The Long Term Investor

Discussion in 'Investing' started by WXYZ, Oct 2, 2018.

  1. gtrudeau88

    gtrudeau88 Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2020
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    So I did execute my plan by selling all my stake in VOO, NKE, LOW, and SHW (all 4 = 55% of portfolio) this morning and bought GD, MOS, NOC, and OXY (all 4 somewhat evenly divided). I ended up down 0.45% for the day compared to the S&P down 2.95% for the day. I actually set a new high today I think but that didn't last much after the 1st hour.

    EQT (45% of portfolio) once again was up, by .61%. My new 4 positions gained on the day except OXY (-1.39%) but I lost on them all as I bought when they were spiking this a.m. and so I didn't get a good buy price. Oh well. MOS and NOC combined only lost me like $30 but OXY dropped 3.25% from when I bought it. That's life.

    Already looking forward to tomorrow. If I can get out a 5% on these new positions I'll be happy, ecstatic if I could hit 10%. I'll take any gain I can get, any size.
  2. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Simply a BRUTAL day today in what has been a BRUTAL year to date for investors. The markets just continued to drop all day. I did not watch the mid-day markets but I can tell they probably ended the day near lows.

    Right now........after the close account is siting at (-16.7%) year to date.....definately in correction territory. For comparison the SP500 is down by (-11.86%) year to date.

    I dont see much going on short term that is going to turn the markets around. We are getting to the point where the short term traders and the big banks are very hesitant to hold anything overnight....much less over a weekend. They are deathly afraid to be caught holding when an oil and/or gas boycott is announced or some disaster befalls Ukraine or the world in the war.
  3. zukodany

    zukodany Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    Bought 15k worth of appl tsla NVDA and fb. Will get 15k more by next month if we slide lower. Fun time to buy!
    WXYZ and Value543 like this.
  4. mizugori

    mizugori New Member

    Mar 20, 2021
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    I for one am not sitting tight, I am buying the hell out of these dips. I just barely missed the damn close today so I'll have to take a look at open in the morning, but probably going to load up on some nike & honeywell. I'm seriously tempted by nvidia but I just have an aversion to these companies that don't pay any dividends...
    WXYZ likes this.
  5. zukodany

    zukodany Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    The only one company that I owned and I won’t buy again was pypl, and that’s not to say that it’s a bad company, just I think a company that didn’t play it’s cards right recently. All the other PROFITABLE tech giants; fb, ntflx, NVDA, Amzn just saw HUGE dips for no reason other than current inflation fears and other TEMPORARY current events. If that doesn’t translate to the long term investor as BUY THE DIP you’re totally in the wrong game
    WXYZ likes this.
  6. Dax Martinez

    Dax Martinez Member

    Jan 22, 2021
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    All my cash flow is going towards AMD, APPL, and TSLA. I am also taking advantage of the dip but also willing to take a loss. I am an aggressive investor.
    WXYZ likes this.
  7. Brownbrody

    Brownbrody New Member

    Jan 1, 2022
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  8. Brownbrody

    Brownbrody New Member

    Jan 1, 2022
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    I think Nvidia has more to fall. Im waiting on this one
  9. mizugori

    mizugori New Member

    Mar 20, 2021
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    I personally wouldn't touch fb or netflix with a 50 foot pole. Netflix was once a great company but in my opinion they've been stumbling since they lost their effective monopoly on the streaming game. Now with amazon prime video, disney plus, peacock, etc etc... it's becoming an increasingly crowded and competitive space. Less companies are willing to license their content to netflix, they all want to open their own streaming service now. And netflix briefly had excellent original content, but they already blew that too. Plus they keep increasing their monthly fee... and the current stock price is so over the top I think it's a risky long term bet. FB is in so much hot water over privacy and everything they do lately seems misguided... I don't get the impression Mark Zuckerberg is any brilliant businessman he just had a monopoly for a while but again, it's long since peaked. This whole meta nonsense seems like a nonstarter. I think there is also a high risk of various governments eventually saying enough is enough with all the sketchy privacy invasive stuff FB pulls.
    WXYZ likes this.
  10. TireSmoke

    TireSmoke Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2021
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    I'm sure we will see more down side but in the long run it appears everything is at pretty good discount. I tend to agree with W when it comes to graphs and crazy formulas for evaluating stocks but I do like to see where the S&P is in relation to the 2Y moving average and we are below it.

