Castons1 in the house

Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by CASTONS1, Feb 21, 2021.


    CASTONS1 New Member

    Feb 20, 2021
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    Good day folks, new to this forum. Been looking to expand my trading information and knowledge. Look forward to interacting and learning from all of you. I'm older and looking for good stocks and information to grow my portfolio. I need to make $$$ to grow faster since I am older with low income as a disabled vet. Thank you in advance for any help I can get from any of you!!
  2. gtrudeau88

    gtrudeau88 Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2020
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    WXYZ's long term investor thread is where you should start. I'm not a vet but it sounds like my financial situation is similar to yours.
    CASTONS1 likes this.
  3. T0rm3nted

    T0rm3nted Moderator
    Staff Member

    Apr 2, 2016
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    Rustic1 likes this.
  4. gtrudeau88

    gtrudeau88 Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2020
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    I do have a thread here regarding my philosophy of investing. Read it but don't follow it necessarily. I haven't been doing this long enough to say I'm doing it right for me, let alone my system being right for someone else.

    WXYZ is someone who buys positions and tends to hold them for a long time. Ho doesn't get frazzled in the least by market drops because he knows the positions will grow again and grow greater than the loss. He's not big on keeping cash around. If he was a dog he would be a 12 year old golden retriever: calm, cool, unfrazzled no matter the circumstances.

    Rustic1's approach is different. He likes to have just a few strong positions while keeping a big chunk of cash available. He's cautious. If he was a dog he would be my old aussi shepherd Casey. She would bark like crazy whenever a male came into the house, scare the pants off some of them, and then chill and welcome them in. Rustic1 vehemently disagrees with my approach to investing (the bark) but he still flags some of my postings with a "like". A lot like Casey.

    Other folk here are day and swing traders. They are a lot like squirrels, moving from one tree to the next, hoping to find a hidden stash of acorns. Eat em and then off to find the next stash.

    I'm a lot like WXYZ in that my philosophy is to hold and not worry but unlike him, I can't afford to hold as long as he would without at least considering sells to lock gains or prevent steep losses. My age and small amount of available funds preclude me from being a true long termer. I think I'm a 6 year old golden retriever, pretty friendly but maybe not the wisest. Still figuring all this out.
  5. Rustic1

    Rustic1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2021
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    Welcome. Always a honor to thank our VETERANS.
    CASTONS1 likes this.

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