I was sold a bad bill of goods. Al Gore lied to me about stockaholics.

Discussion in 'Investing' started by Dave Kraayeveld, Mar 17, 2021.

  1. Dave Kraayeveld

    Dave Kraayeveld Active Member

    Mar 11, 2021
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    I know plenty of people do that.
  2. TomB16

    TomB16 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    I didn't read past the first two sentences of this thread because I don't know if you are good enough for me to bother with. Post your trades from the last two years, along with account statements, and I will get back to you if I judge you adequate.

    Rustic1 likes this.
  3. gtrudeau88

    gtrudeau88 Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2020
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    You asked.

    How about you do the same?
  4. Rustic1

    Rustic1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2021
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    TOM B actually is one you could learn from. He is a full fledged investor and made a FORTUNE playing the TSLA long game.

    Instead of getting your feelings hurt and whining like a little girl, perhaps you should spend more time learning instead of biting the hand that can help feed you. Its not our fault your getting your ass smoked in the markets.

    Tom and I spar on a regular basis, I tend to be a trader, he is a investor.
    That being said, I have a very high level for respect for him and would be proud to shake his hand.

    He has a passion for helping the new members of the market. You would make a excellent student of his success.

    Just sayin, Mr. Buffett. :cool2:
  5. Dave Kraayeveld

    Dave Kraayeveld Active Member

    Mar 11, 2021
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    Here you go, From March 19, 2019 till now.
    In July of 2019, a nice lady from Morgan Stanley suggested I move to TD Ameritade because Morgan Stanley would soak me in comissions. So these are the purchase I made in JULY of 2019. If someone can teach me how to do a screen shot I am willing to prove. [email protected], AMZN@2,012, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], GOOG@1,151.21, NKE@ 88.82, SWPPX@ 46.41, FXAIX,@104.41, [email protected], [email protected]. July was a funding from the transfer of funds from Morgan Stanley. So I am going to ask you to go to that movie TOMBSTONE where Wyatt Earp asks Billy BOB Thorton the infamous question. "YOU GONNA DO SOMETHING? OR ARE YOU JUST GONNA STAND THERE AND BLEED". You teach me how to do a screenshot and I will. On a personal note, I would never do that many trades in a month. This was a transfer of funds from Morgan Stanley and I was doing asset allocation. In 1978 I got reamed out in a group of people by Mike Ditka. No offense but whether you want to bother with me is of little consequence to me. Whether you judge me adequate is of little importance to me. Define adequate, and please define good enough. Quoting the MAMA" and the PAPA's, I believe I have a fish on the line. Since I am a trader who invests I still hold 6 of those 12.
  6. Dave Kraayeveld

    Dave Kraayeveld Active Member

    Mar 11, 2021
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    You made an assumption. I am a new member to this group. I am not a new member to the market. I have my 35 year pin with many scars on it. I joined Wall Street on June 12, 1986. I wish I had all my statements to really judge how well I have done. I have laid eggs and found painted ponies. So tell me how to reach Tom. I have been reading and learning since January of 1980 when gold first went over 800 dollars an ounce. Tell me how you think I am biting the hand that feeds me. Lot of harsh words there. So I am an old man set in concrete. There is no way I could do BITCOIN. So allow me to cross examine you. I am doing a stock challenge with my family using Schwab Stock Slices. I have offered 100 dollars of my money to make a purchase for anybody in their name on my Schwab self-created mutual fund. Nobody on Stockaholics is willing to allow me to invest 100 real dollars in their name. I wonder why? Define whining for me. I invite anyone to tell me why something I buy is either good or bad. On a humorous side note and you don't seem to be in a humorous mood. Years ago I googled myself and some bored person created a Wikipedia page for me. I quickly went on and tried to correct the misinformation and wikipedia wouldn't let. Reel free to google me. Thanks for sarcastically calling me Warren Buffett. I worked with a guy for 24 years who tried to put me down by clling me E.F. Hutton. Pray tell do you know how he gained his reputation.
  7. TomB16

    TomB16 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    Good morning, Dave. When you write, people read.

    The point of my post was to demonstrate what it's like to be on the receiving end of that request. We share what we want to share. If you don't believe us some or all of the time, that's on you. I dare say it would be smart to not believe us much of the time. lol!

    I thought it would be an interesting idea to publicly go through the process of finding some companies, research them, and then invest in one or more. It would span months and years. I thought it would show new investors what it's like to go through the process. The problem with this idea is it assumes someone else is interested in investing the way I do. They are not.

    Not every idea I have is good, to say the least. Not every company I own does all that well. I'm happy with my performance. That's all that matters. I believe that's all that matters to other people, as well. We are all on our own journey; we just happen to be on these journeys together.

