“Im new what should i invest in” threads. B russ point of view

Discussion in 'Stock Message Boards NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX' started by B Russ, Dec 6, 2020.

  1. B Russ

    B Russ Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2017
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    I dont chime in on those threads often because every situation is different with exponentially different factors.

    but as a somewhat reformed trader aholic, growing to investor, my view is long term and one answer fits all, is find an industry you know because of work history, or like for its future growth. Then the best company within. Then absorb all you can on it. Youtube is an amazing resource. I watch hrs a day sometimes on youtube, researching my companies.....erm. Company.
    I tend to avoid the mad money hype type videos, (panic sell, catch the new bottom here) types...but will watch them, and bear cases for other points of views. but i stay more into the deep dive videos.

    i am a tsla bull so im bias. Some of my channels i subscribe to are....
    Tesla daily
    Solving the money problem
    Dave lee on investing.

    all of those youtubers are thoughtful investors, and well researched. At the bottom ill post a link to a vid not directly related to tsla but that i found within my research due to tsla.

    find your tesla. Or reason to subscribe to the tsla fanboy club, or reject it. But draw your own conclusion rather than looking to be spoonfed. A million people would tell you why you would be stupid to buy tesla at $600 right now....as outrageous as it is. But i might say....well?.....not so fast....

    This video At the bottom is on NKLA, but i am kinda diggin this guy’s vibe on his last few videos. He seems well thought out. And its relative to the industry i am interested in. Maybe not breaking info, but reads between the headlines.

    i would add that by watching those tsla guys, i also found good very knowledgable info on starlink, and roblox IPO’s if and when they happen. David lee goes into many companies....

    My point is your own research is always better than saying “what should i invest in”. If you are on a self directed investment forum.

    Maybe once you narrow it down, then discuss opinions on your company here? Just my .02

  2. TomB16

    TomB16 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    B Russ, Im a single male in my early 20s. I'm looking for a way to build wealth quickly. Driving a Honda Civic thats already a year old gets tiresome, as does going to work, and flying coach.

    I can borrow $1500 to get this going. What do i need to do to become wealthy beyond my dreams in 45 days?
    B Russ likes this.
  3. B Russ

    B Russ Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2017
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    Obviously, buy nkla calls! :)

    disclaimer to anyone else reading. The sarcasm is thick.
    TomB16 likes this.

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