Is anyone else bracing for the election?

Discussion in 'Investing' started by TomB16, Sep 26, 2024.

  1. rolexian

    rolexian Active Member

    Apr 4, 2016
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    OK, so we just have a difference in the interpretation of our egregious those acts where.

    Are they both equally not good and/or both equally evil?

    Is your position that the way Republicans and Democrats fight is all theatre? That they are all in cahoots? That there are no real disagreements?

    Also, why have so many "establishment" Republicans come out in support of Kamala Harris, specifically because they say Trump crosses the line with this authoritarianism and anti-Democratic beliefs?

    Those numbers seem very inflated. I would say that a large percentage of the right-wing establishment is truly evil.

    When it comes to the electorate, ~32% of the eligible population voted for Trump. I would say that what Hillary Clinton said is correct: about half those people are deplorable; a big reason why they voted for Trump is not because they were naive/stupid/uninformed/gullible, but because they thought he would further serve a deplorable agenda. That other half mostly voted for Trump out of ignorance/hooliganism/stupidity/etc.

    I also want to clarify that if you dig into those deplorables, many of those beliefs could be blamed on ignorance/stupidity. E.g., the guy who is a racist because he's ignorant. That's a separate issue and I'm counting those in the deplorable basket.

    Yes, but they are wrong!

    Seriously, most of the evil leftist types (already a very small part of the population) who are evil don't vote or vote for the Green party.

    *Shrug*. Gore would have been much better than Bush. Kerry would have been better than Bush. Romney would have been better than Obama. Clinton would have been much better than Trump. And Biden is leagues better than Trump.

    Refusing to play along hasn't done anything to change this.

    Are they both equally guilty of OUTRIGHT LIES and PROPAGANDA?
  2. Rayak

    Rayak Active Member

    Jul 30, 2022
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    Except I'm thinking it's possible to be dumb as a stone and still be evil. Other than that one minor quibble, in my opinion, you've nailed it!!

    Notice I state "in my opinion". That's because, unlike so many partisan extremists I've come across, I realize that I am not always right, that I frequently make mistakes and get something wrong, and that I don't have all the answers.

    I find it a LOT easier to recognize and acknowledge things that can't possibly be the answer, than to provide answers to complex, deeply rooted problems that apparently no one else has the answers to, either. Which makes it entirely disingenuous to tell someone "Don't tell me what the answer isn't, if you can't provide the answer!" when in fact, one of the following is true: 1. their "answer" is actually part of the problem! 2. they can't provide an answer either, but they're full of pointing out the issues with the "other side" while ignoring and intentionally excusing the issues on "their side".

    #82 Rayak, Oct 17, 2024
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2024
  3. Rayak

    Rayak Active Member

    Jul 30, 2022
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    NOW who doesn't care?

    You are so right! Me, and a few others, refusing to play along hasn't done anything to change this - yet! But if enough people get sick and tired of lies, propaganda and being manipulated and disabused, maybe it will. I hope it's not too late.

    Thanks for tacitly admitting to "playing along".

    I don't know. There is so much bad, and so little good, and so many lies and propaganda that it's difficult to be sure.

    No! That is NOT my position at all! They are truly fighting against each other! They just use many of the SAME weapons!! Does that surprise you? In an actual mortal combat, do both sides use rifles? Do both sides use bombs, tanks, planes, ships, etc. Just because the Demoblicans and the Republicrats use many of the same weapons, DOES NOT mean they aren't at war.

    But neither side is fighting for what is right, or what is best for citizens or what is best for the nation! They are BOTH fighting for POWER! and CONTROL! and MONEY!

    Both sides have their "crossovers". Gabbert, Evan Barker, and more. I am NOT saying they are right to do so, I'm merely pointing out that many of the same things are true about both sides. The reason there are so many establishment Republicans that signed on against Trump is that he was an outsider who came in and crapped in their power sandbox. As an independent, it's easy for me to say that Trump is arrogant, tactless, vindictive and worse. But it's just as true in my opinion that Harris is arrogant, deceitful, unqualified and worse.

    At least two or more of those six qualities I mentioned in the last two sentences (above) apply to one extent or another to most of the politicians in Washington - and many, many more negative attributes - corrupt comes to mind for starters.

