The Long Term Investor

Discussion in 'Investing' started by WXYZ, Oct 2, 2018.

  1. zukodany

    zukodany Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    Time for people to learn the constitution
    TomB16 likes this.
  2. T0rm3nted

    T0rm3nted Moderator
    Staff Member

    Apr 2, 2016
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    You mean like the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? The first and most important being life, which involves breathing. The point of the shutdown was to keep people safe and alive.
    TomB16 and Marvan like this.
  3. Trahn Thompson

    Trahn Thompson Active Member

    Jun 13, 2019
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    Science can be FAKED just like news. Kind of the same TYPES of people running both! LIFE is how I want to live my LIFE under the LAWS of the land COMRADE! Happy Investing!
    TomB16 likes this.
  4. zukodany

    zukodany Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    Life is not a "right", life is a condition in which a body exists. You may live at home or in prison lets say. The difference between these 2 living conditions is granted by the supreme law of the land

    That is of course, unless your life is terminated prematurely, as in an abortion lets say
  5. zukodany

    zukodany Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    That is EXACTLY correct. The government can try and pass any laws that they want but its up to the supreme court, or any other legal institution at times, to check them as they do.
    An example would be when the president purposed a certain ban on immigration coming from certain countries to the US in the past, he has been checked and denied passing that particular restriction. Almost immediately.
    Its STUNNING how the government ORDERED a shut down and a quarantine order and havent been checked and OBVIOUSLY denied such an EXTREME order. It is heavily influenced by science and liberals, as we hear those affiliated with such groups express such desire to continue the path of extending such extreme measures on the land, but it has been proposed by BOTH parties AND the president
  6. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Seems like to me that the point of the shut down was to bend the curve and gain time for us to ramp up and get hospitals ready, etc, etc. NO ONE said that the point of the shut down was to stop the will simply spread it out over a longer time period.

    The CONSTITUTION does NOT give you the right to impose your view me. If YOU choose to stay at home that is your choice. If you choose to go into a business, that is your choice. If you choose to open your business that is your choice.

    Even if you told the whole country it is fine to open tomorrow it will still take MONTHS for it to happen. People are not going to just rush out in mass to open businesses or go to a will be very gradual., reopening is not going to cause some BIG influx of death.

    We are at 140 deaths per MILLION of population right now and that does NOT take into account that there are 20x to 50x more cases than we are counting. YOUR odds of dying in a car accident at ONE IN 103. The virus......ONE IN 7142 EVEN IF you don't adjust for the fact that there are way more cases than we are counting and the fact that at least half the cases are probably in nursing and senior homes.

    As I drove up the road today, HEB was open, Target was open, the oil change place was open, the auto repair was open, the convenience store gas station was open, ALL fast food was open, the banks were open, Walmart was open,etc, etc, etc. Boeing is reopening next week. Starbucks is talking about opening. And...many more big companies are in the process of opening soon in 1-4 weeks. It is RIDICULOUS that we are forcing small businesses to be closed when they are the backbone of the economy when all the above and more are already open with many employees working side by side.

    EVERY DAY that we stay closed now is driving more and more people and businesses into bankruptcy.

    HERE is the REAL human tragedy:

    "Disney has furloughed 100,000 theme park and hotel workers, including cast members who play the beloved Walt Disney characters in Florida and elsewhere.

    The Walt Disney World resort in Orlando was the hardest hit with 70,000 workers now having to rely on Florida's unemployment assistance program, reported NBC News.

    Florida's unemployment pays only $275-a-week for 12 weeks, which is among the lowest rates in the U.S."

    THIS is just the tip of the iceberg. BIG CORPORATIONS are not made of or have unlimited money. They will ALSO go bankrupt. GIVE AWAY benefits will not last much longer. People are going to have to pay rent, mortgages, bills, etc, etc.

    THE BOTTOM LINE IS......we have never before in our history closed the economy like we are right now for any other sickness or event. This is simply INSANITY combined with political opportunism on the part of many that govern. AND......of course.....the ELITES are exempt from their own orders to the "little people".

