AAO.V - Augusta Industries Inc. (now implementing blockchain)

Discussion in 'Canadian Stocks Message Boards' started by tireguy, Apr 18, 2016.

  1. tireguy

    tireguy Member

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Current Shares Outstanding: 210,149,622

    About the Corporation:

    Through its wholly owned subsidiaries, Marcon International Inc. and Fox-Tek, the Corporation provides a variety of services and products to a number of clients.

    Marcon is an industrial supply contractor servicing the energy sector and a number of US Government entities. Marcon's principal business is the sale and distribution of industrial parts and equipment (Electrical, mechanical and Instrumentation.) In addition to departments and agencies of the U.S. Government, Marcon's major clients include Saudi Arabia-Sabic Services (Refining and Petrochemical), Bahrain National Gas Co, Bahrain Petroleum, Qatar Petroleum, Qatar Gas, Qatar Petrochemical, Gulf of Suez Petroleum, Agiba Petroleum and Burullus Gas Co.

    Fox Tek develops non-intrusive asset health monitoring sensor systems for the oil and gas market to help operators track the thinning of pipelines and refinery vessels due to corrosion/erosion, strain due to bending/buckling and process pressure and temperature. The Corporation's FT fiber optic sensor and corrosion monitoring systems allow cost-effective, 24/7 remote monitoring capabilities to improve scheduled maintenance operations, avoid unnecessary shutdowns, and prevent accidents and leaks.
  2. tireguy

    tireguy Member

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Augusta Announces New Indian Partnership

    TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - March 23, 2016) - Augusta Industries Inc. (the "Corporation") (TSX VENTURE:AAO) is pleased to announce that its wholly owned subsidiary, Fox-Tek Canada Inc. ("Fox-Tek"), has entered into a partnership with AdvanceTech Controls PVT Ltd. ("AdvanceTech") of India.

    The partnership came about after Fox-Tek was approached by one of India's leading State oil and gas companies to supply it with several of the Corporation's non-intrusive electric field mapping systems to monitor changes in wall thickness in elbow pipe sections. After Fox-Tek passed pre-qualification, the Indian company issued a public tender.

    The Corporation determined that it was in the best interest to partner with a suitable local partner for the purpose of submitting it's tender. After reviewing and investigating various companies, it was decided that AdvanceTech was the most suitable partner for Fox-Tek and AdvanceTech will assist Fox-Tek with:

    1. Navigating the tender process
    2. Acting as the Corporation's technical and sales representatives in India
    3. Provision of after sales service to Indian based clients
    4. Assist with the Corporation's expansion into the Indian and surrounding markets
    "The Corporation and Fox-Tek continues to seek out new opportunities in other parts of the world," stated Allen Lone, President and CEO of the Corporation. "This opportunity in India came about from the continuous hard work of the Corporation and we are excited about the possibilities that lie ahead in the Indian market. Having AdvanceTech, with its extensive history and experience, as a partner will greatly assist the Corporation with its aggressive growth plans in the region."

    About AdvanceTech

    AdvanceTech has more than 20 years of experience in India with the oil and gas sector and industrial automation. The company is also involved in India's aerospace industry and research and institutional segment.

  3. tireguy

    tireguy Member

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Augusta Provides Sales Update

    TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - April 4, 2016) - Augusta Industries Inc. (the "Corporation") (TSX VENTURE:AAO) is pleased to announce that it wholly owned subsidiary, Marcon International Inc. ("Marcon"), has entered into various agreements with various departments of the United States government for the supply of instrumentation and equipment. The aggregate value of the agreement entered into in March, 2016 was $564,637.61. The current backlog of orders, including these new contracts, is $1,259,843.85 as of March 31, 2016.

    "The Corporation is pleased that it continues to enter into new agreements with various entities of the United States government," stated Allen Lone, President of the Corporation. "These new agreements are a positive way to start of the new fiscal year and the Corporation will continue to work with its clients in an attempt to enter into more agreements. The Corporation is working, and will continue to work, to ensure that these contracts, along with the current backlog, will be fulfilled in a timely and efficient manner. The Corporation and Marcon have worked and continue to work in building an ongoing successful relationship with these clients."

