LOL.....I IGNORED the markets so much today....I forgot to check my results. EVERY stock in the red of course.....and....I got beat by the SP500 by 1.56%. MOVING the correction is now.....snowballing as they usually do. I dont know if this is true.....but we must be seeing some basic panic eating away at the edges of the retail investors. That is what we need to end this situation.....some CAPITULATION.
I am not a fan of Cramer....I have never heard his show.....but he is right. Don’t let Monday’s sell-off scare you out of the market entirely, Jim Cramer says "Key Points CNBC’s Jim Cramer advised investors not to leave the market entirely because of the massive sell-off. He said to remember there is always a bottom and stocks can recover, referencing late CNBC anchor Mark Haines, who correctly called a market bottom on this date in 2009 during the financial crisis. “Think of it like this: days like today are what kept you out of the big gains in the same stocks. Most people never get back,” he said."
if it makes anyone else feel I had the largest LOSS I have ever had in my life. In the multiple hundreds of thousands. Of course......part of the reason for the LARGEST loss is because my portfolios are the LARGEST they have ever been in value my life. SO.....what is my plan....what am i going to do? WELL.....I am going to do NOTHING. I am going to IGNORE it all. I will remain fully invested for the long term as usual. NOTHING has changed in terms of the companies that I own....they are STILL making just as much money as ever. Their market cap may be down....but the money is still pouring in. As for anyone what you have to do.....or do nothing at all. it is your choice and remember....THIS THREAD IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE.
Without getting into politics more than I have, it's easy to throw bombs when you are not behind the wheel. Reality hits when you are. That whole thing about actions and reactions. The global market is bigger than him, and he'll never realize that. I am so grateful that I am not looking to transition into retirement mode anytime soon where I may not have time to wait this silly crap out.
Yeah RTN….This is kinda getting a more than correction feel to it. That’s just a feeling though, and I could be way off. I will just stick to my plan. I”ll keep up with my contributions and throw some extra in from time to time. Retirement for me is still some time away, but not so far that I can’t see it. I have some built in protection other than solely relying on investments. So, when that day does come, I can likely ride out a very lengthy storm.
It's all you can do when things are ridiculous. I am clueless where things go from here, but I'm lucky to be able to just sit back and watch the fireworks. Others are not so fortunate through no fault of their own, and that is extremely frustrating.
Hi Guys, Just wanting to commiserate, I think this is the second or third highest loss I've ever had, Covid I had a couple of big loss days too. And just like WXYZ I saw a few hundred thousand dollars going out the door, It feels a little like someone just went into my garage and stole a Ferrari. And I have crappy insurance, the Insurance company will pay me back a little at a time, when it can. The market will comeback, BUT WHEN is the question. And I'm with you guys this FEELS different than the Covid downturn, Covid Crash only lasted from Feb 14th to about April 1st and then, boom ! off to the races. I had just enough time to transfer a bunch of cash ($???,???) to my Brokerage Account and start buying about March 15th. And 2022 was death by a thousand knife cuts, every time the fed had an announcement the market just went down a little more (I was down 22% that year, but I felt hopeful the entire year, nothing was really wrong with the economy. But this just feels different, like I can't tell when the bottom will be. I went all in, in March 2020, and guessed right. or got lucky, depending on your point of view. 2022 , well I just had all that growth after Covid, and was playing with a lot of gains, so I just hung in there. But today I heard Kramer say, well maybe you should go to the sidelines. WHAT ? He went on to admit "He can't" turns out he has the same problem as me, if I do cash out, to a degree, when do I jump back in ? I wouldn't know when to pull the trigger. And probably miss out on a bunch of gains , like seeing Tesla at $80/share and saying "It's way to expensive, I'll wait for it to come back down" Can I get a replay on that one ? Anyway I feel your guys pain. On a sidenote: Politically , lets just say that our person in charge has no control over his mouth, and continually wants to prove how smart he is, only to prove the opposite. What also scares me is the fact that there is no GAME PLAN published, like he's just spitballing it. That makes me worry. And could someone please STOP HIM from commenting on every little whim in his brain, every time he has opened his mouth since December it cost's me money. And it's turning out to be A LOT of money. OK there it's out , now , should I tell the wife we just set a record loss ? NAH, she'll just worry. Thank You for letting me vent, I may just transfer a bunch of cash over to my brokerage account tonight, maybe ..........................
