More frustrations with politics

Discussion in 'The Cocktail Lounge' started by Gray Wolf, Apr 13, 2017.

  1. Gray Wolf

    Gray Wolf Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    I have trouble with having confidence in our president when he continues to demonstrate a complete lack of knowledge in foreign affairs. Thinking China can wave their hand and reel in North Korea shows a complete lack of knowledge of the politics between those 2 countries. Thinking the US or Allies can stop North Korea's nuclear program also shows a lack of knowledge of history. Once that genie is out of the bag and a country has a nuke you can't un-ring that bell. The main and best route now is to build missile defenses that can neutralize the ability to launch strikes.

    The other thing is Trump's and Tillerson's comment that our relations with Russia have never been lower. My god these guys are old enough to remember the Cuban Missile crises. Current state of relations with Russia do not even come close the the danger of that crisis.

    The scary part is that a simple Google search would provide better educational material for them then what they are dishing out to the people right now.
  2. Timbo

    Timbo Active Member

    Jan 15, 2017
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    Afghanistan just got bombed from what I'm hearing. President Trump is what our country needed in my opinion, China and Russia don't want a war with U.S.A. Obama made a joke out of us, now the sleeping giant has awaken.
  3. twerpner

    twerpner Active Member

    Dec 20, 2016
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    It wasn't too long ago when the GOP and Trump got on Obamas case for bombing the Middle East without Congressional consent, which is literally what Trump just did. I don't really know how Obama made a joke out of the U.S. except according to the GOP base. Worldwide, America's reputation was close to being repaired after Bush. All that has been undone.
  4. Timbo

    Timbo Active Member

    Jan 15, 2017
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    The next move should be smoking North Korea for threatening U.S. with nukes.
  5. StockJock-e

    StockJock-e Brew Master
    Staff Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Just a heads up gentlemen, politics was a banned topic on our previous boards because it typically leads to arguments and in-fighting along the lines of your team vs my team.

    I don't mind discussion as long as its civil.

    Timbo, I know you are joking about N Korea, because you know as well as we all do that any US aggression on NK will result in Seoul being nuked.
  6. twerpner

    twerpner Active Member

    Dec 20, 2016
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    I will absolutely be civil and mean no ill will:). As an expat living in Canada now, it is hard to defend US politics in conversations now that the government says one thing and does the opposite (not to mention the scandals, p***y grabbing, comments on Hitler, etc.) Its interesting to see how the same actions done by a Dem are vilified, but done by a GOP are praised and vice versa. There seems to be no more sides anymore, its simply about "winning" - whatever that means. The one good I see coming from the current state of things is that the current system seems to be heading for a quicker end now rather than had she-who-must-not be named been elected.
  7. Timbo

    Timbo Active Member

    Jan 15, 2017
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    Civil from my end. WE can respectfully agreen to disagree. N.K. will be disarmed, China has shown good faith but it's going to take more than turning around a few coal boats. We don't want war but willing to show superiority if need be, that's what I perceive Trump's message to be.
  8. twerpner

    twerpner Active Member

    Dec 20, 2016
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    Open and free debate without hostilities is what its all about.:D I think we both have differing viewpoints and opinions, but hopefully we can both agree that Trump and his well done steaks are too much!!;)

    Hope everyone enjoys their extended weekend.
  9. Timbo

    Timbo Active Member

    Jan 15, 2017
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    No doubt, I like my steaks medium rare. Have a great weekend my friend.
    twerpner likes this.
  10. StockJock-e

    StockJock-e Brew Master
    Staff Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Ideally that would be perfect, but you know very well it always up as "My team is the best and represents all that is good and proper in America. Your team sucks balls and wants to destroy America."
  11. anotherdevilsadvocate

    anotherdevilsadvocate Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    lol yeah I wish North Korea would get out of the news. Doesn't seem like that country will ever be good for anything.

    Where does "threatening" end, and politics/diplomacy begin? We threaten other countries all the time, and we have our own nukes. Using them on an inconsequential country like North Korea makes us look bad. They can try to threaten us, but they're no threat.

    I come from another viewpoint. It's interesting how Dems let themselves be vilified but the Republicans take action (right or wrong, whatever). I wish Dems would fight as hard for their beliefs (actually constituents' beliefs, the politicians are garbage), as the Republican ones do. Look at how the Republicans stopped Obama from nominating a Justice for months. I get the feeling the Dems care more about winning theoretical ethical battles than actually making change, and just whine when an unethical opponent comes around: yeah we hear you whining but that's not enough to voice displeasure, go do something about it. Get down and dirty for the people that give you votes.