    @zukodany and myself have a similar attraction to tech. NVDA, TSLA and FB have taking a beating and I would imagine emerge out of this pullback strongly. I would tend away from FB and throw in AMD instead (Even though AMD seams to be the most heavily shorted stock I could imagine). As mentioned in earlier threads by 'Play Account' is not very diversified at all: AMD, NVDA & VGT. That's it. Having a S&P 500 based 401k give me the security to go high risk on my trading account. I will tell you the 80% up years are much better than the %30 down ones! We have been on a downward slide since the very end of November. We saw a glimmer of hope on the first trading day of 2022 only to be decimated the next day. These are the slides the separate the beginner immature traders who had the luxury of coming in when everything was going up and it was hard to find a loser. Hopefully this shakeout will convert some Gamestop and AMC traders to long term investors and gain some stability in the market.
    WXYZ and zukodany like this.
  11. TireSmoke

    TireSmoke Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2021
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    NVDA: nearly a %40 pullback from ATH. That is just crazy to think about. The sad part is it looks like they will keep chipping away until it's under $200.
    WXYZ likes this.
  12. zukodany

    zukodany Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    Yup, I do exactly the same thing I did two years ago almost to the date, add to my positions when the market is freaking out. in regards to fb, I don’t know, I don’t see fb as a risky company. Literally since it’s inception it has been riddled with fiascos and scandals, everyone uses it and loves it JUST BECAUSE they can go there and trash it. I don’t see the company as a failing company, the opposite, it still is the undisputed social media champ. It’s been getting bad rep YET AGAIN as it ALWAYS HAD. Each time the company received bad rep there was always the sense that this is it for it and that it’s a shitty unsuccessful company. Every time. Well, the only way to look at a company and gauge the news related to it is look at its financials- which has a growing annual AND quarterly EBITDA, look at its history and assert the damage. The only thing it had going against it was a shrink in user base last quarter. Bad news? Yes. Justifying a near third drop in price. OF COURSE NOT. But hey, that’s just how I look at things.
    Value543 and WXYZ like this.
  13. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    This is one of those days when the short term news is so intense that there is little to nothing in the way of articles that are actually about investing. Very skimpy reading today.
  14. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    I like all the comments above from the various.....SMART.....posters that are using this downturn to load up on stocks at low prices. I think that is going to pay off for them nicely over the longer term. If I had cash flow that allowed me to add shares right now I would definitely be doing so.

    I may be in a position to add some money......perhaps $10,000 to $15, about three months. I dont know if this dip will last this long......but if it does I will be joining you guys. guys are doing the right LONG TERM thing.
    #9934 WXYZ, Mar 8, 2022
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2022
  15. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    This is a very BULLISH indicator.

    Stocks: More Bears Than Bulls

    (BOLD is my opinion OR what I consider important content)

    "It’s happening.

    Investors are bearish.

    Especially American ones with a ton of Growth exposure!

    Want to know what a bag holder looks like? I encourage you to take a look at your typical American portfolio with a ton of Technology stocks in it, Consumer Discretionary stocks and virtually no exposure to Commodities and Latin American equities.

    Of course sentiment is bad. It should be bad!

    But this bad?

    More Bearish Financial Advisors than Bullish ones?

    That doesn’t happen very often.


    But when it does happen, it’s historically been a great time to be putting money to work."


    The higher the bearish sentiment the better for investors that are willing to take a long term position in TOP QUALITY companies. I would personally NOT use this environment to add to risky or speculative stocks.....but that is just me. In this sort of environment I would ONLY add to the absolute best of the best.....especially in the BIG TECH and BIG CAP GROWTH world of investing. NOTHING....has changed with these companies in the current market being driven down by world and general economic events.

    I have a couple of family members that are investing $1000 per month as a couple in the SP500. They are racking up the cheap shares right now. The longer this down market lasts the better they will do.
  16. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    I am not going to post a lot of "stuff" about the war in Ukraine and the various government actions and inaction's that are happening here and in other places. But.....this little story deserves attention. This is exactly why dealing with a BRUTAL DICTATORSHIP does not work. Of course......we are doing the same thing on steroids in our dealings with China.

