Should we care about BREXIT?

Discussion in 'Ask any question!' started by Gray Wolf, Apr 29, 2016.

  1. hitman

    hitman Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2016
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    Obama said… " The people of the UK have spoken, and we respect their decision. The special relationship between the US and the UK is enduring, and the UK's membership in NATO remains a vital cornerstone of US foreign, security and economic policy."

    Biden said… " I must say we had looked for a different outcome. We would have preferred a different outcome…but the US has a long-standing friendship with the UK and that very special bond will endure."

    Hmmm… trade agreements are already in place nothing new needs to be negotiated. Where is capital going to flow like I said straight to the US market and the DOW will see higher highs. post #11
    #81 hitman, Jun 25, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2016
  2. Ciao (Sheppy)

    Ciao (Sheppy) Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2016
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    hi HItman " my hat off to you" thanks but I haven't discovered the hot water ;):D
    IMO from now on we will be hearing many bell's clappers emit different sounds.... we say here >> everyone take/bring water to his own mill<<< meaning "they will write-say what is most convenient to them" ..

    like I have said on my previous post the P&D will be on the from pages-programs to indoctrinate us what is good for them NOT GOOD FOR US....

    Here we hear many different sounds-info .. I give you few

    1) Austria -Finland-Sweden-Hungary-Denmark as in their little way (small countries) are well governed want out of EU because since joining the EU their welfare starting going loses purchasing power and so on
    2) the south states of Europe (Italy-France-Spain-Portugal + UK) should come out and forming their own Union.. a bit late and impossible but I like that
    3) Holland want out ..... that is known
    4) the French government, like the Italian don't want to come out but putting into vote (referendum) i honestly think majorities all vote for out..
    5) now many begging to think-say that the time has arrived to change the European Parliament in Brussels... that I deeply agree ....

    IMO if a CEO-AD make losses and the company goes from bad to worse we don't change the building but the men in command...

    you quote >>France and if I understand well Northern League in Italy

    Marie Le Pen (leader of the front national ...opposition party and next year elections could become the next French President) asked President Holand during a meeting at the Elysee with the National Front leader Marine Le Pen, has rejected its request to organize a referendum for the release of the European Union on the model of France Brexit.

    then we wonder why the populations go-vote for the extremist (D. Trump should tell us something as well)

    regarding the "Lega Nord" referendum ... our constitution doesn't allow it (then they tell us we are in democracy!!!) but it is necessary one million of citizen's signatures then taken to Constitutional Court on the admissibility the President will then decide if allowed it or not... but will take such long time that by then majorities will have forgotten the Brexit and the corruption will carryon as normal... ;):( :D

    btw HOLAND and our puppet (PMinister Renzi) are called to Germany by Merkel to discuss the Brexit ... that is what they tell us.... in fact they will receive order of how to "bash" the population further!!!!

    I thought Germany lost the war? :confused: ;)

    for a such important subject I find very hard to express myself in English... to express a simple thought I have to write endless lines .... to read it might take much of your time but it took me a hell of time to write it

    PS do not forget that we are here primarily as a traders..... therefore our first task is to make money and not to change the world ... now it is the time to buy cheap "no risk no profit";):)
    T0rm3nted likes this.
  3. Z-OldEurope

    Z-OldEurope Active Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Imo, they should negotiate that before the poll ;)
    #83 Z-OldEurope, Jun 26, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2016
  4. Z-OldEurope

    Z-OldEurope Active Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Of course he rejected it.

    She knew that it will be rejected. It was only a PR stunt. She could also ask to move the Moon.

    Imo, asking for that one day after the Brexit turmoils shows how she works and thinks
    Fishing for emotional votes on lowest levels. Imagine he said Yes ? That would be the
    last coffin nail for the € and you would find him somewhere about 0.5 the next day ;)

    Or ?
  5. Z-OldEurope

    Z-OldEurope Active Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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  6. Dangerloot

    Dangerloot New Member

    Jun 23, 2016
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    I read through this entire thread in the last hour or so. Signed up on the forums to respond... here are some thoughts, questions and conjecture (previously posted on discord):

    Which city/cities will become the next financial hub(s) in the EU?

