
    • *iexpercent market = pulls iextrading top percentage movers for the day
    • *iexvolume market = pulls iextrading top volume movers for the day
    • *mostactive market = pulls the most active stocks for the day
    • *infocus market = pulls iextrading in focus movers for the day
    • *ipostoday market = pulls today's ipo's from iextrading
    • *ipos market = pulls the upcoming ipo's from iextrading
    • *sectorperf market = pulls sector performance from iextrading
    • *topgainers2 market = pulls the top 3 stock gainers from iextrading
    • *toplosers2 market = pulls the top 3 stock losers from iextrading
    • !btfd = pulls tony dwyer cnbc pic #1
    • !buytfdip = pulls tony dwyer cnbc pic #2
    • !buythedip = pulls tony dwyer cnbc pic #3
  15. Stockaholic

    Stockaholic Content Manager

    Mar 29, 2016
    Likes Received:
    ok so i wasn't sure where to post this and i didn't feel like setting up a brand new thread just for this, so i'll just put it in here.

    i stumbled across a bot this morning that can literally embed our discord live chat into the forums here.

    i always thought it would be cool if we could see the actual chat log without logging into discord.

    it wasn't possible before, but now it is. (check my screenshot below here)

    wish i had discovered this sooner. :p

    the nice thing about this is that you can actually send messages into the live chat right from this embed on the forums.

    of course you'll need to have a discord login (it's free).

    let me know what you guys think!

    this screenshot is from the home page here on stockaholics.

  16. Stock boy

    Stock boy New Member

    Jul 19, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Good Job bro ! do you have a link to add this bot to discord server ? Thanks ✌
  17. Stockaholic

    Stockaholic Content Manager

    Mar 29, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Just cross-posting this from this week's main thread over to this thread here since it seemed like nobody really gave 2 shits about it when I originally posted it on the main weekly market thread earlier in the week lol.

    I just wanted to make sure this gets seen by the community here since admittedly this took me a good few months to actually create to where it is today.


    Just dropping in here for a quick bit. Rarely have I had any time to log in here at any point during the week the past few months, but as we are approaching the holidays, my stress and workload levels have FINALLY started to ease a bit. :banana:

    It has admittedly been quite a while, and if I'm being wholeheartedly honest here, I have been very much out of the loop as far as the market action has gone of late, really ever since the late summer.

    However, my overall workload should be decreasing a lot more in the new year, which means I could potentially return back to somewhat of a normal life again here on the forums lol.

    That being said, I haven't been entirely MIA from the forums, I've been mostly working in the "background" here nowadays. Just haven't really been all that interested to discuss the market action of late though, but that will likely change in 2021.

    BTW, I'm not too sure how many of you ever frequent the Discord Live Chat? I know @T0rm3nted logs in there from time to time.

    Admittedly, I have been largely spending most of my free time programming discord bots for the chat server the past few weeks. :p

    In fact, I literally just completed a massive undertaking the past week, which I thought was going to be impossible, but am super impressed with myself at how well it came out! So much so, that I wanted to share it with you guys here as well.

    If any of you ever have some free time on your hands, come check out the live chat.

    Here is the official invite link:

    You guys may have already known this, but in case you didn't, that chat is connected through our Reddit community, but is also shared with our Stockaholics community.

    Here is just a quick screenshot to give you guys a brief visual.

    I've codeded quite a ton of discord bots for the chat over the years, but this most recent one was maybe my largest project that I had ever taken on and completed successfully. On the right sidebar of the screenshot below is where I did my work. I created bots in the chat that auto updates market data on 5 minute intervals with real-time data from my broker's API. :D

    Would be really cool to have you guys log in there and check it out one of these days. Just saying. :p

    My login name is the same as on all of my stock communities.


    Anyway, so yeah that's that. Sorry to have spammed the weekly thread with this. :lauging:

    Just wanted to share that with you guys cause I really worked crazy hard to make that all work in there.

    Hope you all have been doing well!
  18. Stockaholic

    Stockaholic Content Manager

    Mar 29, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Oh, and one more thing that I made just this week as well! I wrote up a bot for the Discord chat server where I can literally live stream Bloomberg TV right into the chat! This one I'm personally really impressed with. I may be biased, but I think it came out amazing. :D

  19. stock1234

    stock1234 2017 Stockaholics Contest Winner

    Apr 3, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Really nice looking Cy. By just looking at it, I know you worked really hard on it. :)
    Stockaholic likes this.
  20. Stockaholic

    Stockaholic Content Manager

    Mar 29, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Thank You @stock1234! That really means a lot to me coming from you. :D

    Sorry for getting back to you so late here!

    BTW, I have some really great news for you guys who used to participate on the market direction and stock picking contests here on the boards over the years.

    So, as I had mentioned in my OP above, I should be returning back to some normalcy again as far as my activity goes online here for the foreseeable future.

    Anyway, I have decided that, upon popular demand from our Discord chat server, and from our r/StockMarket Reddit community, that I will be bringing back the market direction polls and stock picking contests in the new year! :p

    However, just one thing about that, and I sure hope this does not discourage anyone here. But unfortunately, I likely will not be doing it through the forums here, due to my very limited time nowadays.

    Admittedly, running those competitions here the past few years really took its toll on me in a huge way. So much so, that I just had to completely throw in the towel on the competition this past summer.

    It was just getting to be too much of a burden on me, and the workload and time consumption on those was getting to be insanely ridiculous if I'm being wholeheartedly honest with y'all's.

    Thus, I am happy to announce today that I've managed to find a happy medium, that will work out way better for me, and will be much less time consuming and less effort involved to run and maintain this seamlessly throughout the entire year.

    I don't mean to drive any of you away from the forums here! It's just that running the competitions via bots on Discord is going to be sooooooooo much more easier and a heck of a lot less time consuming for me than when I was running them here on the forums the past several years. That's all!

    So, if any of you guys are still interested to participate in these again. I am planning to start that back up again over on our Discord server community.

    Here is the official invite link to the chat: <-- click there.

    Once logged in, just simply scroll down on the left channel sidebar until you get to this section that looks like this:


    I'll be running the competitions in these channels there.

    If you guys can also just do me this quick favor once you've joined the chat, to just simply post a quick "I'm here!" or whatever in the channels there, just so I know for sure you're on there and what your handle is on the discord, etc.

    Should be a pretty seamless transition there, and like I said again before, this will be a tons easier and a helluva lot less stress for me.

    I really wish I could continue running the competitions on the forums here like I had been for so many years before, but it was admittedly getting to the point where it was actually stressing me out more than I was enjoying them unfortunately. :(

    I'll be honest though, I felt really horrible the way I had to just discontinue running everything abruptly without giving any warning or notice. I feel like we lost a few members because of that as well. But, it was really just something I absolutely needed to do at the time too, because I was going through so much family issues as well.

    Anyway, I won't bore you guys out too much more here. I really did just want to get this posted in here in case any of you are still interested to participate in the competitions again.

    BTW - just one important thing to note here. I am only going to be running the stock picking contest on a "monthly" format. And, only running the market direction polls on a "weekly" format next year on the discord chat server. There will also be no leaderboards, or stock picking records kept next year. This is to ensure that running the competitions will be 100% effortless for me this time around. ;)

    Hope to catch up with you guys there soon!

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