Rob has passed away

Discussion in 'The Cocktail Lounge' started by Malfeitor, Sep 27, 2022.

  1. Malfeitor

    Malfeitor New Member

    Oct 20, 2018
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    I'm crying my eyes out because he was the nicest guy I've ever dated. He used to post on the old website as NoJobRob.

    He died from lung cancer after serving our country and inhaling a bunch of nasty sh*t in Iraq. He went quiet for a long time because he was serving overseas and finishing school at the same time. Unfortunately he has died. He gave me his KeePass password manager file and logon, and wanted me to tell you and other online communities.

    He said he had a lot of good times talking with you folks on hotstockmarket, and he won't forget it.

    He was the nicest guy ever, and had a great sense of humor. He always looked out for people around him and wasn't afraid to get into a fight to defend those close to him.

    He was a great guitar player too. These were his two favorite things, music and humor.

    Here is his Youtube
    Rob And Damien - YouTube

    Just remember him in a good light.

  2. Malfeitor

    Malfeitor New Member

    Oct 20, 2018
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    He had some good times though. Other than his military service, he was a rocker. His band opened for a lot of major label bands including Faster Pussycat, The L.A. Guns, Crashdiet, Cinderella, Crucified Barbara, Dark Tranquility, etc.

    Goodbye. I'm closing this now.
  3. StockJock-e

    StockJock-e Brew Master
    Staff Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Thank you so much for posting, I am sorry to hear about his passing.

    I hope his memory lives on here and elsewhere!
    removedatuserrequest likes this.
  4. anotherdevilsadvocate

    anotherdevilsadvocate Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Those are some great rock bands. Dark Tranquillity is different from the rest of the list but one I love to listen to; I guess they're Euros like Crashdiet.

    Sad to hear Rob passed due to doing a good service.
    removedatuserrequest likes this.
  5. removedatuserrequest

    removedatuserrequest Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2021
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    Awww shit. I don't know how I even missed your thread from earlier this morning @Malfeitor. I was fearing for the worst when I just saw your thread titled "Rob" that you might've been referring to NoJobRob. Sure enough, it was. Damn. :(

    This is extremely tragic news for me, as I for one can tell you that I have had the great pleasure of having numerous interactions with him back when we were on HSM (, and can tell you first hand that what you saying about him is absolutely spot on accurate imho. He really was a great person for anyone who had the opportunity to get to know him better, and was so cool and down to heart with everyone he came in contact with.

    So sad to hear of his passing. It's interesting because I was just reminiscing the old days when I was just starting out in the markets and had discovered the first version of this community (HSM -- the vBulletin version) shortly after. And was remembering all of those amazing memories that I had with many of the old timers back then. NoJobRob was always one of those guys who I thought about when I think of the past history with this community. Like, you can't go w/o saying his name when you mention the old HSM community. He was something of a cornerstone if I can even use that word to describe him.

    One of the greats from the past. Will be terribly missed from me, and I'm sure for anyone who got to know him back on the old HSM. :(

    My sincere condolences goes out to his entire family and friends. May he R.I.P.


    BTW, if you won't mind me asking. Do you know if NoJobRob had ever made the switch over from HSM to this forum here? I actually don't know if he did. And if he did, under what alias did he go by. Would be very interested to find that out if you might know and wouldn't mind sharing. Thanks!

    Also, @Malfeitor, I know I had asked this question back a few years back when you first rejoined here. Still never found out who you were on the old HSM community haha. Crazily enough I had though it was NoJobRob. But, now as I found out that wasn't the case. Did post a few old timers names in some other thread, I'd have to go digging up for it to see which one could've been you.

    No worries if you wanted to keep that anonymous btw!

    Right now is the time to grieve and pay respects to NoJobRob. :(

    And thank you so much for coming in here to let us know about this. Really means a ton like you have no idea. :thumbsup:
  6. Malfeitor

    Malfeitor New Member

    Oct 20, 2018
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    He was really into the Scandinavian stuff. His band could do the 80's style, but they could get really heavy when they opened for Dark Tranquility, Amorphis, Watain, Thulcandra, etc.

    I want to post some pics of him from my laptop but I can't figure out how. I have one of him making a silly face, and one of him in his corpse paint before going on stage. You'd all love it. He was such a funny guy, but could get serious at the drop of a hat. I think he may have been bi-polar, but I didn't care. He was never anything but nice to people. He had the biggest heart. Donated money to the Lakota every month, gave $20 bills to homeless people, made sure drunk people had a safe ride home, the list goes on... He marched with BLM too. He always said "Until we are ALL treated equally then it's my moral responsibility as a veteran, to fight for ALL of our freedoms".

    And he always made people laugh. He even got that Ryan Dunn tattoo on his foot, 5+4=9 from that Viva La Bam episode where they did the scavenger hunt. LOL He did it in tribute to Ryan.

    He was real. People like that are few and far between these days. I miss him. :(
    anotherdevilsadvocate likes this.
  7. TomB16

    TomB16 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    Hi Monica.

    Rob was lucky to have someone like you in his life. Thank you for being a good person. Also, thank you for sharing this with us.

    I wasn't around in the days of the old forum. I'm new and haven't figured out how to get rich quick, yet.

    Still, Rob was a brother and he will be missed.

    Please take care of yourself.

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