Iconic brands lose their luster

Discussion in 'Investing' started by Bodacious, Jul 13, 2019.

  1. Bodacious

    Bodacious Active Member

    Jul 6, 2019
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    Iconic brands lose their luster

    From Oscar Mayer and Campbell's to Clairol and CoverGirl, some of America's most famous supermarket and drug store brands are losing market share as consumers' tastes and shopping habits change.

    Why it matters: The challenges facing well-loved brands reflect shifts that aren't likely to swing back in their favor. As older companies scramble to keep up with upstart competitors, they are introducing more modern product lines, like ones with plant-based ingredients.

    Please read the entire article at:
    OldFart likes this.
  2. Mark**

    Mark** New Member

    Jul 29, 2019
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    Sadly, yes if you hold those stocks. KHC (Kraft Heinz) is one I have, down to $30. a share or so from
    double that. Huge drop. How will it rise again?

    Trivia: Heinz never had 57 varieties. The number was chosen because
    of the streets in Pittsburgh, I read.
  3. anotherdevilsadvocate

    anotherdevilsadvocate Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    They need to find a "crisis" (overused word) that they can fight, like Beyond Meat is in the fight against climate change and animal abuse.
    Onepoint272 and TomB16 like this.
  4. StockJock-e

    StockJock-e Brew Master
    Staff Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    So you are implying that shorting BYND is the same as saying you want more climate change and you like kicking animals in the head?
    Onepoint272 likes this.
  5. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Yes they are losing their luster. BUT......I believe that the primary reason is incompetent management. I have watched the Millennial movement over the past ten years or so. The values and ideals that drive the younger suburban moms and Millennials have been totally obvious over that time for all to see. These companies just ignored it all and apparently thought they could just rely on their market share that was created in the 1950's, 1960's and and 1970's. They took their customers for granted. They failed to react to the changes occurring in the younger generations and are paying the price. There is ABSOLUTELY no reason they could not have positioned their products with proper advertising and spokespeople to appeal to the younger generations. Management, the marketing people, PR people, and advertising agencies screwed up and are now playing catch up big time. They allowed unknown and unproven companies and products to steal their market share and never even realized it was happening.

    Think of the Campbell product line and it is very easy to come up with product tweaks and advertising lines that emphasize freshness, organic, healthy, children, etc, etc, and all the other millennial platitudes. It would have been very easy for them to capture the younger market if they had not ignored what was happening around them for years. Same with Kraft-Heinz.

    Now they will either catch up or will continue to fade. That is how business works.......survival or irrelevance. You have to NEVER lose the WILL TO FIGHT and just coast along on your old reputation. Their dominance over the years became HOLLOW and now has been exposed. They will either fight their way back or will slowly get killed off.......the law of the jungle.
    Mark** and T0rm3nted like this.
  6. TomB16

    TomB16 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    I never read that into ADA's post.

    I read post #3 as the idea of going long on a trend or movement.

    That's how I look at Tesla. Even if you don't believe the climate is changing, if enough people do, there will be legislation and purchasing trends that heavily favour Tesla as the sea, species diversity decreses, and there is a scourge of insects populating more northern latitudes.

    In these cases, there is typically an over-reaction. These over-reactions are a tremendous force for a thinker to harness. In this way, I see ADA as being in a position to harness the beyond meat trend, even if he or she is eating a side of beef every day. That, gentlemen, is how an investor does it. Specifically: divorce your feelings and personal ideas from your investment decisions to create the most objective macro view possible.
    #6 TomB16, Aug 3, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2019
    Onepoint272 likes this.
  7. Onepoint272

    Onepoint272 2019 Stockaholics Contest Winner

    Apr 26, 2016
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    Tom, I don't understand investors but one thing I've learned is that ADA has a knack for understatement and dry humor that plays right into StockJock-e's, the jokester's, hands. You'd never want to play cards against that team. :D
    #7 Onepoint272, Aug 3, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2019
    OldFart and TomB16 like this.
  8. TomB16

    TomB16 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    Thanks for the insight. I'm not good with sarcasm or subtle humor.

    I wish everyone a wonderful weekend.
    Onepoint272 and OldFart like this.
  9. anotherdevilsadvocate

    anotherdevilsadvocate Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    You're missing the big one: convenience.
    How can I eat Campbell's soup at work? I don't have a can opener there.
    Don't know why they don't have the easy open cans.
    Onepoint272 and OldFart like this.
  10. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    EXACTLY.......anotherdevilsadvocate. It is amazing to me that these OLD dominate companies have not led the way with the modern consumer when it comes to advertising, packaging, as you say convenience, etc, etc, etc. You would think they would be conducting consumer research and focus groups, etc, etc, on EVERYTHING, all the time.
  11. OldFart

    OldFart Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Blackberry phones come to mind.
    They started the smart phone, and never improved it. Lost their asses to newer innovation.
    Onepoint272 likes this.

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