Discussion in 'Stock Message Boards NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX' started by Stockaholic, Jun 18, 2019.

  1. Stockaholic

    Stockaholic Content Manager

    Mar 29, 2016
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    This thread is a bit different from our customary company specific threads on Stockaholics. The purpose of this thread will be for anyone who would like to discuss the 5 tickers in the FAANG all in one place if you will.

    I'll also link up the individual company threads down below as well.
    ^^ (Links above are clickable, and will take you to each respective company thread)

    I'll also throw in here the dynamic daily charts for each from Finviz.

    stock1234 likes this.
  2. Stockaholic

    Stockaholic Content Manager

    Mar 29, 2016
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    Facebook (FB) Leading FAANGs

    Below is a quick update on the five FAANG stocks as seen through our Trend Analyzer and Chart Scanner tools. As shown, Facebook (FB) has surged 8% over the last week, leaving it up 44% YTD. Given the relentless negativity we hear about the company these days, most people -- from Wall Street to Main Street -- would be surprised to see the stock up that much in 2019.

    Amazon (AMZN) is the only other FAANG stock that's above its 50-day moving average, while both Alphabet (GOOGL) and Netflix (NFLX) are solidly below their 50-DMAs. Apple (AAPL) is sitting ever slightly below its 50-day by just 2 basis points.


    Below are price charts for each of the five FAANG stocks pulled from our Chart Scanner tool that's available to Premium and Institutional members. Facebook (FB) and Amazon.com (AMZN) are the closest to their prior highs, but they all still have a ways to go before they experience a breakout. Netflix (NFLX) continues to trade in an uncharacteristically tight sideways pattern.

    T0rm3nted likes this.
  3. stock1234

    stock1234 2017 Stockaholics Contest Winner

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Nice thread for these popular stocks :D
    Stockaholic likes this.
  4. Stockaholic

    Stockaholic Content Manager

    Mar 29, 2016
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    Netflix (NFLX) on Ice
    Wed, Jun 26, 2019

    Despite news that its most popular show would no longer be available on the streaming service beginning in 2021 and that one of its top creative directors was jumping ship for Disney (DIS), shares of Netflix (NFLX) have managed to rally today and are actually slightly outperforming the broader market. While NFLX is higher today, the stock remains stuck in a major trading range between the mid-$330s and mid-$380s. That may sound like a wide level, but believe it or not, the current 14% trading range that NFLX has been stuck in for the last 100 trading days is the narrowest in the stock's history. For some perspective on how the current range compares to history, NFLX's average 100-trading day range has been 78.1%, or more than 5 times the current range!


    So what happens following periods when NFLX trades in a narrow range? In the 16 years that NFLX has been public, there has only been one other time where the stock traded in a 100-trading day range of less than 20%. That one period was in 2017, and while it doesn't get any smaller than a sample size of one, that period ended up being a short period of consolidation before continuing higher. A key difference between the two periods, though, is that back in 2017, the sideways range followed a new all-time high in NFLX's price, while the current sideways range comes more than a year after the stock last hit a high.

  5. Stockaholic

    Stockaholic Content Manager

    Mar 29, 2016
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    Where FAANG Sits
    Thu, Aug 8, 2019

    For those keeping score, Apple (AAPL) has been the worst performing FAANG stock over the past week with a decline of 6.57%. Netflix (NFLX) is down the second most at -5.79%, while Alphabet (GOOGL) has held up the best with a drop of 3.47%. All five have of course moved lower within their trading ranges over the last week, but NFLX is the most oversold, while Amazon (AMZN) is also trading just into oversold territory. Even with its recent drop, Apple (AAPL) has managed to hang above support at its 50-day moving average.


    Below is a look at six-month price charts for the five widely-followed FAANG names. While AMZN has broken below its 50-day moving average, it has managed to hold above support at its 200-day this week. Netflix, on the other hand, is well below both its 50-DMA and its 200-DMA, and the last time it tested its 200-DMA, it failed miserably.