    A perfect example of the IDIOCY:

    "Mayor Lori Lightfoot defended getting a haircut over the weekend even though barbers and stylists were shut down under the state’s stay-at-home order, saying she’s the face of the city and the woman who cut her hair wore a mask." can BET this little example is just the tip of a very big iceberg.
    #1166 WXYZ, Apr 22, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2020
    TomB16 likes this.
  7. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    AND......oh yes the markets. A VERY GOOD Day with the Dow +1.96%, the SP500 +2.27%, and the NASDAQ +2.81%. At least when I posted this at 3:02 PM just after the close.

    I DID NOT beat the SP500 today....but obviously my accounts were UP nicely along with the general markets. SO....a good day in the neighborhood.
  8. zukodany

    zukodany Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    Of course WXYS, the way to explain it to people who struggle with understanding how severe this shutdown is, is actually not getting into details or trying to "defend" your understanding of this "virus".
    The simple truth is that The United States Of America Constitution was set IN ORDER to grant people freedom from ANY oppressed leader or group. That is why we were LIBERATED from England, that is why we LIBERATED the slaves from the confederates, that is why each and every citizen or NON citizen of America has the right to an attorney even if they are accused of crimes they have committed. You have the right to be free in America UNLESS YOU ARE GUILTY OF A CRIME.
    We are now ALL imprisoned, stripped of our rights and have no right to defend ourselves.
    This is the new America. One bright day it has all changed. Without ANYONE questioning why. Until HOPEFULLY now.
  9. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    SO TRUE......and I am actually surprised considering the source generally leans to the left a little bit:

    Protests show 'two Americas' — those who lost their jobs and those still getting paid

    (BOLD is my opinion OR what I consider important content)

    "OK, so the country has been shut down for about a month, and we’re seeing cracks start to form. While some epidemiologists are talking about keeping things closed down for months longer, we’re also seeing growing public protests around the nation, as people call for restarting things.

    Others shame them as “virus deniers” and accuse the protesters of wanting people to die. But it’s hard not to notice a class divide here. As with so many of America’s conflicts, the divide is between the people in the political/managerial class on the one hand and the people in the working class on the other. And as usual, the smugness and authoritarianism are pretty much all on one side.

    The divide is best summed up in a tweet by Brian Stelter of CNN, and a response. Stelter tweeted: “I crawled in bed and cried for our pre-pandemic lives. Tears that had been waiting a month to escape. I wanted to share because it feels free to do so. Now is not a time for faux-invincibility. Journos are living this, hating this, like everyone else.”

    An America without sympathy
    Some people mocked this as unmanly — and in fact, it’s hard to imagine hearing this from, say, a British journalist during The Blitz — but one response cut deep: “Such bravery. Let's all take a moment to think about the journos working from home while millions have lost their jobs.”

    Likewise, in Los Angeles — where less than half the county is working now — radio journalist Steve Gregory asked the L.A. County Board of Supervisors whether any of them were willing to take voluntary pay cuts during this crisis. He was told by the chair that his question was “irresponsible,” which is to say embarrassing and inconvenient. (By contrast, New Zealand’s senior officials, including the prime Minister, are taking a 20% pay cut.)

    There really are two Americas here: Those still getting a paycheck from government, corporations or universities, and those who are unemployed, or seeing their small businesses suffer due to shutdowns. And the America still getting paid is, so far, not showing a whole lot of sympathy for the America that isn’t.

    That’s a formula for disaster, and it has been made worse by the heavy-handed approach taken by some government officials enforcing quarantines. We’ve seen news story after news story of officials going after people whose actions pose no danger of contagion — lone joggers on a beach, lone paddleboarders off the California coast, a father throwing a ball to his daughter in a public park — and every time that happens the shutdown loses moral authority.

    Michigan, whose Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has shown all the sensitivity of an angry third-grade teacher in administering a shutdown regime that often makes no sense — banning sales of seeds in stores that are open for other purposes, or allowing sailboating but banning powerboating. Her response to the protests, a threat to extend shutdowns further, seems calculated to inflame things further.

    We need leaders with humility, empathy and self-discipline
    Then there are the hypocritical gestures, like Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s illicit haircut, which she justified on the grounds that she’s in the public eye. Yes, Mayor, you are, but you’re being judged on your conduct, not your hairstyle, and your conduct looks bad.