"if it makes anyone else feel I had the largest LOSS I have ever had in my life. In the multiple hundreds of thousands. Of course......part of the reason for the LARGEST loss is because my portfolios are the LARGEST they have ever been in value my life. SO.....what is my plan....what am i going to do?" It doesn't make any of us feel better but it is relatable. Somewhere in my mid 20's I came to the realization that other success or misfortunes doesn't change my position in the 'race' and I actually strive for my peers to win. I like to be around people that grow and win. Al ot of us are feeling the six figure pullback but it's funny because a friend asked me how I felt the other day and I gave nearly the same response as W, I just feel fortunate to have that much money to lose! I think after last years run the market was looking for any reason to pull back. Trump makes it very easy to find a reason. Does this need to be done and is this the right way to do it? I think only time will tell. The system is too big and too complex to be controlled by one person over the long term. This draw back was a concerted effort. The only questions I have is when does onward and upward begin? How fast will it come back? By the way I like the Ferrari and crappy insurance analogy. I usually use the middle class suburban house as a reference but the Ferrari is a little flashy' r
The game plan is published here Also, they tried to STOP HIM on a couple of occasions last summer
Well I have no issue with taking a loss....even a big loss.....when I look at the MASSIVE gains that I am still sitting on. It is ALL relative. there is no way I want to lock in some HUGE capital gains taxes on top of the recent losses. I am GLAD to see many people "feeling" like this is something more than NORMAL. I like that type of it an indication that investors are heading toward CAPITULATION. My primary view is that when I look at my companies and business in general.....I dont see ANY sign of a BUSINESS slowdown. they are all making money hand over fist. There is also little to nothing to indicate that we are in or near a recession. What I see is a bunch of CRAZY....being pushed by many people for many reasons. It is simply going to take 4-6 months to wring all the BS out of the economy that is currently overhanging and being pushed in the media. My number one goal to see happen....lock in the current tax rates.....going back to the higher rates would be a DISASTER for business. So I guess I am an outlier.....I dont have any sort of "feeling" about what is going on right now other than......thinking it is all BS and pretty INSANE.
YES......I dont care about the short term. Overriding your instincts (BOLD is my opinion OR what I consider important content) "The struggles continue. The S&P 500 is down more than 7% since its peak on February 19. It’s now at its lowest level since November. The tech-heavy Nasdaq is down over 10% (correction territory)... And the Volatility Index (VIX), colloquially known as the “fear gauge,” is on the rise. In short, 2025 has started with a serious case of market whiplash... exactly what our RiskHedge team has been anticipating and warning about. If you’re feeling anxious, this essay’s for you. “Am I being handed a buying opportunity?” Any smart investor should be asking themselves this question today. After all… the market had been going straight up, leaving many investors behind. We’ve all been there—I know I (Chris Reilly) have. Wanting to own certain stocks but refusing to “chase” them as their prices climbed higher and higher. “I’ll buy the next dip,” we tell ourselves. Well, the dip’s here. But it’s never quite how you picture it, right? Because a dip isn’t just a number. It comes with a flood of emotions like fear and paranoia. These emotions helped our cavemen ancestors survive. But in modern-day investing, they’ll cloud your decision making if you don’t understand and control them. To achieve that mastery over your own emotions, there’s no substitute for experience. Do you remember what happened almost exactly five years ago? COVID and lockdowns were wrecking the stock market. RiskHedge Chief Analyst Stephen McBride urged his readers to buy stocks in March 2020, right when fear was at its peak during the COVID crash. He sent out back-to-back alerts on March 12 and 13... and put things into perspective in his Disruption Investor investment advisory: What you do now will define the next 5–10 years of your investing life. Right now, it’s extremely important to understand where we are… and how we’ll set ourselves up for maximum profits in the months ahead. I’ll be frank... I don’t know if we’ve seen the bottom in stocks yet. But here’s the important thing: I believe markets are closer to bottoming than most people think. My research suggests we’re closer to the bottom than the top. And if stocks haven’t hit the bottom yet, they’re at least in the vicinity. And now’s the time to prepare for what’s next. Those who followed his guidance came out on top as markets staged a historic recovery. He made similar calls during the brutal 2022 bear market, when inflation fears and rate hikes were battering stocks. I realize today’s market is nowhere near as bad as 2020 and 2022. But I can see similar emotions starting to creep in. Remember: We’ve been through much worse. And we had the chance to come out wealthier on the other side by controlling our emotions. Plus, if you’ve been following along, you saw this market weakness coming. As Stephen mentioned in early January, “I’m ready for a pullback, and you should be too.” Now, it’s time to execute the game plan. But don’t just take our word for it... Here’s what the second-best investor in history says about times like these... I recently shared why I believe Peter Lynch is the best investor not named Warren Buffett. During his 13 years running the famed Magellan Fund, he generated average annual returns of 29.2%. That turns $10,000 into $279,520. In his famous 1994 lecture at the National Press Club, Lynch said: History teaches you the market goes down. It goes down a lot. The math is simple. There have been 93 years this century. The market has had 50 declines of 10% or more. With 50 declines in 93 years, the market falls at least 10% about once every two years. Of those 50 declines, 15 have been 25% or more. We’ve had 15 declines of at least 25% in 93 years, so every six years, the market has a 25% decline. Of course, no one knows exactly when the market will turn lower. You just need to know that it will. Lynch again (emphasis added): It’s good when the market goes down. If you like a stock at $14 and it goes to $6, that’s great... You hope for $22; $14 to $22 is terrific, $6 to $22 is exceptional, so you take advantage of these declines. $14 to $22 is a 57% gain. $6 to $22 is a 266% gain. The key, Lynch says, to taking advantage of market volatility is understanding what you own. So, what should you do with this information? First, resist the emotional urge to sell great stocks during market weakness. Second, consider this volatility as a gift—an opportunity to accumulate positions in extraordinary companies at bargain prices." MY COMMENT Yes......the future belongs to the RATIONAL BOLD.
