HPQ (HPQ.V), working with PyroGenesis Canada Inc (TSX-V: PYR), is developing the PUREVAPTM QRR and the PUREVAP™ SiNR, two new innovative plasma-based processes which will permit the low-cost manufacturing of High Purity Silicon Metal, Spherical Nano-powders and Nanowires for Next-Generation Lithium-ion Batteries. Present market (2018) US$ 15B (US$ 7.5B Standard Si, Batteries Si US $400M & US$ 7.1B Solar Si). Expected to reach US$ 24B over the coming years (US$ 12B for Standard Si by 2023; US$ 1B for batteries Si by 2022; and US$ 11.8B for Solar Si by 2028) HPQ Bernard Tourillon, President & CEO, HPQ Silicon Resources Inc. HPQ Silicon (HPQ:TSXV) Sees Another Mutli-Billion Dollar Market In Creating Renewable Hydrogen From Mixing Silicon Powder and Water
HPQ's NSiR production rate reaches 50 kg/month in tests 2021-04-22 11:06 ET - News Release Also News Release (C-PYR) PyroGenesis Canada Inc Mr. Bernard Tourillon of HPQ reports HPQ GEN1 NANO SILICON REACTOR EXCEEDS PHASE 1 PRODUCTION RATE TARGET BY 67% HPQ-Silicon Resources Inc., through its wholly owned subsidiary, HPQ Nano Silicon Powders Inc., has updated its shareholders on the recent milestones achieved by the first-generation Purevap nano-silicon reactor (NSiR) process validation and optimization tests. The continuing tests are conducted by the technology provider PyroGenesis Canada Inc., as per the agreement announced on Aug. 18, 2020. Production rate The first-generation Purevap NSiR test bed is a batch process system with an originally targeted design output production rate of 30 kilograms per month of nano-silicon powders. The first-generation NSiR recently achieved a production rate equivalent to 50 kilograms per month of nano powders, a result that exceeded the design output by 67 per cent. The significance of this is twofold: Expectation of greater throughput than originally planned for the commercial tests; Expectation of reduced unit costs and production costs as a result of increased throughput. Production rate: key to commercial viability of nano-silicon materials NSiR test-bed work results to date leads the company to conclude that the second-generation NSiR semi-continuous proof of commercial scalability system will be able to have an ultimate monthly increased production rate of 500 kilograms per month (or approximately six million tonnes per year) of nano-silicon powders or nano-wires. This is substantially greater than the originally stated 300 kilograms per month (or approximately 3.5 million tonnes per year) mentioned in HPQ's press release dated Aug. 18, 2020. "HPQ Nano gen-1 Purevap NSiR testing program is moving forward, and we are very pleased that, with each test completed, we are reaching new operational milestones exceeding our original expectations. With these new results, HPQ Nano is confident that it can achieve the desired nano-silicon material for batteries, which will be cost competitive with graphite," said Bernard Tourillon, president and chief executive officer of HPQ-Silicon. "With the use of silicon in battery anodes expected to increase from less than 5 per cent today to over 30 per cent by 2030, HPQ Nano is very well positioned to become the nano-silicon provider of choice for the industry. HPQ's silicon R&D consortium continues to strive for cost-effective ways of increasing the silicon contained in batteries." Process validation and optimization tests are generating valuable data The continuing tests are crucial as they allow PyroGenesis to progress on the project while identifying and resolving normal research and development issues systematically. The main segments of the continuing process validation and optimization tests can be summarized as follows: Validation that the system can produce less than 150 nanometres of nano materials; Validation that the system can reach its design production parameters; Production of qualified samples. The continuing tests have achieved significant results and have generated extremely valuable information that will be applied to future developments. Despite the difficulties of operating under the stress of COVID-19, PyroGenesis's team has achieved outstanding results while maintaining strict and new operating procedures to protect all of its staff from the effects of the virus. In addition, several unexpected issues occurred during the conversion of the second-generation Purevap quartz reduction reactor into the first-generation Purevap NSiR, which modelling and computer simulation did not foresee. These were overcome by the professional team at