    Russia Threatens to Cut Natural Gas Flows to Europe Via Nord Stream 1

    (BOLD is my opinion OR what I consider important content)
    "(Bloomberg) -- Russia threatened to cut natural gas supplies to Europe via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline as part of its response to sanctions imposed over the invasion of Ukraine, a move that could heighten the turmoil in energy markets and drive consumer prices even higher.

    Russia has the right to take actions that “mirror” the penalties imposed on the Russian economy, Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak -- who’s also in charge of energy affairs -- said in a televised speech late Monday. He said no decision to shut off Nord Stream 1 has yet been taken, and the pipeline is currently operating “at its full capacity.”

    The comments come after a day of wild swings on European gas markets, with prices at one point surging by almost 80% amid fear of disruption to supplies from Russia.

    Europe’s reliance on Russian energy has been a key factor in efforts by the continent’s leaders to agree on how to respond to the invasion of Ukraine. Last month, Berlin shelved the $11 billion Nord Stream 2 pipeline project, and European Union officials say they’re working on a plan that could cut the bloc’s import needs from Russia by almost 80% this year.

    But many EU politicians remain wary of immediate action, one reason why Germany has pushed back against proposals for a ban on oil imports. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said Monday that Russian oil and gas are of “essential importance” to the European economy. Roughly 40% of EU gas imports and one quarter of its oil come from Russia.

    Novak said that Russia has other options for selling its oil if the U.S. and EU ban Russian imports, and he warned that any such move could have “catastrophic consequences for the world market” with prices surging to $300 a barrel or more."


    YEP......exactly as you would expect. Make a brutal dictatorship your essential supplier and you are going to pay the price. Nothing is free in the REAL WORLD. The world is a hard-ball place. EVERYTHING has a price and a consequence. Tie yourself to Iran, North Korea, China, or Russia......and this is what you get. SADLY......our country has allowed China......the worlds MOST brutal become our essential supplier of nearly EVERYTHING in our entire economy.

    On a micro-scale investors do the same thing. They invest in Russian or Chinese stocks and businesses.....and....sooner or later they pay the price.
  17. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Looks like we are seeing a green across the board market FLIP at the moment. A good response to us finally having the guts to ban Russian oil and gas in this country. I just happened to look at my account a minute ago and I was DEAD FLAT. I had five positions UP and five positions DOWN. There might be some hope for today after all.

    This little Ukraine event is what is called a BLACK SWAN. A slowly developing Black Swan....but I would still put it in that category. Some outside market event.......that is unanticipated.......that tanks the markets to varying degrees......depending on the event and severity of the event. The fact that there is a name....."Black Swan".....for this sort of market moving negative event tells you that they are something that happens once in a while.......and.....investors just have to live with it.

    If you are an experienced investor you have lived and invested through various Black Swans over the decades. If you have only been investing since about 2009.....this is probably your first real Black Swan event. Although this event has been slowly building for months and the potential for invasion has been in the forefront for a few months now.
  18. WXYZ

    WXYZ Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Our little market RALLY is escalating nicely. Looks like the markets were just looking for any excuse to go UP. This is the underlying fundamental strength of the markets at work. BUT....that does not mean we are now going to rally going forward. We will continue in the same ERRATIC market going forward over the near term. NOTHING has changed in terms of the short term conditions impacting the markets......the FED rate inflation.......and the Ukraine war.

    All of the above are fully baked in. So we might look back in hindsight in 6 months and see that this week represented a BOTTOM for the markets. one knows or can predict the short we will just have to sit and wait till we have the benefit of hindsight to see if this turns out to be true or not.

    That is what is nice about being a long term investor.....I dont have to be right about the short term markets......and put my money at risk. All I have to do it sit and do nothing.......and wait till the next market rally appears. The long term direction of the markets is always have time and are not gambling short term money on the markets.......AND.....your investment selections are reasonable and rational.
  19. gtrudeau88

    gtrudeau88 Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2020
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    Unbelievable! An hour ago I was near an all time high and since then I've plummeted down like 3% and I have no idea why.

    Stock markets are maddening aren't they
  20. gtrudeau88

    gtrudeau88 Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2020
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    Today was a beating akin to the one I got last time I sassed the old man.
    WXYZ likes this.

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