    Also, asides from the re-referendum squash, I see the next catalyst being electing a new PM and whatever happens to Article 50. I'm actually considering how plausible it is that a new candidate platform on "finding a way for a brexit reversal". Clearly, Cameron has screwed the next PM by forcing them to submit the Article.

    Will a shift in centralized/decentralizing power positively or negatively affect the receiving country's bonds, banks, equities? Germany needs some positivity in their bonds, and as the existing center for EURACS (the collection of pensions and insurance actuary firms) it's not a bad place to start moving employees. But what about language barrier? Time zone issues? I'm watching the ECB ... where they move, others will move, right?

    To conclude my thoughts on London's future as a financial hub: I think we will see small but steady shifts to France and Germany, perhaps to spread risk, take advantage of sector specific access... those who prefer the London time zone English speaking access to EU passporting (aka US, Canada) will maybe start transitioning to Dublin - FDI could see an immediate shift. Retail, finance, utilites, mining and materials... split across Frankfurt, Paris and Dublin (and Luxemborg?)

    What does it all mean short/mid/long term?

    RSI is clearly entering oversold territory with supports being broken making for excellent perceived value, but a potential falling knife. There is still a lot of uncertainty and fear, and even though the big money is where it wanted to be as of EOD Friday, there is still a lot of downside with big gaps to fill. Markets could turn on a dime... what should be the knee-jerk indicators to watch for?

    Lastly, while reading this thread: Most people who posted were wrong about the outcome. Most people have more opinions than questions. Now is the time for assembling the right questions and not the wrong attitudes. Don't be a dick, let's all make money!

    *edit: I watched the John Oliver clip. It's a fun exercise in semantics and comedy of the absurd. It doesn't really get to the heart of why people would want to vote, only chastising the more ridiculous, anti-<whatever> views. This is more a propaganda against Trump than a piece about Britain. (Disclaimer: I am anti-Trump and anti-Brexit)
    #86 Dangerloot, Jun 26, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2016
    OldFart, Gray Wolf and T0rm3nted like this.
  7. Gray Wolf

    Gray Wolf Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    So one of the interesting things that I have been reading is that this vote was an "advisory" to the political parties and not a binding vote. And Cameron apparently outmaneuvered Boris Johnson (Trump look a like) into a corner. The politicians have until December to invoke Article 50 to leave the EU and Cameron will leave before that happens. Boris Johnson's political career is pretty much washed up not matter which way he turns. If he runs for PM and wins and then fails to trigger Article 50 he's done. If he does not run and abandons the cause he's done. If he runs and wins and pulls the UK out of EU then Scotland will break away and the economic problems leaving EU will bring down will finish him as well. So, it looks like Cameron made his move and told Johnson "Checkmate" That said, it is becoming clearer that this Brexit is not a done deal and could very easily fall apart. The one thing this will do over the next few months is probably add a touch of uncertainty to the market which adds up to volatility. I look for this issue to cause some ups and downs in the market much like the Greece situation did a little while back.
    Z-OldEurope likes this.
  8. Dangerloot

    Dangerloot New Member

    Jun 23, 2016
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    Disagree with that article entirely (I saw it posted from a sad/angry Bremainer). Brexit politicians got what they wanted and should know how to see past the short term losses to achieve their long term goals. While I think this was a terrible move for many reasons... now that it's happening, I can see some benefit. Boris drew the short straw and Cameron not submitting was always an option... it was a binary option, to be frank, and the TKIP would have planned for it.

    It will be up to everyone now to work within this new reality to dampen the negatives and more quickly bring to light the "sterling lining".

    Persisting with these types of "hah we actually won" articles only furthers the denial. 5 stages of grief.

    Article in question (which I strongly disagree with it holding any merit)
  9. Z-OldEurope

    Z-OldEurope Active Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    To make a statement again.

    GB will never ever leave the EU. Mark my words.

    See what The Führer said today..

    To read here:

    Means, waaait, who said it we will leave tomorrow ?? I only meant
    NO more refugees and we can now import out bananas regards the bending,
    but.. the rest remains the same. Sorry for that , nah nah and now vote me.

