2019 Predictions, Stock Market Calls & Investing Ideas!

Discussion in 'Stock Market Today' started by Stockaholic, Dec 14, 2018.

  1. Stockaholic

    Stockaholic Content Manager

    Mar 29, 2016
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    2019 Predictions, Stock Market Calls & Investing Ideas!

    Whelp, it's hard to believe but it is almost about that time again folks! :eek:

    With 2018 winding down here, I thought this would be a great time to start getting some stock market predictions and investment ideas for the new year from the community here! I'm already seeing places like StockTwits doing this, so I thought what the hey, why not throw this up in here right now as well. :D

    It's worth noting that predictions posted in this thread do not need to be solely market related -- these can be anything from world/domestic events, sports related (like who will be crowned the next sports champion in 2019?), but since we're a trading and investing community here I think it'd be great to hear market related predictions.

    So, without getting into further ado let's hear what y'all have for predictions for 2019, and any investment ideas you guys might have as well. Looking forward to hearing some good input in here from the community before the new year!

    Oh and BTW, here were our past predictions threads from 2018 and 2017 for those in the mood to look back-
  2. Stockaholic

    Stockaholic Content Manager

    Mar 29, 2016
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    BTW, I wasn't sure where to post this, so I guess I'll just throw these links in this thread here.

    A couple of people have messaged me on our Discord live chat this past week asking me if I would be conducting a Santa Claus Rally poll, and our traditional 2019 polls as well. The answer is a resounding yes! Of course. :p

    I've already setup those polls a few weeks back, and they can be found on my groups section located here-


    Here are those individual threads if you guys are looking around for them.
    I also created a new FED poll for next week, but no votes as of yet.
    Hope you guys and gals can get a chance to see these polls and vote. :D
    Lico Inv likes this.
  3. Stockaholic

    Stockaholic Content Manager

    Mar 29, 2016
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    OK, so I'll start things off with a quickie sports prediction since I'd like to leave out all of my market predictions, and investment ideas for EOY.

    Thinking we're gonna be in for quite the surprise in the NFL this post-season. I'm liking the Bears chances (Shout out to @T0rm3nted here!) to take the NFC and reach the SB in 2019.

    Then again, I picked *cough* Oakland *cough* during the pre-season...god was that a disaster of a prediction. :confused: Hopefully this isn't bad karma, but we'll see how it goes. :D

    If I'm going to make one quickie market-related prediction in here right now is that I think 2019 could be the year for the yellow metal......finally.

    Will post more as we get closer to year end.

    Hoping others will also chime in here with their own predictions, market calls and investment ideas for next year as well!
  4. Stockaholic

    Stockaholic Content Manager

    Mar 29, 2016
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    For anyone interested, LPL Research has just published its 2019 Outlook.

    I went ahead and made it into a infographic here on the forums if you guys want to check it out.
    Hopefully the images didn't come out too small.
  5. Stockaholic

    Stockaholic Content Manager

    Mar 29, 2016
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    OK, so gonna make my first market prediction in here for 2019. I'll add more to this as we get closer to the new year.

    For me, I'm liking commodities in 2019.

    It's been a rather rough couple of years for commodities, Gold and black gold in particular.

    I'm thinking it's finally time for Gold to shine. For /GC (gold futures) I'm thinking we could easily top $1400 in 2019.

    For black gold, going with a price target of $70 (not a terribly bold call here, since we were trading up close to $80 on the /CL in 2018).

    Will wait until Dec. 31st to add overall market predictions.

    How about the rest of you guys? Or are we all just mostly waiting out until EOY?
  6. stock1234

    stock1234 2017 Stockaholics Contest Winner

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Yeah I will post some for sure, probably around Dec 31st or Jan 1st :D
    Stockaholic likes this.
  7. anotherdevilsadvocate

    anotherdevilsadvocate Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    I predict BTC finishes 2019 higher, but not more than $6500. And even if it goes down, should hold above 2300.
    I predict MJ will outperform SPY.
  8. Steven_Burt

    Steven_Burt 2019 Stockaholics Contest Winner

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Serious middle east problems will seriously destabilize that region.
    Oil will outperform everything.
    Trade wars will escalate with China
    Inflation and interest rates will spike
    3 rate hikes from the FED
    Brexit will be postponed
    Housing will move into extreme bubble territory, but won't pop in 2019
    Trump will announce that he is not running in 2020 or will resign.
  9. Steven_Burt

    Steven_Burt 2019 Stockaholics Contest Winner

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Just curious what you guys think about the technology in 2019. Who will make the biggest break through, advances? Robotics, Genetics, AI, Energy etc are just some that come to mind with me.
  10. Lico Inv

    Lico Inv Active Member

    Sep 10, 2018
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    I like the New Orleans Saints .
    Many have said the team is Very similar to the 2009 super bowl champs .(hint hint)
  11. Warney Hazard

    Warney Hazard New Member

    Dec 29, 2018
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    I can't predict what I'll be trading next week. And you want a year?
    I think we are very late in the cycle so I'm leaning bear market. "We will see"
  12. stock1234

    stock1234 2017 Stockaholics Contest Winner

    Apr 3, 2016
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    1. The US and China won't be able to agree to a deal on trade at all in 2019
    2. Emerging markets will outperform the US markets.
    3. Inverted yield curve will happen (2 year has higher yield than the 10 year)
    4. TSLA will be the new darling for Wall Street over FAANG
    5. Gold and oil to outperform stocks
    6. Some sports predictions here: Super Bowl - Chiefs, NBA Champions - Warriors, World Series - Dodgers, Stanley Cup - Jets
  13. Stockaholic

    Stockaholic Content Manager

    Mar 29, 2016
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    OK, so as promised here are a couple of my predictions for 2019:

    1) Agreed that US and China still will not agree to a trade deal in 2019.
    2) Commodities like precious metals and black gold will be the standout in 2019.
    3) There will be at least one scary market correction in 2019 that rivals that of Feb. 5th, 2018.
    4) The S&P will still end 2019 about +3-5% higher for the full year.
    5) Sports champions: Saints (NFL); Warriors (NBA); Yankees (MLB); Lightning (NHL)
  14. Three Eyes

    Three Eyes 2018 Stockaholics Contest Winner

    Dec 14, 2017
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    Betty White is gonna make it the entire year.

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