Sorry, @bigbear0083 . Overtaken by events. 30-day lockdown is in the works. As an aside, the Defense Production Act has been invoked: Production Act&hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US:en
thanks @stock1234 i'm still optimistic that we're gonna see better news on this front soon, especially once we get into the heat of the summer in the states. that being said, i'm not totally hanging my hang on just the summer "heat" to contain this virus, but i think it will buy more time until there is an eventual vaccine announced. is that being too optimistic? idk. but, i'm looking at the glass half full here tbh.
That's what I was thinking but most trades are electronic these days. Unless there's an internet or electric grid problem, I can't see them shutting down the money machine.
i didn't want to put this in the main weekly market discussion thread, but was meaning to ask how are you feeling now @stock1234? hopefully you're getting back close to 100% if not already there now also, i didn't want to announce this anywhere, but i have started to develop some coughing over the past few days. didn't really think too much of it, until about today when i've noticed it's increased in its frequency a bit more. still nothing too out of the "ordinary" yet per say. might be overthinking it too with everything going on haha. don't have any fever or any other common symptoms so that's good.
thanks for asking oldie! ya much better now. we were all very thankful that it was nothing more than just a "scare" really. was a false alarm. turns out she just had the common flu, but not tested positive for covid-19 which was a huge relief for all of us. happy to say that outside of that, rest of the fam. is doing good.
Thanks for asking Cy. Yeah better now, still cough and sweating a lot so not 100% yet. Good to hear your aunt is feeling better now Hope it is nothing serious for you Cy, if you don’t have symptoms like sore throat or fever then shouldn’t need to worry too much yet, but I guess stay home and stay distance from the elders and kids for now just to be safe
Today, 08:15 am my Boss (female) came to me with a paper sorry but could you fill in your Birthday, Address aso.. Please give it then back to me so i could stamp it.. She gave me a Passierschein. I call it so. (3rd Reich..) "Its not imminent buut in case we need it.." Okk.. A paper that shows that i have go to work, working for public, where i live where i go, shortest way aso.. Also Today 2 pm:.. Friends of me, 'little big' rich, having connections.. sms.. "We are out with the Kids in the Nature, enjoying the spring before the Lock Down next week.." Hello, what..? We will see. I support a lock down, because the majority of the People moving around is simply stupid. As sooner we start as sooner this nightmare will end. Aaaand then, Phone: Hello China here is my bill.. Yours Z. BTW. Is curfew and lock down the same ???
1 in 4 Hawaii hotel workers could lose their jobs amid coronavirus pandemic Things could get pretty bad here in the short term
Coronavirus: Illinois issues stay-at-home order for 13 million residents
So, anyone else having trouble sleeping? My friends are starting to get laid off. This is Great Depression levels of suck.
Fever-tracking smart thermometers may trace the spread of COVID-19 (full article located here from "COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus responsible for a global pandemic, has some telltale symptoms, including fever. A network of smart thermometers made by health tech company Kinsa has produced an eye-opening view of how fevers are spreading across the US. Kinsa has made its US Health Weather Map available to the public. The company's smart thermometers work with an app that sends anonymized data to Kinsa. The aggregated data has previously been used to track the spread of the seasonal flu, but it may also help health professionals and the public keep an eye on COVID-19 hot spots." See the fever map here:
Ironically, Corona beer is left behind on the shelves and being sold at a nice discount. Drink a few of those and sleep well!
The age demographics in Florida are pretty similar to Northern Italy. Some of the communities there are at extremely high risk!
they’re taking it pretty serious for old folks communities down here. That’s one of our state’s biggest economic draws so they’re actually spending more resources protecting the elderly.