    Kind regards, Dave.
    Rustic1 likes this.
  8. Dave Kraayeveld

    Dave Kraayeveld Active Member

    Mar 11, 2021
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    Help me, the purpose of that family contest was to teach my 40 something boys something. Tell we what it is like to get that request. According to Solomon there is wisdom in counselors. So I am asking someone to give me a symbol and the chances are that symbol that you gave me would beat my sons fixed income product. Again I wish you the best in your endeavors, I will be on the 317 out of here this afternoon,
  9. Rustic1

    Rustic1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2021
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    Mr. Dave, I was referring to gtrudeau88. It appears he is new in the markets and is a little misguided.
    Some of these folks have bought stocks at the top and are unprepared to handle the fluctuations.

    He has witnessed a pullback and I highly suggest he consult with TOM B that has a proven track record and Im sure would gladly point him to a few funds and safer companies to INVEST in.

    I'm a trader/investor, assume by statistics that I lose 99% of my positions and a Google search will prove the point. :cool2:
  10. Dave Kraayeveld

    Dave Kraayeveld Active Member

    Mar 11, 2021
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    MY BAD
  11. Rustic1

    Rustic1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2021
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    Its all good my friend. :cool2:

    CPNG is holding its own. Got some buyers stepping in. Still have some unlocked shares that can hit though. :D
  12. Dave Kraayeveld

    Dave Kraayeveld Active Member

    Mar 11, 2021
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    Choose wisely my friend.
  13. StockJock-e

    StockJock-e Brew Master
    Staff Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Dave, Im not sure if you are new to the world of online chats and forums, but you need to take it down a knotch. Posting a thread asking if people want you stay or leave? I delete that shit, nobody is interested in reading about drama.

    We are here to talk about the markets, bring up news and ideas, thats it.

    Take the time to see how this community works vs deciding on your own how you think it should work.
  14. Dave Kraayeveld

    Dave Kraayeveld Active Member

    Mar 11, 2021
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    I am assuming your one of the coaches. You took that serious. I'm sorry I assumed people wouldn't take that serious. Sounds good to me. I will try not to joke around.
  15. Dave Kraayeveld

    Dave Kraayeveld Active Member

    Mar 11, 2021
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    I am hoping am responding to Tom. I am asking for help. My oldest wants to buy GME. CNN is reporting a hole in the hull of GME. So I have asked for help. If you asked me to choose a stock that you could have your adult son watch I would be honored. So be it
  16. StockJock-e

    StockJock-e Brew Master
    Staff Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Right, so there is a big problem with text online in that it does not carry intent or sarcasm well.

    We don't know if you are joking or not.

    Typically you will find sarcastic statement end with a "/s" which indicates to the reader it was sarcasm. Or "/joke" or a smiley face.

    So many only disagreements and arguments can be avoided if this is just used properly.
  17. TomB16

    TomB16 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    I'm in no position to help, for a variety of reasons. I find this interesting so I will share my view.

    1) If you've been trading for 35 years, it is unlikely I can provide any sort of market revelation.

    2) I cannot talk your son out of buying GameStop. I highly doubt anyone can. This is akin to a single mother asking me to talk her son out of getting a face tattoo. When someone asks if you think a face tattoo would look bitchen, the correct response is to smile and say, "maybe". Because, that person is getting a face tattoo. They are looking for reassurance which you cannot provide (if you're me) but you also don't want to hurt that person or damage the relationship. For these reasons, you walk carefully. Trying to force your will on someone is not a solution to anything.

    People who trade options and stocks, looking to make a quick buck, have exactly zero interest in anything I have to say. I look at people with a two year investment horizon as traders. That isn't hyperbole.

    Lastly, please allow me to clear the air with Rustic1. I'm no messiah. I'm just a guy who knows a bit about a few very narrow aspects of the business world. I do my best to stay within my areas of knowledge. The markets have treated me well but I don't share much detail on my portfolio, net worth, performance, or personal life. I try to share concepts and ideas, because that is what I believe brings people here, without giving away my personal information. For all you and I know, you have had better performance than I have.

    Gentlemen, please have a wonderful weekend.
    spindr0 and Rustic1 like this.
  18. Rustic1

    Rustic1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2021
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    Mr. TOM

    I dont divulge in the financial matters of others.
    I can only assume based on your posting in the TSLA thread that your investment in tranches and all being pre-split was a very well thought out process. You due diligence is very intense and well informed. You obviously felt your investment had plateaued and closed your position at precisely the correct time. The ones here old or new that are willing to listen can be steered in the right longterm investing direction. :booyah:

    I seriously doubt my trading/investing style would compare and I would respectfully concede and point anyone in your direction. :cool2:

    After reading the below article I think we both currently are in the wrong business. :rofl:

  19. Dave Kraayeveld

    Dave Kraayeveld Active Member

    Mar 11, 2021
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    Thanks I still dont think people get what I am asking.
  20. Dave Kraayeveld

    Dave Kraayeveld Active Member

    Mar 11, 2021
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    Thanks for the clarification.

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