    And Nigel Farage, the Economics Godfather, (who knew him before that) said

    Really ?? Well well, thats ok, he must know it. Just trust him.

    So, no chance to escape, wait and see.

    There is too much money involved and there is no chance
    that the folks who control it, would ever alow that.

    In the USA there is a Military Industrial Complex
    here in the Eu
    we have the Financial Industrial Complex.

    No escape from both once in.


  10. Z-OldEurope

    Z-OldEurope Active Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    he he he.

    May i say i love you ??!


    Thats, compressed, exactly what i am talking about ! Great !!
    You have a great comprehension and a sharp mind.

    And the MOST important thing you said is

    it is becoming clearer that this Brexit is not a done deal and could very easily fall apart.

    Everything else is wishful thinking and nothing more. I should make your whole quote red !
    All is important and right.

    ps. At the moment, im ashamed that i ever answered to Hitman and felt insulted.
    Who cares what he thinks about me, go back to the 80is where you empty phrases
    come from.. :)
  11. Dangerloot

    Dangerloot New Member

    Jun 23, 2016
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  12. Z-OldEurope

    Z-OldEurope Active Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    To answer your question.

    Read it today :

    They expect 10 000 new financial Jobs in Frankfurt now but they are also concerned if they will have enough homes for them, and about rising rents that are anyway high when wealthy banksters flood the Town..


  13. Gray Wolf

    Gray Wolf Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    I don't expect everyone to agree with me, but the article I got my information from makes sense. You don't include much in the way of what you are not agreeing with except "all of it". So you are saying the vote is a binding thing? I think not, it is just an advisory and the politicians are not bound by the vote and clearly Cameron comes out looking just fine by leaving before invoking Article 50 and Johnson is in a very bad position politically no matter what he does. What position do you have that is different? Are you saying the exit is mandatory? Or are you saying Johnson has no political backwash to worry about? :D
    Z-OldEurope likes this.
  14. StockJock-e

    StockJock-e Brew Master
    Staff Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Whats the latest on another referendum Im hearing about?

    Is this even legally possible?
  15. Dangerloot

    Dangerloot New Member

    Jun 23, 2016
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    I'm saying that this opinion blog is non-news. Article 50 wasn't some unknown factor that Cameron was hiding. Boris isn't unprepared for backlash - this is unpopular by at least 48%. I am also adding that the process doesn't discount the fact that it's happening.
  16. Dangerloot

    Dangerloot New Member

    Jun 23, 2016
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    Not sure about the legality... but the petition that everyone on Facebook is touting has been mostly signed by non-UK citizens:

    Fraud being investigated, Cameron said there is no 2nd vote (wouldn't he champion one?).

    Possibly the anonymous hacker Mr./Mrs. Four Chan:

    ^^ true or not, still funny

  17. Tiptopptrader

    Tiptopptrader Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2016
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    I keep thinking about the Bookmakers and the odds in favor of remain. I wonder if someone or group with deep pockets could have pushed the odds in that direction to get the markets to rally and then shorted the pound. Sound far fetched...the markets many times over has been manipulated by those not playing with a full deck
    Ciao (Sheppy) likes this.
  18. Dangerloot

    Dangerloot New Member

    Jun 23, 2016
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    When folks in the chat room started bringing up these betting sites, I started going to cash. Things weren't adding up, there wasn't enough fear. :) (not saying that was the only reason, but a red flag, for sure)
    Tiptopptrader likes this.
  19. Ciao (Sheppy)

    Ciao (Sheppy) Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2016
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    TTT IMO you are not very far from it;):) like a little bird told me to go heavy on banks put (options) and Gold call :cool::p
    Tiptopptrader likes this.
  20. Ciao (Sheppy)

    Ciao (Sheppy) Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2016
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    for curiosity Dangerloot do you live in an EU country? are you dealing in finance/banks?
    for what I saw and still see I am for anyone getting out of EU.... UNLESS there is a vast change of heads and organization there

    can't talk about Trump from here IMO we only know what the media like us to know h e pro&against
    #100 Ciao (Sheppy), Jun 27, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2016

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