  4. tireguy

    tireguy Member

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Augusta Provides Update on Service Contract

    Augusta Provides Update on Service Contract
    TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - April 18, 2016) - Augusta Industries Inc. (the "Corporation") (TSX VENTURE:AAO) is pleased to announce that, further to its press release of September 8, 2015, its wholly owned subsidiary FOX TEK Canada Inc. ("Fox Tek") has shipped 5 electric field mapping corrosion monitoring systems (the "EFM Systems") pursuant to the terms of the service contract (the "Contract").

    As announced in its September 8, 2015 press release, Fox Tek entered into the Contract with an oil and gas exploration and production company with assets and operations in North America, Africa, Europe and South America. The Contract had an aggregate value of $528,000 over a 5 year term.

    The Corporation would also like to announce that the terms of the contract have been amended. The EFM Systems are now being bought outright rather than a lease to own over a 5 year term. The client will still be required to pay the Corporation a recurring fee for the data gathered and analyzed from the EFM Systems.

  5. tireguy

    tireguy Member

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Augusta Provides Update

    TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - April 21, 2016) - Augusta Industries Inc. (the "Corporation") (TSX VENTURE:AAO) is pleased to provide an update with respect to the non-disclosure agreement (the "Agreement") entered into between the Corporation and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries America Inc. ("Mitsubishi") an affiliate company of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd based in Japan. As disclosed in its press release of July 16, 2015, the Corporation and Mitsubishi entered into the Agreement in an attempt to better understand how the Corporation and Mitsubishi can work together to support the efforts of Mitsubishi.

    Subsequent to the execution of the Agreement, the Corporation and Mitsubishi have identified a specific application for the use of the Corporation's technology. The Corporation and Mitsubishi will commence on the development of a monitoring system to be deployed and used by Mitsubishi in their exclusive markets.

    "We are excited to be working with Mitsubishi in the development of monitoring systems specific to their requirements," said Allen Lone, the Corporation's President and CEO. "Our relationship with Mitsubishi is evidence and positive proof that the Corporation's technology continues to be accepted throughout the world."

  6. tireguy

    tireguy Member

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Augusta Provides Sales Update

    TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - May 2, 2016) - This release corrects and replaces the release sent for Augusta Industries Inc. at 1:37 PM ET on May 2, 2016. The aggregate value of the agreement mentioned should have been for April, 2016 instead of March, 2016. The complete and corrected release follows.

    Augusta Industries Inc. (the "Corporation") (TSX VENTURE:AAO) is pleased to announce that it wholly owned subsidiary, Marcon International Inc. ("Marcon"), has entered into various agreements with various departments of the United States government for the supply of instrumentation and equipment. The aggregate value of the agreement entered into in April, 2016 was $529,477.74. The current backlog of orders, including these new contracts, is $1,439,327.01 as of April 29, 2016.

    "The Corporation is pleased that it continues to enter into new agreements with various entities of the United States government," stated Allen Lone, President of the Corporation. "The Corporation is confident that its sales strategy will result in increased sales and continued growth. The Corporation is working, and will continue to work, to ensure that these contracts, along with the current pipeline of orders, will be fulfilled in a timely and efficient manner. The Corporation and Marcon have worked and continue to work in building an ongoing successful relationship with these clients."

  7. hollyhunter

    hollyhunter Member

    Apr 13, 2016
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  8. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    This stock has a very clean balance and good earnings, but the dilution is ruining it. They should consider doing a small rollback, even 2:1, that would go a long way. Yesterday almost 2.5 million shares traded and it just moved up $0.01, too much paper.
  9. tireguy

    tireguy Member

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Augusta Announces Record Results for the First Quarter

    TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - May 25, 2016) - Augusta Industries Inc. (the "Corporation") (TSX VENTURE:AAO) is pleased to announce that it has released its financial results for the three months ending March 31, 2016. For the three months ending March 31, 2016, the Corporation had record revenues of $1,011,000, an increase of $479,000 or 90% as compared to the three months ending March 31, 2015.

    Total comprehensive income for the three months ending March 31, 2016 was $178,000 or a net gain of $0.001 per share, an increase of $374,000 or $0.002 per share, as compared to a loss of $196,000 or $0.003 per share for the three months ending March 31, 2015. Gross margins for the three months ending March 31, 2016 was 45.6% compared to 35.5% for the three months ending March 31, 2015. The Corporation also reduced its operating expenses in the three months ending March 31, 2016 to $279,000 from $299,000 for the same period in 2015.