PyroGenesis. The results also demonstrated that the company's Purevap QRR has a unique ability to produce a low-cost HPQ battery-grade silicon for less than commercially available metallurgical-grade silicon. Since the start of the testing program, the company has demonstrated the following positive results from the Purevap NSiR process: Production of nano-silicon powders of less than 150 nanometres, the threshold above which silicon fracturing occurs: Further efforts will focus on improved measures and controlling the size distribution of the company's material, a critical criterion for battery manufacturers. Production rate achieved exceeded the original goal: Continuous process improvements to further increase the production capacity and thereby reduce future commercial production cost. Once the final equipment modifications are completed, the goal of the program will be to produce qualified samples, which will then be tested by a third party, the Institut National de Recherche Scientifique (INRS), and subsequently to awaiting battery manufacturers and automobile manufacturers. "As experts in successfully taking lab-scale concepts to commercialization, we can confirm that these results not only demonstrate that we are on the right track but that the project is progressing as expected," said P. Peter Pascali, president and CEO of PyroGenesis. "It is even more exciting when one considers the impact this could have on addressing the challenges facing the EV battery space. We are proud to be using our plasma expertise in support of, and advancing, green initiatives."
HPQ-Silicon, EBH2 Systems licence agreement 2021-09-30 18:28 ET - Property Agreement The TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing the documentation relating to an agreement dated Sept. 18, 2021, between the company and EBH2 Systems SA (the vendor), in connection with the acquisition of a worldwide licence granted by the vendor to sell the products in which the EBH2 generators are incorporated in the company's technologies and exclusively used to supply autonomously the technologies of the company. The agreement also provides the right to hold a 50-per-cent ownership with the vendor in a Canadian company that will be created by the company, that will be in charge of commercializing, selling and maintaining the EBH2 systems and products in North America, and that will be granted by the vendor a permanent licence for the commercialization, sale and servicing of the EBH2 systems and products in North America. Pursuant to the agreement, the company will have to issue 10 million common shares, issue 10 million common share purchase warrants and pay $500,000 (U.S.). Each warrant will allow its holder to acquire one common share of the company at a price of 75 cents per share for a period of 36 months following the closing of the transaction. For further information, please refer to the company's news releases dated Aug. 24, 2021, and Sept. 29, 2021.
HPQ-Silicon partner begins commissioning PureVap plant 2021-10-21 13:31 ET - News Release Also News Release (C-PYR) PyroGenesis Canada Inc Mr. Bernard Tourillon reports HPQ GEN3 PUREVAP QUARTZ REDUCTION REACTOR PILOT PLANT COMMISSIONING COMMENCES AS GLOBAL SILICON PRICES SPIKE IN THE FACE OF SUPPLY SHORTAGE HPQ-Silicon Resources Inc. has informed shareholders that further to its June 10 and Aug. 18, 2021, releases, technology provider PyroGenesis Canada Inc. has confirmed that, after all delays related to COVID-19, the last missing component, the power supply, has been delivered to PyroGenesis's facility in Montreal. PyroGenesis has begun the commissioning of the Gen3 PureVap quartz reduction reactor (QRR) pilot plant. Pilot plant testing to validate PureVap QRR game-changing advantages The PureVap QRR is a new innovative process, which will permit the one-step transformation of quartz (SiO2) into high-purity silicon metal (greater than 99.5 per cent Si, referred to as 2N plus) (patent pending No. 1) at reduced costs, energy input and carbon footprint. The central advantage of the process is its unique capability (patent pending No. 2) of continuously operating the unique carbothermic process, resulting in the early removal of impurities. Importantly, the process does not necessitate the extremely pure feedstock required by conventional processes to make standard-purity Si (98.5 per cent to 99.4 per cent Si). The process also requires 4.5 million tonnes of raw material to make one million tonne of silicon, versus six million tonnes of conventional, a 25-per-cent