The Long Term Investor

Discussion in 'Investing' started by WXYZ, Oct 2, 2018.

  1. emmett kelly

    emmett kelly Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2017
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    i don't judge, but when you put your head on the pillow at night is your conscience clear?
    WXYZ likes this.
  2. zukodany

    zukodany Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    you…. Day trader you…..

    (sorry couldn’t resist)
  3. zukodany

    zukodany Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    I’m happy with my initial NVDA investment. Didn’t add any because overall I think they are a tad stretched and are part of a tech sector which experience tremendous volatility currently. If this was any other time I may have added. I really really hope that they keep on climbing and stay at their peak (or close to it) during this split period and hopefully after as well. But this year I am done with buying after experiencing all this volatility and foolishness coming from memes/crypto. Let this year ride itself out and I’ll pour money into my winners once I sense there’s some sense of stability
    WXYZ likes this.
  4. zukodany

    zukodany Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    In regards to retirement. I know… WAAAAY to early for me to think about that. But I’ve always liked the idea of having a few income generating prospects. Even from an early age- I never subscribed to having ONE job, never cared for a 401k or social security or anything like that, and so I doubt that will ever change. The reason being- I always felt more confident with a few RELIABLE income generating jobs. That way I never felt pressure or ANY feeling of anxiety when one was threatening to close or made unreasonable demands. I am a firm believer in making the right judgment ALL THE TIME you are in a sane mind. That’s why I own MULTIPLE income producing streams of revenue- I OWN a business. I OWN businesses through a diverse portfolio. I OWN real estate. I OWN income producing collectibles.
    Many people are convinced that the more you own the more stressful you get. And that is 100% true if the securities you own are extremely volatile and NOT secure, and do not amount to a large net sum. That is not the case with what I own.
    I know, things change as we age, lower tolerance for headaches and limited physical capabilities will naturally take their course on me, but that is the WONDERFUL thing about owning a basket of RELIABLE income producing assets. As long as they are generating money I can only do my best to preserve them at HIGHEST possible value while not risking losing them AND generating the most income I can in that ratio, and if I ever get to a point of exhaustion or god forbid disability - the worse case scenario is to liquidate at a premium- which I WILL NOT DO unless disaster strikes me physically.
    I also trained my family and 2 reliable close friends which I call family to assist me in case of any unexpected disabilities or suspensions.
    If I was to retire TODAY I would be generating a VERY nice monthly income with very minimum, almost zero efforts and worries - just because I have set this to work for me on those levels and above and foremost - BECAUSE OF A DIVERSITY IN RELIABLE ASSETS.
    As much as I love the stock market - I don’t think I would EVER be sane or living a stress free life just owning a portfolio which will generate even a conservative yield of 5% annual return of my net worth. But I am new to this, so maybe my attitude will change - but changing my attitude would mean DEFYING my lifestyle, which ALWAYS felt MORE comfortable with having a few assets provide me with my comfortable well being
  5. gtrudeau88

    gtrudeau88 Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2020
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    if things hold will be new high today. home remodel coming along nicely. life is good, God is good.
    WXYZ likes this.
  6. TomB16

    TomB16 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    If you were in the womb, it wouldn't be too early.

    Speaking of wombs, it's time for my wife and I to enjoy our retirement. I may be back on the forum a bit later.
    oldmanram and zukodany like this.
  7. emmett kelly

    emmett kelly Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2017
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    agreed. and we have until june 20 for this to hit $60 as i predicted.

  8. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    LOL Zukodany.....that is one LONG day trade.....from May 21 to July 20. At least I decided NOT to use any leverage.

    I have said a few times......I try to be an OPPORTUNISTIC investor. If I see something that I think is a CALCULATED a probability...I will take it. I like to think of it as......HUNTER/GATHERER......type of investing. I have my usual berries and mushrooms and grubs that I like and find....but if I get a chance for something else....I will hunt for it or gather it.....when possible. I will try to take what I am given.