Investors need to keep in mind that the DOW is not your GRANNIES DOW. It is at.....FORTY ONE THOUSAND. A drop of 800 or 600 or even 1000 points sounds BIG....but in percentage terms it is NOT. A lot of the articles and news are SCREAMING things like.....the WORST DROP SINCE SEPTEMBER. Well yeah....that is only about 6-7 months ago. In the scheme of things we are still relatively close to historic ALL TIME HIGHS. I looked at my portfolio a minute ago. EVEN with all the FEAR, DRAMA, VOLATILITY, etc, etc, etc,....I am now down for the year by (-9.87%). Not too bad considering.......and....I would say certainly way better than the daily screaming headlines and GASPING fear-mongering is making this little correction seem. Yes....we are in a correction....something we have not seen for at least a couple of years. As to COVID....who cares. That market drop was totally artificial....nothing was normal about it. It is meaningless as a comparison. I will say that we are seeing this correction HYPED and pushed more than it should be by the media. BUT....get used to it....this is how it is going to be from now on....the media is not going to change for the better......this is the NEW MEDIA NORMAL. Add in the political component.....and....what we are seeing in the markets is totally understandable. I see ZERO concern being expressed by the FED.....for the economy. YES.....they are morons....but nothing in any of the data is supporting that we are in a falling economy. In fact much of the IRRATIONAL fear is based on the economy....being too good and too hot. I dont buy it.......2.5-3% inflation is NORMAL. AND....I am not going to get worked up over anything I am seeing in the economy right now. Investors are SPOILED........"we want our gains"......whine, whine, whine. "I am going to hold my breath till I turn blue in the face till I get my gains". Well the markets dont care. usual.....NO PAIN NO GAIN. Live by the gun, die by the gun. Take the bad with the good. In the end....the "end" being the long term.....we will ALL be better off from having been invested in the markets. That is my view......but....I am the person that is sitting and enjoying the show.......the high drama....that we are being treated to right now. WHATEVER.
You know.....I got used to dealing with very large sums of money when I was in business. After a while it is just big deal. BUT....with investors....dealing with a few thousand dollars or even five to ten ok. Ramp that up to hundreds of thousands of dollars or millions......and most people simply have issues handling it. Nothing is any different....nothing has changed.....but simply dealing with big figures changes how people think and react. It ramps up the EMOTION. Tell someone with $10,000 they lost 10%.......$1000.....and they can take the heat. Tell someone with $10,000,000 they lost a MILLION and they freak out and start to get nervous.