    "The record results for the first quarter of 2016 is an indication of the success that the Corporation has experienced in its sales efforts in 2015 and 2016," states Allen Lone, President of the Corporation. "The record revenue was a result of the increased spending of the Corporation's current clients and the addition of new clients through the quarter."

  10. tireguy

    tireguy Member

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Augusta Industries Inc.: Trans Africa Pipeline Moves Forward With MOU

    TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - June 1, 2016) - Augusta Industries Inc. (the "Corporation") (TSX VENTURE:AAO) is pleased to announce that the Trans Africa Pipeline ("T.A.P.") group has entered into a memorandum of understanding with the Government of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania whereby T.A.P. and the Mauritanian Government have agreed to work together to construct a fresh water pipeline, associated solar power plants and desalination of sea water facilities to move potable water from the coast of Mauritania into the Sahel region for distribution to communities and for use in agricultural projects (the "Project"). In furtherance of the Project, T.A.P. has appointed a contractor who will be issuing requests for proposals ("RFP") which will include a RFP for the monitoring of the fresh water pipeline. The Corporation, thru its wholly-owned subsidiary, Fox-Tek Canada Inc., intends to submit a proposal to T.A.P. based on the specifications provided by the contractor and will collaborate with the Project design company with respect to the monitoring of the pipeline.

    The Corporation will be providing T.A.P. with non-intrusive sensing equipment which will verify the integrity of the pipeline composite at key locations. In addition to the non-intrusive sensing equipment will provide a number of optical based sensing technologies which would allow T.A.P. to monitor the right of way zones from possible third-party intrusions.

    "The Corporation is very excited that the Project is moving forward and a memorandum of understanding has been entered into with the Mauritanian Government," said Allen Lone, President of the Corporation. "The Corporation is honored to have been invited to submit a proposal to provide a solution for T.A.P.'s first phase of the Project. The Corporation is looking forward to partnering with T.A.P. and being able to provide T.A.P. with the technologies and solutions that will enable T.A.P. to succeed with the Project."

    About the Trans Africa Pipeline

    T.A.P. is a non-profit organization based in Canada dedicated to the long-term eradication of drought in the Sahel region of sub-Saharan Africa. This will be achieved via the construction of a continuous fresh-water pipeline to run across the entire continent, supplied by concentrated solar-powered desalination plants located on each coast. In addition to distributing clean water to communities across the Sahel in perpetuity, T.A.P. will also provide vital energy resources, reduce desertification and the impact of climate change, spur significant local employment and engender the emergence of a substantial, self-sustaining agricultural base throughout the region. Positioned as the largest humanitarian civil engineering project ever conceived, T.A.P. was founded by Dr. R.C. Tennyson (Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto and aerospace engineer) and Daphne Lavers, journalist and T.A.P. Director of Communications, who together lead an international team of project partners, analysts and advisors.

  11. tireguy

    tireguy Member

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Augusta Executes Memorandum of Understanding With Mitsubishi

    TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - June 16, 2016) - Augusta Industries Inc. (the "Corporation") (TSX VENTURE:AAO) is pleased to announce that, further to its press release of April 21, 2016, FOX-TEK Canada Inc. ("FOX-TEK"), the Corporation's wholly owned subsidiary, entered into a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries America, Inc. ("Mitsubishi") an affiliate company of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd based in Japan.

    Pursuant to the terms of the MOU, FOX-TEK will be partnering with Mitsubishi with respect to its plans to design and build a commercial grade pilot monitoring system for waste water treatment.

    Upon the successful completion of the pilot program, FOX-TEK will enter into a definitive licensing agreement with Mitsubishi for its DMAT software solution. The approximate value of the licensing agreement will be USD$1,250,000 over the term of the agreement. The terms of the licensing agreement will be agreed to by the parties upon the completion of the pilot program.

    "We believe that both Mitsubishi and FOX-TEK will bring to clients a technology that will have a great potential," said Allen Lone, Chief Executive Officer of Augusta Industries Inc. "We are thrilled to move forward with such a project, this being one of many other potential opportunities that both companies will explore further."