    The one thing about this Nvidia split that gave me a bit of pause.....and caused me to NOT do it on margin....was the long length of time from the announcement to the actual split date.........2 months. A lot could happen in 2 months...that could overwhelm the split news. SO......I wanted to be prepared to just let those 30 shares sit for the long term if necessary....without paying back the SP500 Index Fund.
    zukodany likes this.
  9. zukodany

    zukodany Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    Of course W… I said it in jest.. absolutely no need to justify your investing trades to ANYONE…. You’ve been at this rodeo far too long to know what calculated risk is and you acted with a sound mind doing it. Thank you as always for sharing this with us!
    WXYZ likes this.
  10. zukodany

    zukodany Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    A nice whoppin 1.20 gain today for me. Of course it sounds lovely but yesterday I nearly lost the same amount so just a boring ass week for me… goes well with pretty much this entire year so far. Boring
  11. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Sure....I knew it was in jest......and.....I have no problem making fun of myself. I just like to put it ALL out there on thinking and reasoning.

    I do a lot of "tongue in cheek" posting....but it is always true. I try to slip in old TV and movie references as well as old sayings, etc. WE can have fun on here....and STILL MAKE MONEY.
    #6051 WXYZ, Jun 4, 2021
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2021
  12. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    A very good strong day today. LOTS of green and a good beat of the SP500 by .32%. Home Depot and Nike were my ONLY two down stocks. The big guns for me today were MSFT, up $5.08 or 2.07%......GOOGL, up $45.99 or 1.96%....and....of course, Nvda, up $24.34 or 3.59%.

    We had a very good week this week and ended the week with ALL the averages being up today and for the week.

    DOW year to date +13.56%
    DOW for the week +0.66%

    SP500 year to date +12.61%
    SP500 for the week +0.61%

    NASDAQ 100 year to date +6.85%
    NASDAQ 100 for the week +0.62%

    NASDAQ year to date +7.19%
    NASDAQ for the week +0.48%

    RUSSELL year to date +15.78%
    RUSSELL for the week +0.77%

    Pretty uniform gains across all the averages for the week......a WELL ROUNDED market this week.
  13. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    I like this little spite of the usual FED fear mongering.....other than is has a very POSITIVE message for investors that I agree with.

    The U.S. economy is 'entering boomtown': economist

    (BOLD is my opinion OR what I consider important content)

    "As economic activity bounces back and the labor market continues to improve, RSM Chief Economist Joe Brusuelas told Yahoo Finance Live the U.S. economy is “entering boomtown.”

    “I think we're about to pivot from recovery to expansion in the economy,” Brusuelas said. “It's appropriate that members of the Federal Reserve begin to signal to markets that things are not going to be the same forever. It's appropriate [for the Fed] to begin to think about tapering the pace of asset purchases… or altering the composition of those asset purchases”

    Over the last several weeks, a number of Federal Reserve policymakers have signaled a willingness to start talking about scaling back the central bank’s bond purchases, which is currently about $40 billion of mortgage-backed securities and $80 billion of Treasuries per month. Dallas Fed President Robert Kaplan, Philadelphia Fed President Patrick Harker and Fed Governor Randal Quarles are among Fed officials who have expressed interest in soon starting to think about tapering.

    And calls from investors for the Fed to revise its easy monetary policy are growing louder as well, after recent CPI data showed inflation is on the rise. U.S. inflation soared to a 13-year high in April, as the core personal consumption expenditures (PCE) price index, excluding food and energy, rose 3.1%.

    But despite higher inflation and an improving economy, Federal Reserve Bank of New York President John Williams told Yahoo Finance Live in an exclusive interview Thursday that the economy is “still quite a ways off from maintaining substantial further progress.”

    I think we should be thinking through all of the issues around the economic recovery and thinking about policy options in the future. I just don't think the time is now to take any action,” WIlliams said.