YES.....I agree. This Contrarian Indicator Strongly Suggests Stocks Could Surge 30% Maybe we should follow Buffett’s advice and be greedy now when others are fearful. (BOLD is my opinion OR what I consider important content) Key Takeaways: Bearish investor sentiment has surpassed 60%, a historically rare event. Every past instance of this extreme bearishness preceded a major market rebound. Stocks have historically gained nearly 30% within 12 months of similar sentiment lows. The S&P 500 is at a key support level—bouncing here could be a strong buy signal. AI stocks, particularly through AIQ ETF, are poised for continued growth. Editor’s Note: Many investors are feeling bearish on the market right now. Since the late 1980s, the percentage of bearish investors in the survey has surpassed 60% only six times before: twice in late 1990, twice during the 2008 financial crisis, and twice during 2022’s red-hot inflation plight. Every previous occasion that investor sentiment was as negative as it is today, stocks were in the process of bottoming after a crash. Then they proceeded to soar over the next 12 months. Average forward 12-month returns? Nearly 30%! This data doesn’t mean stocks are guaranteed to soar over the next 12 months. But my InvestorPlace colleague Luke Lango is joining us today to explain why he believes it is a noteworthy data point that suggests maybe we should be greedy now when others are fearful. Take it away, Luke… You’ve probably heard Warren Buffett’s famous saying: “Be greedy when others are fearful.” Others are certainly fearful right now. According to the weekly American Association of Individual Investors (AAII) survey, ~60% of individual investors are feeling bearish on the market right now. Let’s put that number in context… The AAII has been conducting this survey since the late 1980s. In that time, the percentage of bearish investors in the survey has surpassed 60% only six times before. We saw surges like this twice in late 1990, twice during the 2008 financial crisis, and twice during 2022’s red-hot inflation plight. In other words, investor sentiment is historically negative right now. Who can blame them? We’re in the midst of the biggest global trade war in nearly a century. Layoff announcements last month spiked to their highest level since July 2020, surging 245% to 172,017. Consumer sentiment is crashing, -9.8% from January, according to the University of Michigan’s survey. Federal spending cuts are rattling the job market. One estimate for U.S. GDP growth has plunged from +2.3% last quarter to -2.8% this quarter. Things look bleak right now. No wonder investors feel so bearish. But history suggests that when investors are feeling this bearish, it is always a good time to be buying stocks… Bearishness Can Be a Contrarian Indicator In late 1990, when the number of bearish investors spiked above 60% in the AAII’s weekly survey, the stock market was in the final innings of a big crash. Between mid-July and mid-October 1990, the S&P 500 lost ~18%. Then, over the next 12 months, the index rose more than 20%. In late 2008 and early 2009, when the number of bearish investors again spiked above 60%, the market was in the final innings of another big crash. Stocks plunged around 30% between mid-October and mid-March – but soared more than 60% higher over the next 12 months. In late 2022, when the number of bearish investors most recently spiked above 60%, the stock market was – you guessed it – in the final innings of a crash. Between mid-August and September’s end that year, stocks slid more than 16%. Over the next 12 months, the market rallied about 20%. In other words… every previous occasion that investor sentiment was as negative in the AAII’s weekly survey as it is today… stocks were in the process of bottoming after a crash. Then they proceeded to soar over the next 12 months. Average forward 12-month returns? Nearly 30%! The Final Word Of course, this data doesn’t mean stocks are guaranteed to soar over the next 12 months. But it is a noteworthy data point that suggests maybe… just maybe… we should follow Buffett’s advice and be greedy now when others are fearful. The S&P 500 is currently languishing right around its ‘ultimate’ support level: the 200-day moving average. If the market bounces here, we think that would be a strong buy signal." MY COMMENT Sounds about right to me. No one including me knows when the market will bounce could be tomorrow or it could be in six months. Who knows.....who cares. It WILL come back it is just a matter of time.
If you are wondering. Most of the S&P 500 is already in correction territory as benchmark teeters near milestone "As of Monday’s close, 366 S&P 500 components or 73% were trading 10% or more below their respective 52-week highs, which means they have already suffered a correction. A total of 203 components closed more than 20% below 52-week highs as of Monday, meaning they are in bear market territory." MY COMMENT NO DOUBT....we are going to see further drops short term and extreme volatility. The way trading is now done with AI PROGRAMS that drive and create the very market they are trading guarantees the current environment. The earliest we might see some the first quarter earnings in about 4 weeks.
Here it is NOON on the East coast.....and....GASP....I am still in the green. Give me some of my money back!!!!!! Even if I do lose it tomorrow.
For anyone that is feeling a little down....remember the last.....BEAR MARKET. It was unrelenting and lasted for more than a year....even though the SP500 stopped going down after about six months in. It was only 2.2 years 2022. For the year the SP500 was down by (-20%). Fortunately if we have not totally screwed up the market system with AI trading and the relentless 24/7 media negativity.....about 72% of ALL years the SP500 ends up with a positive gain. That of course.....leaves the other 28% for investors to IGNORE. I said at the start of this year that it would either be another nice gain or a nice loss year. Nothing in-between. With this correction early in the year.....I believe we have a bit more of a chance for a gain this year. Many of the pundits were saying to start the year that the first half would be rocky and the second half is where the gains would happen.....based on FUNDAMENTALS and EARNINGS. I believe this is probably true.....even though I dont follow or believe the...."pundits".
LOL...I don't think any of us are there yet. Most within this thread are just gonna carry on as usual and probably pick up some more shares as it goes along.