Good stocks??

Discussion in 'Ask any question!' started by slick8, Jul 12, 2020.

  1. slick8

    slick8 New Member

    Jul 12, 2020
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    How do you find decent stocks? where do you look? Im new to this and trying to learn as much as I can.

    Thank You
  2. A55

    A55 Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2020
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  3. T0rm3nted

    T0rm3nted Moderator
    Staff Member

    Apr 2, 2016
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    Good stocks depend on the person, their risk aversion, age, goals, investing/trading philisophies, etc. My list for you would be different if you were a long-term investor, swing trade, or day trader. Are you retired, 10 years from retirement, have children and a family, 18 years old, etc. There are certain things you need to do for yourself to figure it all out.

    Most people's goal is to comfortably retire young with enough money to get them to their death bed. Figure out your situation, and how much you need by when. You have to be realistic. "I want to retire with $20,000,000. I have $20 to my name right now and I'm 55.". Obviously unrealistic.

    "I want to retire with $2M at the age of 50 and I'm currently 20. I have no kids and will have my house already paid off by then so $2M should let me live another 30 years with a reasonable lifestyle." That is far more realistic.

    If your goal is to be wealthy, and you're not already on the verge of wealth, it's not realistic to expect it from the market alone. Be reasonable. Then take the safest way to get there.

    Once you have your goals set, you can figure out with some very basic excel sheets or online calculators what kind of annual return you need from the market. From there, it's up to you how you get there. Do you want to look at your stocks and news by the minute? Day trade. Do you want to check it every day? Swing trade. Do you want to set it and forget it, maybe re-evaluate every 3 months? Invest long-term.

    If someone were to say to you, what kidn of car should I buy? You wouldn't just recommend one. You'd ask them,
    • Well how much do you drive?
    • Do you have a family that needs to fit in the car?
    • Do you travel with it?
    • Do you have a desire to go green to help the environment?
    • Any brands you like or don't like?
    There's a million more, but you get the idea. Some random person asking you what kind of car to buy is far too vague to answer. It's EVEN HARDER to tell them what stocks to buy.
    B Russ, TomB16 and Arch Stanton like this.
  4. TomB16

    TomB16 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    Screeners can also be a source of ideas.

    Here is a bit of a glimpse into my inelegant, brute force, approach.

    I keep a rather large spreadsheet of ideas. It's a list of nearly every company I see mentioned. The list currently has 2300 rows.

    The list has columns for various metrics I look for. Periodically, I open the list and do my best to find answers to my seven initial screen questions with Google searches and various other reading. Only the very occasional company gets through initial screening.

    Those that make it to my second level of screening require a lot more work. By this point, I start reading financials, speculate on enterprise value, etc.

    In the early days, this system required a massive amount of work. These days, I do a deep dive into three or four companies per year. It's not bad at all.

    Between industries I don't know, bad debt profiles, and companies that exhibit behavior I red flag, it's the rare gem that requires a deep dive.
    B Russ likes this.
  5. A55

    A55 Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2020
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    But I think that everyone's looking for a way to make the most money, without loss.

    Sure, I have a conservative collection of investments. That doesn't mean that I don't want to be the next guy who bought Amazon, Facebook, Google, Tesla, IBM, whatever in the beginning. We all dream about stumbling into the next big stock. That's why people do things like buy cruiseliners in shutdown.

    After the big fall, I threw some money into a few airliners. Not much. Then watched it double. Literally. UAL around $20, to around $40. I lost on oil when that fell. I thought that low pricing was at bottom. Then Saudis and Putin flooded the market and oil went into negative per barrel. My biggest loss was on Buffett. Berkshire took a huge tumble. I made good money with Berkshire and never imagined it could fall like that.

    The only thing that I know, as far as being realistic, is that gains are balanced by losses. Today's trading left me in the red at close. Afterhours trading brought my values back to green. And years have gone by where money in the market, even with losses, did better than a savings account with less than 1% interest.
    Intern shIp likes this.
  6. A55

    A55 Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2020
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    Look right in front of you. There's a worldwide Covid19 pandemic. I'm planning to increase my stakes in healthcare. Add to what I already own. And buy some of what I don't own.

    CVS is a good company. Walgreens is low, with potential. Sick people use more drugs.

    Healthcare providers. Drug companies. Where are people getting tested? In the US, two companies. LabCorp and that other lab. Quest Diagnostics. SimonMed and RadNet are the two imaging companies nationwide. DaVita is it for dialysis. Insurance companies processing MediCare have gone sky high.
    T0rm3nted likes this.
  7. Spicoli

    Spicoli New Member

    Jul 19, 2020
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    I think with the president election coming in the fall one of the topics will be global warming I like CLIR it has a new deal with XOM the market cap is low i feel like there is some upside in the stock if they get other contacts other refinerys
    T0rm3nted likes this.
  8. Intern shIp

    Intern shIp Member

    Apr 24, 2018
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    I'm going to sound very conservative, but I'm currently investing in gold& waiting for the market to crash even more at the second confinement wave. When this happens, I'll be hedging my bets on stuff that can go back to higher levels. I could have tried to time my purchases& make decent money from april onward, yet decided to see what was going to happen. Whatever money I saved, I will consider investing in the near future. I just didn't want to sound like a player all of a sudden and prefered saving all my all earned money for future purchases and not look too adventurous with the bank!

    Meanwhile, is very nice to look at. I'm going to list some other stocks which I deem of interest. Feel free to read around. Be careful for airlines, I didn't buy bombardier or air canada because...well, a quick search will tell you what's wrong.
    T0rm3nted and TomB16 like this.
  9. 姑爺仔

    姑爺仔 Active Member

    Jul 15, 2020
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    interesting strategy. Gold is at a high. Gold could crash too.

    dow Jones takes big dips also.

    Screenshot_2020-07-19-22-37-30_kindlephoto-266454618.png Screenshot_2020-07-19-22-37-17_kindlephoto-266511219.png Screenshot_2020-07-19-22-34-30_kindlephoto-266624564.png Screenshot_2020-07-19-22-40-13_kindlephoto-266402360.png
    Intern shIp and T0rm3nted like this.
  10. Intern shIp

    Intern shIp Member

    Apr 24, 2018
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    Great Iconic war god statue ;) I think nothing is entirely safe. I thank heavens for ETF's. even those won't be anywhere the near mint state they keep bouncing back to when the second waves hits us, as I read with some reports that deem it wise to calm down because what they refer to as the ''bull trap'' can either shut itself in 2021 or 2023.

    I'm hearing awkward news from other locations worldwide where inflation changes almost the way it did after the first world war in Europe.

    Thank you for summing up all this with that very implicit pictorial.
  11. B Russ

    B Russ Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2017
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    and what are those 7 questions? Have u mentioned them in your own thread? If so, my apologies. I drink....and smoke. Lol
  12. 姑爺仔

    姑爺仔 Active Member

    Jul 15, 2020
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    I rent intimate exchange, from girls with low morals.

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