Frequency Test

Discussion in 'Trade Journals' started by Ridestock, Dec 8, 2023.

  1. Ridestock

    Ridestock Member

    Aug 30, 2018
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    Before I get too crazy with the coding for a new test. I wanted to see how these do over a week or two.

    The idea is that I want the close to reach the mean to gain the percent amount.
    The stock pick condition:
    • Count of zRange hits is 10 or greater
    • mean is less than the zRange
    • Percent is between 5 and 10
    The zRange rounds the stock price to 10 cents and counts the frequency over 90 days, then the price with the max frequency is the zRange price. The Mean is the most recent 7 day moving average. The Percent is the gain from the close to the mean.

  2. Ridestock

    Ridestock Member

    Aug 30, 2018
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    I did a one day trial, because I was curious, but will test this again next Friday.

    For this test, I created an "Order" column that shows in ascending order C="Close", M="Mean", Z="ZRange".
    The "Bins" column show every possible order so that I can count the frequency on the next column. Z,M,C is the clear winner. If it still holds next Friday, then I will grab stocks that follow that order only. Then look to see what else can be done to narrow the list.

    Mean = 7 day moving average
    ZRange = I rounded the closing price to the nearest .1 and took the highest frequency over 90 days.

  3. Ridestock

    Ridestock Member

    Aug 30, 2018
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    After a week, I took just the ZMC stocks. Out of 1300 symbols, just over 1000 were profitable and around 250 were not profitable. None of the indicators in the chart could determine the winners and losers.


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