    T0rm3nted likes this.
  6. Stockaholic

    Stockaholic Content Manager

    Mar 29, 2016
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    Apple (AAPL) Cracks FANG
    Wed, Oct 23, 2019

    FANG is probably the most well-known acronym in the stock market these days, but if you've been following things lately, you know that this trade is no longer what it once was. 2017 was a banner year for the FANG group of Facebook (FB), Amazon (AMZN), Netflix (NFLX), and Alphabet (GOOGL), and the first half of 2018 was just as good. Because of FANG's stumbles since mid-2018, however, you may be surprised to see that Apple (AAPL) -- not an original FANG member -- is now outperforming the group since the start of 2017. As shown below, Apple (AAPL) gains recently leave it up 118.6% over this time period versus FANG's gain of 93.2%. (Both AAPL and FANG have still doubled the S&P 500 since the start of 2017.)


    Below we compare the performance of Apple (AAPL) vs. FANG and the S&P 500 over three additional time frames. The first chart shows total returns over the last 12 months. Here we've actually seen the S&P 500 outperform both AAPL and FANG, with FANG bringing up the year at just +3.3%.


    Year-to-date, Apple (AAPL) easily crushes both FANG and the S&P 500 with a gain of 55.5%. The S&P 500 is up the second most with a gain of 21.5%, while FANG is up just under 20% (19.8%).


    Our final chart reminds you that there's a reason why "FANG" became a thing. If we go back to 2013, which was the first full year that Facebook (FB) traded as a public company, FANG absolutely crushes the S&P and Apple (AAPL). As shown, while AAPL and the S&P are up significantly at +262.2% and 141.8%, respectively, the four FANG names have gained a whopping 851.7%.


    Below is a table that breaks out the total returns for Apple (AAPL), Amazon (AMZN), Facebook (FB), Alphabet (GOOGL), Netflix (NFLX), FANG, and the S&P 500 over the four time periods shown in the charts above. While Netflix (NFLX) is actually down 18.3% over the last 12 months, it's the biggest winner of them all since 2013 with a gain of 1,958%. Amazon (AMZN) has been the biggest winner since the start of 2017, while Facebook (FB) is up the most over the last 12 months. Apple (AAPL) only ranks first in the year-to-date column.

  7. stock1234

    stock1234 2017 Stockaholics Contest Winner

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Right now I have shares in GOOGL, AMZN, and AAPL. I am surprised AAPL has outperformed the other 2 so much :eek: I am up like 30% for AAPL but only 3% for AMZN when I bought some shares on the same day
    Stockaholic likes this.
  8. Stockaholic

    Stockaholic Content Manager

    Mar 29, 2016
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    FANG Explosion
    Fri, Aug 28, 2020

    The ten members of the NYSE FANG+ index went on an epic run in the mid-2010s that many thought was "bubble" like at the time. From early 2016 to mid-2018, the FANG+ stocks went up 200%. After peaking in June 2018, though, the FANG+ index fell nearly 50% before finally finding a floor. After the big decline in late 2018, many investors moved on from the FANG trade, but now anyone that did is kicking themselves.

    The FANG+ stocks went on another big run in 2019 and early 2020 only to collapse 34% during the one-month COVID Crash in late February and early March. Since making its COVID-Crash low on March 18th, however, the FANG+ index has experienced one of the most remarkable runs that any investor can expect to see in their lifetimes. As shown in the second chart below, the FANG+ index is up more than 60% over the last six months, and it has more than doubled since its March 18th low. Those prior highs made back in 2018 are now a distant memory with the index now ~85% above that level.



    Below we compare the NYSE FANG+ index since inception in 2014 to the S&P 500. As shown, the performance disparity continues to get wider and wider with the FANG+ index up 455% and SPY up 74% over the same time frame.



    The NYSE FANG+ index is made up of the four FANG stocks (FB, AMZN, NFLX, GOOGL) plus six additional names that have certainly contributed their fair share to the index's performance. Stocks like NVIDIA (NVDA), Apple (AAPL), and Tesla (TSLA) stand out the most, with Tesla of course being the most epic winner of them all. Year-to-date, TSLA is up 435%, and it's now 50% above its 50-day moving average. If you'd like to track the FANG+ stocks or any other portfolio of your choosing, you can do so with our Custom Portfolios tool on our website.

    TomB16 likes this.

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