  12. tireguy

    tireguy Member

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Augusta Partners With TTK Canada

    TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - June 23, 2016) - Augusta Industries Inc. (the "Corporation") (TSX VENTURE:AAO) is pleased to announce that FOX-TEK Canada Inc. ("FOX-TEK"), the Corporation's wholly owned subsidiary, has partnered with TTK Canada ("TTK"). The objective of the partnership with TTK is to explore and develop opportunities and applications in the oil and gas sector incorporating THE Corporation's technology and products and TTK's novel leak detection cable that is fast responding, entirely reusable and insensitive to water.

    Allen Lone, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation, commented, "The partnership with TTK will greatly expand our existing non-intrusive technologies and will allow the company to offer a more vary offering of products and services. This will allow the Corporation to offer its clients a higher level of capabilities."

    About TTK

    TTK is a Liquid leak detection specialist and manufacturer that offers innovative products and tailored solutions for detecting hydrocarbon leaks, for both industrial and commercial applications. With a 25-year history and with offices in Europe, Canada, Middle East and Asia, we are at the forefront of designing, manufacturing and installing digital liquid leak detection equipment in risk areas of facilities around the world.

    TTK's oil & gas division, R&D center and the manufacturing facilities are headquartered in the Paris region. Since it was established, the company has built its brand name on quality and innovation. All products are manufactured in France. TTK products hold a number of recognized international safety standards and specific approvals such as UL, TUV/GS, IEC, and ATEX.

    The TTK brand is well-known in the water and acid leak market. Thanks to the advanced technology and the high reliability of its products, TTK has achieved a leadership position via numerous reference projects all over the world.

  13. tireguy

    tireguy Member

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Augusta Industries Reports Record Revenue for Second Quarter of 2016

    TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - Aug. 23, 2016) - Augusta Industries Inc. (the "Corporation") (TSX VENTURE:AAO) today released its financial results for the six months ending June 30, 2016. For the period ending June 30, 2016, the Corporation had record revenues of $1,818,000, an increase of $800,000 or 82% as compared to the six months ending June 30, 2015.

    "We are extremely pleased as to how the first part of 2016 has unfolded," said Allen Lone, President of the Corporation. "The results for the first two quarters of 2016 is an indication of the success that the Corporation has experienced in its sales efforts in 2015 and the first part of 2016. The results are a true reflection of the Corporation's efforts to increase its sales, decrease costs and focus on a growing market."

    Other highlights:

    • Net income for the six months ending June 30, 2016 was $149,000 or a net gain of $0.001 per share, an increase of $627,000 or $0.002 per share, as compared to a loss of $478,000 or $0.003 per share for the six months ending June 30, 2015.
    • Gross profit for the six months ending June 30, 2016 was $692,000 (38.1%) compared to $305,000 (30.06%) for the six months ending June 30, 2015. The Corporation also reduced its operating expenses in the six months ending June 30, 2016 to $541,000 from $617,000 for the same period in 2015.
  14. tireguy

    tireguy Member

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Augusta Provides Sales Update

    TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - Aug. 31, 2016) - Augusta Industries Inc. (the "Corporation") (TSX VENTURE:AAO) is pleased to announce that its wholly owned subsidiary, Marcon International Inc. ("Marcon"), has entered into new agreements with various departments of the United States government for the supply of instrumentation and equipment. The aggregate value of the agreement entered into was $1,318,428.07. The current backlog of orders, including these new contracts, is $1,569,762.38 as of August 31, 2016.

    "The continued efforts and hard work of the Corporation's sales staff have resulted in the Corporation entering into these new agreements with various entities of the United States government," stated Allen Lone, President of the Corporation. "The Corporation's sales strategy has result in increased sales and continued growth. While the Corporation is building long term strategic partnerships in the oil and gas industry and the pipeline space, we maintained a strategy to continue driving new sales and maintaining positive cash flow. 2016 has been the first year the Corporation has been able to delivery back to back quarters of positive cash flow and the year continues to be financially positive."

  15. tireguy

    tireguy Member

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Augusta Industries Inc.: Update

    TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - Sept. 20, 2016) - Augusta Industries Inc. (the "Corporation") (TSX VENTURE:AAO) would like to provide an update with respect to its operations. Despite the record revenues for the six months ending June 30, 2016, as disclosed in the Corporation's press release of August 23, 2015, the Corporation continues to improve its operational efficiencies and explore various options in an effort to further reduce its operating expenses. In addition, the Corporation has been approached by various arm's length third parties expressing interest in purchasing certain assets. Management is currently exploring the possibility of vending certain assets to maximize shareholder value. The Corporation has had very preliminary discussions pertaining to the sale of certain assets and there can be no assurance that any agreement will be reached. The Corporation will continue to keep the market informed in respect of these various matters.