    I come from a very blue state, and am trying all by my lonesome to vote out incumbents that do nothing :p That Elizabeth Warren seems like a fighter at least.
    T0rm3nted likes this.
  12. Timbo

    Timbo Active Member

    Jan 15, 2017
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    Gil brings up a great point. Children argue fight and whine when it doesn't go their way. Unfortunately we still see it in politics on a daily basis by elected officials from "both sides".. I consider myself a independent, could care less if it's Democrats or Republicans, Just want the job done that benefits our country as a whole. Have confidence in Trump, I believe that running the country from a business standpoint is what we need. If you disagree and voice your opinion, it's my responsibility to listen and respect your right. We have brothers and sisters that spilled their guts and gave their lives to preserve that freedom. Hopefully the thread can stay alive and move forward.
    T0rm3nted likes this.
  13. Timbo

    Timbo Active Member

    Jan 15, 2017
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    On a side note, when I said "smoke N.K." I didn't men to imply nuclear action. I drive a commercial vehicle and sometimes have to post between loads "trade that way also" LOL. Anyway wanted to clarify that.
    Jrich likes this.
  14. Timbo

    Timbo Active Member

    Jan 15, 2017
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    World leaders have taken notice " Dis ain't Obama baby" Wonder who my hero has his sights on today.
  15. StockJock-e

    StockJock-e Brew Master
    Staff Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Morning Timbo!

    Where you driving today?

    As a fellow independent, let me for argument sake give the other side of this:

    Attacking the Syrian gov does not benefit us at all. The situation there is highly complicated, attacking Assad directly helps ISIS because Assad is fighting ISIS, but so are the rebels, who fighting both ISIS and Assad. These same rebels also have ties to Al Nusra aka Al Qaeda, who dont like ISIS... Are you seeing the problem here?

    I liked Trump view of shaking things up, but I disagree.

    The goal of a business is to maximize profits and appease shareholders, sometimes by providing the bare minimum and shittiest service possible. Don't get me started on Time Warner Cable, or any rural area and their internet, or Walmart not paying a living wage, or any monopoly ever. The govt should be run like a govt, not a business that is meant to profit a few executives at the very top of the food chain. Trump, Tillerson, Mnuchin, Devos and friends are all going to be billions of dollars richer at the end of this administration. You nor I are getting any of those billions.

    Trump slammed Hillary for taking money from Goldman Sachs, and went on about how she is a corporate shill. How many times did he rag on her for the speeches she gave Goldman and the money she took from them?

    Then as soon as Trump took office, Steve Mnuchin (Goldman partner) comes in as Secretary of the Treasury and Gary Coen, the ACTUAL President and COO of Goldman Sachs comes in as Director of the National Economic Council.

    Im listening for the outrage from the right.... still waiting...

    ( I will add that I feel that Mnuchin and Coen are highly qualified for those positions and I have no problem with it! But I like to see consistency in opinions that were stressed to be this important. If Hillary won, the Republicans would lose their minds if she appointed these two guys to the position they have now. The fact that there is zero outrage just goes to show it was all manufactured rhetoric meant to get the base all riled up.)

    Yes we do, and none of them I talk to want to go fight in the sandbox again.

    Its better that you see him as your employee, we hired him for four years to do a job. You should not look at your own employees as your heroes.
    fireopal likes this.
  16. Timbo

    Timbo Active Member

    Jan 15, 2017
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    In Lebanon Tn. today on one of our sites down the road from amazon. Really appreciate your input and the effort, can see your point and mostly agree. Nobody wants war but at some point in the game it's necessary to show presence of force and the repercussions. World leaders have been put on notice and to me that's a major step forward. Nothing about politics is ethical, it's basically a bunch of candy a##, self centered crybabys that act worse than a 2 year old from BOTH sides, President Trump included. Amazing how a bunch of traders can have political discussions in a civil manner, perhaps our elected officials should be taking notes from us.
  17. Jrich

    Jrich Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2017
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    I agree!... The most polite political discussion I've ever seen (is there such a thing??)

    I'm a big Trump fan myself... But even I'm not sure what to think about all the flippity floppy.... Then again, I'm not in his shoes... None of us are.... Our government no doubt has its secrets, no telling what Trump knows now that he didn't know before inauguration

    The Middle East... Take innocence, evil and sand.. Put them all in a blender, purée for a few hundred years, then pour over the top of a few billion barrels of oil.. And you end up with a shit cluster of damned if you do damned if you don't......... Flip a coin, roll dice, rock paper scissors... Don't matter... Whatever you do (or don't do), people will hate it..... Can't pin that on Trump

    And call me looney, but I'm not worried about North Korea... North Korea is just that kid in 3rd grade who had no friends and threw tantrums in class for no reason.... Just put him out in the hallway and let's get back to work!...... We have taxes to cut, infrastructure to build and holes to drill!!!
    #17 Jrich, Apr 14, 2017
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2017
  18. Timbo

    Timbo Active Member

    Jan 15, 2017
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    In just 2 days we have hijacked JerryM's thread, had political discussions, debated, agreed,disagreed and nobody got beat up, not even a bloody nose. Best part is daddy Gil didn't have to babysit and put us in timeout. Some of us even trade against one another on a daily basis. POLITICIANS take notice.. ONLY IN AMERICA.. hmmm.. Lol
  19. anotherdevilsadvocate

    anotherdevilsadvocate Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    North Korea activity at nuclear test site: Anyone seen Misty May/Kerri Walsh lately?
    "US experts who analyse satellite images from North Korea say they have seen unusual activity at the country's nuclear test site: volleyball games."
  20. Timbo

    Timbo Active Member

    Jan 15, 2017
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    Kinda like the bratty kid that won't shut up, the Banty rooster attitude is going to get the little fellow a dirt nap.
    Jrich likes this.

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