    Again, there's so much outright lies and propaganda from both sides, how could one possibly be sure? The old saying about not being able to see the forest for the trees? How about not being able to see truth for all the lies and propaganda?

    Seriously, there are so many lies and so much propaganda, I'm not sure ANYBODY - even those running The Machines - really knows what is true and what is false anymore. Do you think YOU do? I freely admit that it's very difficult for me to determine which party/machine/section of the establishment/bureaucracy spews more or less lies and propaganda than the other - BUT, we can ALL see that there is more "misinformation" than fact from all sources! Except those in denial, or just not paying attention.

    Ha! "Misinformation"! A euphemism for lies and propaganda! I've got a "pre-owned" vehicle I'll sell you. I really love this car I'm selling, hell, it's not just "pre-owned" it's "pre-loved"! Just don't think of it as "used"! And consider it pre-owned rather than pre-loved, if that might make you jealous or hesitate to buy my deceptive sales pitch!

    "... singing songs, and carrying signs, that mostly say "Hooray for OUR side!" It's time we STOP, Hey, what's that sound? Everybody look - what's going down?"
    -- For What It's Worth, Buffalo Springfield

    Did you ever stop to consider that the people who rallied for change in the '60s and '70s are now the biggest, loudest and most extreme proponents of The Establishment? Irony, much?

    Does anybody ever stop to think that by fostering, allowing and even encouraging an ever bigger, more powerful and less accountable Establishment/Government/Bureaucracy - what's going to happen when YOUR enemy (be it Trump, Harris, Putin, or somebody worse) comes into power?

    POWER - ultimate, unstoppable POWER is the endgame for both parties/ Establishment/ bureaucracy. There are no citizens in their worldview. Only the ignorant, unwashed masses who currently stand between them and ultimate power. This to me is the worst evil and arrogance!
    #83 Rayak, Oct 17, 2024
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2024
  4. Money123

    Money123 Active Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    NEW - Biden told Obama "she's not as strong as me" and ex-president agrees "that's true," a lip reader hired by the NY Post says.
  5. Rayak

    Rayak Active Member

    Jul 30, 2022
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    Yeah, but they were talking about Nancy Pelosi!


  6. TomB16

    TomB16 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    Trump now looks more likely to win than Harris. Any thoughts on what that outcome might look like from an equity perspective?

    I suspect little immediate change but there will be some. Green energy companies will not do well. How about semiconductor repatriation? Any thoughts on that? I'm not sure if Trump will back away from onshoring chip fabs or stay the course.
    roadtonowhere08 likes this.
  7. roadtonowhere08

    roadtonowhere08 Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2020
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    I am very much of the opinion that Trump will win. I just do not see any momentum or enthusiasm for Harris. Neither should be within a mile of the Oval Office, but I digress.

    As far as semiconductors, I am not sure why he is not pushing hard for manufacturing to be done here in the U.S. It fits perfectly with his "America First" platform. I do not know why we are not going further with this. Intel is a mess. Surely there has to be enough intellectual and corporate knowhow in this country to do this correctly without relying on the failed leadership of Intel.

    Build/nationalize a few major fabs and let AMD and NVIDIA call the shots on what is being fabbed? Dunno, but we are idiotic for not being the leaders in this.
    Rayak likes this.
  8. Money123

    Money123 Active Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    Trump won house and senate alot getting done 4 years with Trump.
    TomB16 likes this.
  9. TomB16

    TomB16 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    Tesla is now at $280. That makes some sense, although it seems a bit over-boosted to me.

    $DJT is now at $35. That seems an under reaction to me.
  10. TomB16

    TomB16 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    Even though Elon Musk is lost to Q, I am hopeful he will bring great value to government as an efficiency minister.
  11. roadtonowhere08

    roadtonowhere08 Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2020
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    One more toy to play with while others begin to catch up to Tesla...
    TomB16 likes this.
  12. TomB16

    TomB16 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    If traditional trajectories hold, there will be a market sugar rush for a few months, followed by a couple of months of concern, and then the market will find something else to pay attention to while it gains 100% as normal.
    roadtonowhere08 likes this.
  13. roadtonowhere08

    roadtonowhere08 Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2020
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    One can hope. I'm tired of the constant tribalism on both sides.

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