  16. tireguy

    tireguy Member

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Augusta Industries Sales Update

    TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - Oct. 3, 2016) - Augusta Industries Inc. (the "Corporation") (TSX VENTURE:AAO) is pleased to announce that its wholly owned subsidiary, Marcon International Inc. ("Marcon"), has been awarded contracts with various departments of the United States government for the supply of instrumentation and equipment. The aggregate value of the agreement entered into was $645,166.19 in the last 30 days. The current backlog of orders, including these new contracts, is $1,207,043.00 as of September 30, 2016.

    "The continued efforts and hard work of the Corporation's sales staff has made the month of September a record month in terms of contracts signed," stated Allen Lone, President of the Corporation. "The Corporation's sales strategy has result in increased sales and continued growth."

  17. tireguy

    tireguy Member

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Augusta Industries Reports Record Sales for Third Quarter of 2016

    TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - Oct. 19, 2016) - Augusta Industries Inc. (the "Corporation") (TSX VENTURE:AAO) today released its financial results for the nine months ending September 30, 2016. For the period ending September 30, 2016, the Corporation had record revenues of $3,297,000, an increase of $1,604,000 or 95% as compared to the nine months ending September 30, 2015.

    "We are extremely pleased with the record Sales and the financial results for the three quarters of 2016," said Allen Lone, President of the Corporation. "The results for the three quarters of 2016 is an indication of the success that the Corporation has had in signing new quarters in 2016. The results are a true reflection of the Corporation's efforts to increase its sales, decrease costs and focus on a growing market."

    Other highlights:

    • Net income before tax for the nine months ending September 30, 2016 was $80,000 as compared to a loss of $689,000 for the nine months ending September 30, 2015 - an improvement of $769,000.

    • The net gain per share for the nine months ending September 30, 2016 was $0.003 compared to the nine months ending September 30, 2015.

    • Gross profit for the nine months ending September 30, 2016 was $878,000 (26.6%) compared to $433,000 (25.6%) for the nine months ending September 30, 2015. The Corporation also reduced its operating expenses in the nine months ending September 30, 2016 to $797,000 from $920,000 for the same period in 2015.
  18. Epicram

    Epicram Member

    Oct 13, 2016
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    The Updates from Augusta industries seems to be good.
  19. tireguy

    tireguy Member

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Augusta to Implement Blockchain Technology

    Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - January 25, 2018) - Augusta Industries Inc. (TSXV: AAO) (the "Company") is pleased to announce the creation of a wholly owned subsidiary to commence the process of implementing Blockchain technology. Blockchain serves as the next technological revolution for storing and sharing distributed data from multiple input sources. This will provide the Company with the capability to transfer any digital data between multiple participants in a secure and auditable fashion. This is of critical importance to our wholly owned subsidiary, FOX-TEK Canada Inc. ("FOX-TEK"), continued expansion of its' non-intrusive technology in the oil & gas industry, whose clients include many of the biggest companies in the world. FOX-TEK believes a common system of record connecting data collected for events is of paramount importance to clients.

    The Company will create a platform that will allow for the analysis of data that incorporates an auditing system built for regulatory and quality assurance oversight. The platform will implement a distributed blockchain ledger using smart contracts. These smart contracts provide customization of blockchain data.

    Upon completion, the Company intends to invite other technology companies to participate and utilize its' blockchain. These companies will be involved in industries serving pipeline operations, integrity, maintenance and construction, as well as, Federal, Provincial and State regulators. By participating in the Company's Blockchain, these entities will have access to surveillance, auditing, integrity, transparent data in cases of breaches in corrosion or leaks or cracks.

    FOX-TEK will naturally be the first service provider to participate. DMAT servers currently hosts DMAT client at 15 GB live running DMAT web server : 5GB live and DMAT raw data :15 GB.

    Allen Lone, President, CEO, Augusta Industries stated "Our subsidiaries provide vital services to some of the biggest energy companies and government agencies in the world. Data is a vital part of many of these services, so providing a decentralized and distributed Blockchain solution that provides our clients, regulators and the industry with the best analysis and auditing tools possible will be invaluable."


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