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Deep-South has "very constructive" meeting with Namibia 2023-04-17 10:30 ET - News Release Mr. Pierre Leveille reports HAIB COPPER: CONSTRUCTIVE MEETING AT THE MINISTRY OF MINES AND ENERGY OF NAMIBIA The directors of Deep-South Resources Inc. subsidiary Haib Minerals Pty. Ltd. have met with the Minister of Mines, the Mining Commissioner and the Deputy Executive Director. The meeting was held at the Ministry of Mines and Energy of Namibia on Thursday, April 13, 2023. The meeting was very constructive. The ministry has not appealed the High Court verdict. Positive for DSM As per the court verdict, the ministry has reopened the application renewal procedure for the Haib copper licence. The parties have agreed that Haib will provide additional information that covers the work completed between January, 2021 (application date), and June, 2021. No problem to provide info on work and $$$ EPL 3140 has been reinstated in the cadastre of the ministry. The cadastre shows that the licence is valid and pending renewal. Positive for DSM The ministry's officials have agreed that, upon reception of the documents from Haib, they will proceed promptly with the analysis of the application in order to finalize their decision in a timely fashion. This is where the risk is but the verdict did not raise any non-respect of the mining law by DSM, therefore granting of the HAIB Licence to DSM is expected. Pierre Leveille, president and chief executive officer of Deep-South, stated: "The meeting was conducted in a very positive manner and was very constructive. We are highly confident we will now create renewed strong working relations with the ministry's officials. Further to the meeting, we are confident that the licence will be renewed in a timely manner."
Deep-South has "very constructive" meeting with Namibia - News Release - Mr. Pierre Leveille reports HAIB COPPER: CONSTRUCTIVE MEETING AT THE MINISTRY OF MINES AND ENERGY OF NAMIBIA The directors of Deep-South Resources Inc. subsidiary Haib Minerals Pty. Ltd. have met with the Minister of Mines, the Mining Commissioner and the Deputy Executive Director. The meeting was held at the Ministry of Mines and Energy of Namibia on Thursday, April 13, 2023. The meeting was very constructive. The ministry has not appealed the High Court verdict. Positive for DSM As per the court verdict, the ministry has reopened the application renewal procedure for the Haib copper licence. The parties have agreed that Haib will provide additional information that covers the work completed between January, 2021 (application date), and June, 2021. No problem to provide info on work and $$$ EPL 3140 has been reinstated in the cadastre of the ministry. The cadastre shows that the licence is valid and pending renewal. Positive for DSM The ministry's officials have agreed that, upon reception of the documents from Haib, they will proceed promptly with the analysis of the application in order to finalize their decision in a timely fashion. This is where the risk is but the verdict did not raise any non-respect of the mining law by DSM, therefore granting of the HAIB Licence to DSM is expected. Pierre Leveille, president and chief executive officer of Deep-South, stated: "The meeting was conducted in a very positive manner and was very constructive. We are highly confident we will now create renewed strong working relations with the ministry's officials. Further to the meeting, we are confident that the licence will be renewed in a timely manner." Barchart Technical Opinion STRONG BUY The Barchart Technical Opinion rating is a 100% Buy with a Strengthening short term outlook on maintaining the current direction. Long term indicators fully support a continuation of the trend. Current strength and current direction max 100%
THIS IS WHAT YOU ARE MISSING Copper Price, US$/lb $2.00 $2.25 $2.50 $2.85 $3.00 NPV7.5%, pre-tax (US$ M) $424 $701 $977 $1,364 $1,530 Current copper price Copper April 28,07:38 Bid/Ask 3.8638 - 3.8647 Change -0.0216 -0.56% Low/High 3.8242 - 3.8998
Now, that's where you are wrong! I am NOT missing out on copper. I own SCCO, COPX and CPER. I am bullish and long on copper. I still wouldn't buy DSM.VN with somebody else's money! MUCH LESS my own... That said, if you have any of your own money invested in DSM.VN, I wish you all the best. Sometimes people on investing forums come off like paid shills... but you never know for sure, I guess.
''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''',speak of what you know not what you guess''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' If you had done your DD properly you would know that TECK is an important shareholder in DSM
That's not an outright denial, quite - is it? I agree that I shouldn't be 'guessing'. So please tell me the following things - so that I don't have to guess: 1. What is the timeframe that you expect DSM to have any meaningful revenue? 2. What is the timeframe that you expect DSM to turn a profit? Thanks in advance. All the best.