    People don’t appreciate being lectured and condescended to and bossed around. They especially don’t appreciate being urged to sacrifice by people who make no sacrifices themselves. And that’s a different sort of class divide: When rulers ask for sacrifices without making any, they’re displaying a distinct lack of, well, class.

    Ultimately, this rising resentment is itself a failure of public health, and of public health administration. You can complain that people are irrational and resentful, that they don’t “believe in science,” or whatever. But people are what they are, and their response to epidemics is surprisingly predictable. If your messaging — and your behavior — inspires resentment that causes people to resist and ignore public health messages, then you have failed at your job, whatever the amount of scientific knowledge you bring to bear.

    Sadly, to succeed in their job, our leaders will need to possess humility, empathy and self-discipline. Those traits are in sadly short supply in our leadership class. We will all pay a price for that, though if recent history is any guide, our leaders will pay less than the rest of us.
  10. zukodany

    zukodany Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    I wanted to mention something which strikes me kinda odd.
    While we hear of this disastrous economy collapse nationwide, both my business (geared towards musicians) and online collectible sales (comic books and the likes) have not taken a toll. With the collectibles business on the contrary, it is actually BOOMING. While I did have many concerned calls and a couple of room vacancies with my music studios, its still far from being in line with the tremendous carnage that the economy experienced in the past almost 2 months.
    I entered the month of April with alot of uncertainty and fear of losing many clients. But that hasnt happened.
    My online comic book store (functioning mainly on eBay and Amazon) has been BOOMING. Ive never had so many sales in my past 8 years of retailing online as I had in the past month. Well over double my monthly sales. And if you needed to know, eBay is absolutely killing it for me now while Amazon is noticeably slower.
    What does it all mean? its easier to analyze it thinking that people are at home and they use moneys that they usually spend on restaurants or other things that they now cannot. But if the reports are as devastating as they sound you would assume that people just dont have money to spend at all.
    Im waiting to see what the online retail reports are for this month and wonder if there are studies of how much exactly people spent on NON essential goods. Im willing to bet that those numbers will be extraordinarily high. maybe even Black Friday high
  11. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    I KNOW it is anecdotal.....but, I have seen the same thing in ART. People that I know that are art collectors seem to be buying during this event. A number of auctions that I follow have been rescheduled, but, sales from other collectors and from galleries seem to still be happening. I would guess that people siting around at home are doing a lot of internet searching regarding their hobbies. Those that have money that is not impacted by this situation seem to still be buying. I am seeing the same thing with REAL ESTATE in the area that I live. Over the past week 5 of 10 listings between $1Mil and $4.4MIL have gone under contract. I can also see the data, and most of these properties are not selling at big discounts....they are selling at full price.

    A form of.......SHOPPING THERAPY.
    #1171 WXYZ, Apr 22, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2020
    TomB16 likes this.
  12. zukodany

    zukodany Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    Yup real estate around here in NY and neighboring states show the same results. I know many properties that have been offered for awhile both on Zillow and in my neighborhood that have gone under contract recently. Many.
    It’s shocking for me to think that this entire market & economic collapse has resulted in a better than average consumer report (maybe even double the average). I’m also willing to bet that if those reports will indeed turn out to be true and see major news coverage, they will in fact result in a skyrocketing market recovery
  13. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    WHOOPS.....spoke too soon above. By the time things settled after the close, I did beat the SP500 today by .17%. YES......a double win.........a green day and a SP500 beat!
    #1173 WXYZ, Apr 22, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2020
  14. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    I DO find it interesting. We are in week 3 or 4 of earnings and some big companies are now reporting daily. one is paying the slightest attention to the numbers. Everyone talked about earnings and how they were going to impact the markets and cause the DREADED testing of the lows. that they are here........we already beat that horse to death and no one cares. I dont see any impact at all. EVERYONE is TOTALLY discounting these earnings completely as unreliable and irrelevant.

    I dont see why this would change going forward over the next 3-4 weeks as we finish up with the reporting. If this turns out to be true, earnings FACT turn out to great BIG NOTHING BURGER.

