Pacific Ethanol, Inc. (PEIX) is a producer and marketer of low-carbon renewable fuels in the United States. The Company's segments include a production segment and a marketing segment. It owns and operates over eight ethanol production facilities at which it produces ethanol and co-products. It produces ethanol co-products, including wet distiller's grains, dry distillers' grains with soluble, wet and dry corn gluten feed, condensed distillers solubles, corn gluten meal, corn germ, corn oil, distillers yeast and carbon dioxide. It markets distiller's grains and other feed co-products to dairies and feedlots in various cases located near its ethanol plants. Approximately four of its plants are in the Western states of California, Oregon and Idaho, or the Pacific Ethanol West plants; and over four of its plants are located in the Midwestern states of Illinois and Nebraska, or the Pacific Ethanol Central plants. Its plants have ethanol production capacity of over 515 million gallons per year.
PEIX, Beat street by approx $27 million sales. Street-389 million, came in at 417 Million, Now Monster Q4, Margins 2 yr. high.
515,000,000 gallons x $0.05 per/gal = $25,750,000 | $25,750,000 x 40 million shares = Earnings per share of $0.64 in Q4. Conjecture