    The labor market is one area of the economy where a recovery is far from complete. While the pace of hiring picked up in May, the number of employed workers is still down about 8 million from pre-pandemic levels, with nearly 10 million Americans available for work.

    That will take some time to work out, cautioned Brusuelas, and as a result, the central bank can “afford to be patient.”

    I don't think we're going to be running up against any significant inflationary pressures because we really need to see three things: a huge [pickup in] hiring, demand-pull inflation from wages, and changes in inflation expectations. None of those three are really in the cards right now so the central bank has time to be patient, to observe where we're going in terms of expansion and how long they expect it to be before we're back to full employment.”


    YEP.....we are far from the end of the current FED policy. The last thing they want to do is end too early and harm or hinder the recovery.
  14. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    I am going to sign off for the day. I picked up a last minute show today with one of the bands I play with.....a last minute cancellation. So I am off on a little 100 mile road trip today.

    We will be outside...but lately here in Central Texas...for the last month or more....the weather has been amazing for this time of the year.....high 70's to mid 80's. Normally we would be in the low to high 90's.
  15. gtrudeau88

    gtrudeau88 Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2020
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    I'm at 9.9% gain for the year. I am considering the 50% taken out for the house remodel as cash. I'm pretty happy.
    XxGoFish likes this.
  16. XxGoFish

    XxGoFish Member

    Jun 2, 2021
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    I like NVDA too but they are just too expensive for a guy like me. And at now 700+, I am not sure that right this moment is the best time to buy. But who knows.

    I really like the outlook for DKNG, as more states legalize sports betting, Arizona will start allowing sports betting this football season, I think platforms like DraftKings will see a huge boost in revenues.

    I like COLD on a personal note. I used to work for Americold Logistics, which was a cold storage facility. I have come to find out that COLD is Americold Realty and they hold a massive portfolio of cold storage facilities across the US and worldwide... I think they are due for solid growth in the near future.

    ABT- Abbott Labs is another company on my personal "like," list
  17. XxGoFish

    XxGoFish Member

    Jun 2, 2021
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    I am up 5.81%, but I only have 1350$ to start with ... My 5.81% is also my 1-month and 3-month lol ... Im such a newbie

    1412$ rollin into June.
    TomB16 likes this.
  18. TomB16

    TomB16 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    GoFish, you aren't competing with us. You're competing with the market.

    If you just started and have made over 5% in the first five months of the year, I'd say you're doing fantastic.
    gtrudeau88 likes this.
  19. XxGoFish

    XxGoFish Member

    Jun 2, 2021
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    Oh I know I am not competing really with anyone. I just want to make more than I lose lol

    And thank you, honestly that is pretty much all from that BB sell. Ive made a few bucks here and there on sells but really I would like to get my portfolio and set of initial stocks figured out and just buy and sit back and dont touch them for a few years.

    Does everyone think ETF's are better for beginners? I feel like they are probably safer but they are probably limit my earnings more also.... opinions? I was looking at VWO, Vanguards Emerging Markets EFT, VOO, DLN, and IHI (iShares US Medical Device Fund ETF)

    I am learning... please be gentle. No lube.
  20. oldmanram

    oldmanram Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2021
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    TomB , It's been Waaayyyy over 4 minutes , what happened fall asleep ? hehe

    WXYZ, of course we all jest , if your makin excuses , your justifying , just kidding , couldn't help myself.

    That's what I like about you folks here, nobody (less one) takes it personally , we all have a similar mindset,
    and although we may not have gathered together in the outside world, in here we can ............

    Knock em dead WXYZ ,

    Ow a nice day , and I see you guys did a good job of distracting the profit takers from hitting the sell button this afternoon ,
    Was up .80% earlier and I come back after closing to a 1.06% gain , Thank You

    largest gainer's today
    INTC (yes I sold a 75% stake) (purchased more MU, AMZN, and XLK or XSW)

    on the ETF side
    all up over 1.25%

    For the week UP .50%
    For the Month UP 1.54%
    TomB16 likes this.

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