Looking to trade $DIA above $339.50 or $SPY above $411.85 will update which one is in play if I do. $BBBY up 90% today.....just saying.
some heavy action on $SPY put $406. I'm not in anything and not biting at FOMC meeting. didn't make a dime off this move point proven.
Looking at $SPY down to $411.00, will update if trade in play. $411.00 put in @.69 exp 08 sold @.45 now $1.44 lol switch to $416.00 @.50 going to turn out ugly today rookie moves today I'm disgusted with them. loss on the day $340.00 going into tomorrow with $414.00 calls @. 55c $15322.00 with new trade on $14772.00. sold $SPY @$1.60 gain of $1.05. acc @$15822.00
plan for tomorrow if S&P 500 move above 4075.00 in the evening then a trade to 4085.00 - 4086.00 will be in play by way of $SPY. Anything below 4059 then I'm looking to trade down to 4049.
watching and waiting...oh by the way just saying $TVTX up 22.5% & $APLS up 13.5%....okay trolls lets hear it......$BBBY up 90% today.....just saying. . Above 4050 then I will look at taking a trade now 4012 and climbing
Into the close picked up $SPY. $402.00 calls exp 22 feb @ $1.10. avg @.70c https://www.zerohedge.com/geopoliti...nd-national-interests-putin-confirms-xi-visit it would be a lucky day to breakeven here with this headline. uncertainty will see money move out of the market. out @.72... missed the downside
$SPY 24 feb exp $400.00 puts bought@$1.35 sold @$2.65.....$1.30 pot or $1300.00 act@ $17142.00 if you held over congrats..... north of $6.00
$SPY $398.00 put @.78c.... 27 exp. @T0rm3nted .... it's a bad trade resistance @$400.15 broken. I move to $403.00 calls exp 01 Mar. @$1.54. Sold $SPY put 27 exp@.50 for a loss of .28c looks like I fell for the fake added avg now @$1.285 well not what I expected... $398 put is golden.... @T0rm3nted you were right hats off to you $403.00 calls still in play.
bought $SPY $396.00 calls exp 01 mar. acc @ $14772.00 bad week looking back at last year at this time the $2000.00 acc was up 15%. This time around down 1.52%..
looking at $SPY $398.00 puts 03 mar exp now $399.88 pre mkt if it opens above $399,50 then looking at $401.00 calls $398.00 puts
acc @$14622.00....looking at $HSBC @$37.42 , $ATVI @$79.39 and $SPY puts looking at calls for tomorrow, for now just looking and being patient resistance taken out but not proceeding got 10 put cts going into tomorrow. sold out......acc @$15242.00
Bold move. You used to trade DIA more when you had a smaller account, but now you're trading SPY more?
My expectation for $DIA is lagging on many fronts and I believe that change will come in 2024/2025 so for now trading $SPY is my new best friend for this account till to about $25K then I will trade individual names and options .
looking @$SPY put trade, $SPX broke the 3885 line hold so a trade to 3880 could be golden will update now 3864 since I didn't mention trade to the downside will not show profit for the day on trade taken.
bought $SPY $385.00 puts 15 mar @ $1.28 sold @$1.80 acc @ $16412.00 tradefill@ 11:55 AM (22 minutes ago) Fill received for Order 740028428 Bought 10 SPY 03/15/23 385 PUT at 1.28 leaves 0 tradefill@ 12:11 PM (9 minutes ago) to CANSXM Fill received for Order 740038601 Sold 10 SPY 03/15/23 385 PUT at 1.8 leaves 0 I'm looking at end of week close @ $380.00
.looking at $SPY $395.00 call exp 17 mar in @ $1.06 rip then rug pull, walk time till second half avg@.50 250 shs $NUGT @$37.75