reduction which potentially allows a 20-per-cent cash cost advantage versus the lowest-cost producer using the traditional processes. Silicon market deficit at 92,000 Mt, prices soaring, new greenfield developments needed Recent market events are focusing attention on the fact that silicon, also known as silicon metal, is one of today's key strategic energy metals needed to meet the goal of decarbonizing the economy by 2050. High-purity silicon (2N plus) is in very high demand due to the underlying needs for silicon as feedstock for polysilicon (solar and electronics), the emerging batteries sectors, and the more typical industrial silicone applications, at a time when capacity is simply not available to meet demand. This is a result of several of the old energy intensive plants, mothballed during the COVID-19 pandemic, being not economically or environmentally viable to return on-line. New greenfield projects will be needed to meet demand, and the PureVap QRR technology is well positioned to eventually become the industry's option of choice. "HPQ has been at the forefront of low-cost green silicon innovation developments since 2015, and with the commissioning of the Gen3 PureVap QRR pilot plant, our timing couldn't be better. With ESG (environmental social and governance) principles playing an active role in materials sourcing, the world is waking up to the difficulty of securing the ESG-compliant silicon needed to meet its renewable energy goals. The reality of chronic underinvestment in new technologies combined with the offshoring of silicon production capacity, has created a massive opportunity for HPQ and its PureVap QRR process, as we are the only company to bring to market a new process to make silicon that is perfectly suited to the new demands and realities of the silicon market," said Bernard Tourillon, president and chief executive officer of HPQ-Silicon. About PyroGenesis Canada Inc. PyroGenesis Canada, a high-tech company, is a leader in the design, development, manufacture and commercialization of advanced plasma processes and sustainable solutions which reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) and are economically attractive alternatives to conventional dirty processes. PyroGenesis has created proprietary, patented and advanced plasma technologies that are being vetted and adopted by multiple multibillion-dollar industry leaders in four massive markets: iron ore pelletization, aluminum, waste management and additive manufacturing. With a team of experienced engineers, scientists and technicians working out of its Montreal office, and its 3,800-square-metre and 2,940-square-metre manufacturing facilities, PyroGenesis maintains its competitive advantage by remaining at the forefront of technology development and commercialization. The operations are ISO 9001:2015 and AS9100D certified, having been ISO certified since 1997. About HPQ-Silicon Resources Inc. HPQ-Silicon Resources is a Quebec-based innovative silicon solutions company that offers innovative silica- (SiO2), silicon-based solutions and is developing a unique portfolio of high value-added Si products sought after by battery and electric vehicle manufacturers. Silicon, also known as silicon metal, is one of today's key strategic materials needed for the decarbonization of the economy and the renewable energy revolution (RER). However, silicon does not exist in its pure state and must be extracted from quartz (SiO2) in what has historically been a capital and energy-intensive process. With PyroGenesis Canada, HPQ is developing: The PureVap quartz reduction reactors (QRR), an innovative process (patent pending), which will permit the one-step transformation of quartz (SiO2) into high-purity silicon (Si) at reduced costs, energy input and carbon footprint that will propagate its considerable renewable energy potential; Through its 100-per-cent-owned subsidiary HPQ Nano Silicon Powders Inc., the PureVap nano silicon reactor (NSiR) is a new proprietary process that can use material produced by the QRR as feedstock, to make a wide range of nano/micro spherical powders of different sizes and nanowires; Through its second 100-per-cent-owned subsidiary HPQ Silica Polvere Inc., HPQ is developing a new plasma-based process that will allows a direct quartz-to-fumed silica transformation, removing the usage of hazardous chemical in the making of fumed silica and eliminating the hydrogen chloride gas associated with its manufacturing. We seek Safe Harbor.
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