Discord Stock Market Live_Chat #resources_material chat room

Discussion in 'Educational videos and material' started by Gray Wolf, Dec 29, 2018.

  1. Gray Wolf

    Gray Wolf Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Connected to Stockaholics is a Discord chat also sponsored by Reddit which is administered by Bigbear. You can access it from the CHAT option in the menu bar above. I urge you all to join in if you have time. In there is a #resources_material room that has learning stuff listed. This is most of what is in that room and I wanted to get it in a thread here. If you join in the chat, I am Gray Wolf in there...

    I have taken each section of my Investopedia notebook and exported it to PDF format for easier reading on some mobile platforms and those that just prefer PDF. I have shared this folder and included not only the investopedia notebook but also several good investing e-books from AAII and other sources. Over 30 items for you to browse. https://1drv.ms/f/s!ApcKqV3khCnAgc59CjjyrfBTyO1YlQ

    Stock Investing Ebooks and Guides

    For long term investors, I've updated my Dividend Champion spreadsheet current to end of November 2018. I have taken the time to sort each of the tabs by yield from highest to lowest. https://1drv.ms/x/s!ApcKqV3khCnAgc8SLGVcEWI4fsz7fg You can also download it from http://www.dripinvesting.org/Tools/Tools.asp along with other spreadsheets available here. If you download from the website it will not be sorted by yield.(edited)

    Microsoft Excel Workbook

    The complete book in PDF format for Benjamin Graham's "The Intelligent Investor" Download your own copy from here: https://1drv.ms/b/s!ApcKqV3khCnAgdUsxjS7BGbcL16O3Q

    PDF File
    December 1, 2018

    Gray Wolf12/01/2018

    The Dividend Achievers list From Sure Dividend show 200+ companies with at least 10 years of paying. https://1drv.ms/x/s!ApcKqV3khCnAgdU3LGVcEWI4fsz7fg

    November dividend_achievers.xlsx
    Microsoft Excel Workbook

    Gray Wolf12/01/2018

    Investopedia Notebook Update: Added a new tutorial to the technical analysis section named: Exploring Oscillators and Indicators (Leading and Lagging) The Technical Analysis PDF file is also updated to include this. Notebook: https://1drv.ms/u/s!ApcKqV3khCnAgblUEGb48spwYCGGfQ PDF: https://1drv.ms/b/s!ApcKqV3khCnAgc8BnVRfCXZ1la5Hyw

    Learn From Investopedia
    Microsoft OneNote Notebook

    Technical Analysis.pdf
    PDF File
    December 4, 2018

    Gray Wolf12/04/2018

    Tutorial on Closed End Funds for long term income investors. https://1drv.ms/b/s!ApcKqV3khCnAgdVE7-A11CNYeLsiog

    A Guide to Closed End Funds.pdf
    PDF File
    December 6, 2018

    Gray Wolf12/06/2018

    December 2018 List of Canadian Cannabis Stocks. Once you open this shared copy in Google Sheets you can click on File/Make a Copy and save your own copy. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SMwOnkgE49oJDONkwuPQNZ5-azDxE74Zf3XjKYgD3zQ/edit?usp=sharing

    Google Docs
    Canadian Cannabis Stocks
    Overview Ticker, Other Ticker, Company Name, 90 Day Chart, Market Cap( CAD)( m), Market Cap( USD)( m), Market Cap Displayed by Other Ticker( USD)( m), Shares Issued( m), 52 Week High( CAD), 52 Week Low( CAD), Price( CAD), Percent from 52 Week High, Percent from 52 Week Low,...

    Gray Wolf12/06/2018

    Updated the Dividend Champions spreadsheet as of end of November 2018 sorted by Yield. https://1drv.ms/x/s!ApcKqV3khCnAgc8SiSsJOk6RO51JlQ

    Microsoft Excel Workbook
    December 25, 2018

    Gray WolfLast Tuesday at 10:31 AM

    I just started a shared folder for Reports. In there I am placing some analyst type reports that are available to me at TD Ameritrade. They are informative and worth looking over. They also can act similar to a stock screener in that they can provide watch list candidates for further study. In other words always do your homework. I'll try to keep this folder updated with current reports so check back once in awhile. https://1drv.ms/f/s!ApcKqV3khCnAgcQwIAEmvGArm5XitA

    Onepoint272 and Stockaholic like this.
  2. Stockaholic

    Stockaholic Content Manager

    Mar 29, 2016
    Likes Received:
    This is great! Thank you for posting this here @JerryM! :D
  3. AbbeyMayward

    AbbeyMayward New Member

    Jul 14, 2019
    Likes Received:
    This is great! I only use Discord for chat and music playlist with friends. Thanks!

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