    I am NOT saying this will save the markets. We still have to deal with the continuation of this situation.....and......the reopening of the economy. We also have to deal with all the various ways this shut down of the economy and the stimulus debt we are taking on will impact society, the economy, and business for the next 6-12 months.

    The ONLY way to look at this situation is through the lens of being a long term investor. AND.....through that lens, the future is ALWAYS bright.

    I am not finding much investing or long term investing content to post lately with the OBSESSION of the media and society being the virus. That is as expected. The GOOD NEWS......we are slogging thorough the days and are nearly a month and a half into this shut down......AND.....there is definately a light at the end of the tunnel. We are.......DAILY.......seeing that ALL of the dire predictions of death, collapse, markets, etc, etc, are turning out to be........NOT TRUE. We are STILL in the middle of this thing....but, at least we have made it to the middle in relatively good shape.
  15. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    THIS is what leadership looks like:

    Coronavirus pushes Jeff Bezos to take back the wheel at Amazon: Report

    "After years of working almost exclusively on long-term projects and pushing day-to-day management to lower-level executives, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos is focusing on the immediate problems facing Amazon amid the coronavirus pandemic, according to a report by the New York Times.

    “For now, my own time and thinking continues to be focused on Covid-19 and how Amazon can help while we’re in the middle of it,” Bezos wrote to shareholders last week.

    Bezos has been reportedly joining daily calls to help make decisions related to inventory, coronavirus testing and even how and when Amazon responds to public criticism. Earlier this month, Bezos even made a widely publicized visit to one of Amazon’s warehouses, a move not seen in years..........."


    AMAZON is a superb company with great management and execution at every level. It represents the largest holding in every portfolio that I manage.

    TOMORROW, we will see more unemployment numbers. For the most part the markets simply note them, ignore them, and move on. It will be interesting to see if the new number has any impact on the markets.
  16. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    A BIG WIN for my account today........well.......not really. BUT, at least a the slightest margin.......+.01%. AND.....I beat the SP500 by .06%. YES.....these days I will take whatever I can get.

    I am just glad that today was kind of a go nowhere day. NOT enough traders and profit takers to wipe out yesterdays gain.
  17. Sunshinegal1981

    Sunshinegal1981 New Member

    Feb 24, 2020
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    Good morning, all...

    Stock shopping spree for me yesterday... I feel the lows are behind us and it’s upward from here, so it was time to get back in.

    I am already heavily invested in amazon but.... I just couldn’t resist buying a few more positions, because.... it’s so delicious. :) I added an “experimental” buy on the request of my husband so the poor guy can feel somewhat involved: Tesla. What do you think, wxyz? Not sure if you’ve already analyzed Tesla elsewhere.

    I am completely not surprised where we are in terms of the public’s reaction to the economy/shutdown/virus. It was suuuuuper predictable that Americans would be chomping at the bit to get “back out there”, public safety be damned. Doesn’t affect me in the least. Have at it. I’m lucky in that I still go to work every day and get paid, same as usual.

    I’m looking forward to the stock market rebound.

    Happy Friday, everyone!
  18. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Nice to see you Sunshine. I like your online is nice and POSITIVE. I dont think you can go wrong with Amazon. As to TESLA.......I dont do AUTO stocks, especially new companies like I have no opinion on it, other than the fact that I will not own it or any of the other auto stocks. There is a thread on this forum by TomB16, he has had TESLA for a while and would be a good person to chime in on the stock and company. Perhaps he will read this and post his analysis.

    YOU do realize that by buying yesterday YOU are responsible for what the markets do today. It will YOUR fault if we are down today.
    Sunshinegal1981 likes this.
  19. Sunshinegal1981

    Sunshinegal1981 New Member

    Feb 24, 2020
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    Hahaha touché. Yes I do have a track record of causing market slumps the day AFTER I make a big purchase. Story of my life.
  20. Sunshinegal1981

    Sunshinegal1981 New Member

    Feb 24, 2020
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    As for my online name... when I was creating my handle, I thought “hmmmm... what is the OPPOSITE of my real persona, so that no one from my real life who finds my posts will EVER suspect this is me??”

    I am from 1981 though, so there’s that.

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