View original content to download multimedia: ORIGINAL: FIRST SOIL SAMPLING ASSAY RESULTS ON THE LUANSHYA WEST PROJECT IN ZAMBIA PR summary 2023-05-24 08:30 ET - News Release SOURCE Deep-South Resources Inc. FIRST SOIL SAMPLING ASSAY RESULTS ON THE LUANSHYA WEST PROJECT IN ZAMBIA VANCOUVER, BC, May 24, 2023 VANCOUVER, BC, May 24, 2023 /CNW/ - Deep-South Resources Inc. ("Deep-South" or the Company) (TSXV: DSM) announces the first results from the soil sampling program on the Luanshya West project in Zambia. Pierre Léveillé, President & CEO of Deep-South states: "These preliminary results are very encouraging as current and past mines on the Copperbelt have held thresholds in the range of 50ppm to 150ppm, averaging 80ppm copper and peak values in the range of 100ppm to 450ppm copper. We look forward to receiving the remaining assays pretty soon and to plan further work on the project. " Highlights: Multiple soil anomalies were defined with peak values of 332ppm copper and 282ppm cobalt in leached soil regimes. The five highest soil samples assay results for copper were determined to be: 332ppm, 286ppm, 272ppm, 253ppm and 247ppm. The five highest soil samples assay results for cobalt were determined to be: 282ppm, 179ppm, 174ppm and 159ppm, 151ppm. Results compare favourably with soil anomalies in the vicinity of various ore zones at current and past producing copper mines in Zambia. 841 samples were collected on the main grid of 500m x 100m. 1,270 samples were collected on 3 infil grids of 100m x 100m. Assay results from SGS received on 647 samples. 1,333 samples assay results are forthcoming. Upon reception of the full set of results from SGS, the sample results will be analyzed in detail to identify and delineate the anomalies. Based on these initial results additional soil sampling on tighter grids is likely after reception of all the results including the Luanshya west main grid and the additional 3 infill grids. Deep-South's geological team is currently proceeding with plans for a second phase of the soil sampling program. The Luanshya West exploration licence 23246-HQ-LEL is situated in the heart of the Zambian Copperbelt some 29km west of the Luanshya Copper Cobalt mine. The licence area covers 5,423.26 hectares (54.24 Sq. Km). Deep-South Resources-Pierre Léveillé,CEO Encouraging preliminary results for Deep-South Resources (TSXVSM) FIRST SOIL SAMPLING ASSAY RESULTS ON THE LUANSHYA WEST PROJECT IN ZAMBIA
Deep-South Resources (DSM) - Awaiting License for Copper Project in Namibia Interview with Pierre Léveillé, the President and CEO of Deep-South Resources Inc. (TSX-V: DSM) Crux Investor Recording date: 24th May 2023 Deep-South Resources is a mineral exploration company, largely held by Management and Directors with 12% of Deep-South share capital and by Teck Resources Ltd with 16%. Deep-South is actively involved in the acquisition, exploration and development of major mineral properties. Deep-South growth strategy is to focus on the exploration and development of quality assets, in significant mineralized trends, close to infrastructure, in stable countries.
Deep-South Resources CEO Pierre Leveille joined Steve Darling from Proactive to share news about the mineral exploration company working in Zambia. The company has shared the first results from a soil sampling program at the Luanshya West project in Zambia. Leveille telling Proactive multiple soil anomalies saw peak values of 332 parts per million (ppm) copper and 282ppm cobalt in leached soil regimes. Soil samples assay results for copper were determined to be: 332ppm, 286ppm, 272ppm, 253ppm and 247ppm and results for cobalt were determined to be: 282ppm, 179ppm, 174ppm and 159ppm, 151ppm. Leveille also told Proactive geological teams are currently proceeding with plans for a second phase of the soil sampling program before getting the drills turning in the fall.
HAIB COPPER:LICENCE RENEWED Vancouver,B.C.,Canada–July10,2023–Deep-SouthResourcesInc.("Deep-South" orthe“Company”)(TSX-VSM)announcesthattheHaibCopperLicenseEPL3140 hasbeenofficiallyrenewedbytheMinistryofMinesandEnergyofNamibiaonFridayJuly 7,2023isvalidfora periodtwo years from thedate itwasrenewed. PierreLeveille,President&CEOofDeep-Southstated:"Thisisaverygoodnews.The Boardof Directors and Management of Deep-South are highly pleased to be back at Haib. With the scarcity of major copper developments on the horizon, Haib’s promise as a significant undeveloped deposit. We have begun preparations to commence the work program and resume the development of the project as soon as possible.The planand further information will be disclosed to our shareholders indue course.We acknowledge the patience and strong support of our shareholders and stakeholders through this long journey.Wewould also like to thank the Minister and team for their diligence in renewing the license in a timely fashion.” MoreinformationisavailablebycontactingPierreLéveillé,President &CEOat +1-819-340-0140or
RED CLOUD SECURITIES REPORT Withthepathwaycleartogetbacktowork atHaib,wearemovingDeep-SouthoutfromUnderReviewtoaBUY (Speculative)ratingwithaC$1.05/shtargetprice.Wecontinuetobe oftheviewthatHaibisamassive,near-surface,sulfideCuporphyry depositwithexcellentexpansionpotential. Use the link below to read the RC report
Barchart Technical Opinion STRONG BUY The Barchart Technical Opinion rating is a 88% Buy with a Strongest short term outlook on maintaining the current direction. Long term indicators fully support a continuation of the trend.
Deep-South outlines more June, 2021, Haib drill results 2023-07-26 07:35 ET - News Release Mr. Pierre Leveille reports DEEP-SOUTH INTERSECTED 64 METRES OF 0.61% CUEQ, INCLUDING 16 METRES OF 0.79% CUEQ FROM 26 METRES DEEP FROM THE 2021 DRILLING PROGRAM UNDISCLOSED RESULTS Complete details @: TODAY Significant copper and molybdenum intersections include: · HM11 : 0.62% CuEq over 10 metres, including 4 metres @ 0.97% CuEq · HM11 : 0.46% CuEq over 26.36 metres including 4m @ 0.76% CuEq · HM12:0.76% CuEq over 20 metres including 4m @ 2.57% CuEq · HM14 : 0.35% CuEq over 30 metres from surface and 0.48% CuEq over 26 metres · HM22 : 0.63% CuEq over 50 metres including 0.80% CuEq over 16.00 metres · HM26 : 0.37% CuEq over 16 metres from 26 metres below surface Vancouver, B.C., Canada – August 3, 2023 – Deep-South Resources Inc. ("Deep-South" or “the Company") (TSX-V: DSM) announces the fourth batch of assay results from its drilling program interrupted in June 2021 at its Haib Copper project in southern Namibia. The program was interrupted when the Ministry of Mines and Energy of Namibia had denied the renewal of the Haib Copper licence EPL 3140. Results from 13 drill holes have been received in full after the renewal denial of the licence, with partial results received for 1 drill hole. The first 6 drill holes were previously reported.Following the completion of QA/QC the results for the remaining 7 holes are disclosed here.