Separate names with a comma.
I had a sinking feeling last night and took my es shorts off. Profitable, but no where near what I was hoping for. Now I'd like to see some...
I think I might close my position before then. I had a spread that was at a full lose not too long ago. Now it's only a small loser.
I'll let you know. It'll be awhile though, they only just rolled it out and they won't even have an android application until March. So in the...
Strong close today.
Right now, with TD Ameritrade I pay $1.50 per options contract. If I sell an option, $1.50. When I buy it back? $1.50. $3.00 total cost. It gets...
Crazy day for me in the market. Last night I bought a long /ES future at 2242.75 to hedge my short position. I put in a stop order at 2240. The...
Well, looks like we're off to a pretty bullish start to the new year. Up +7.50 right now.
We start at 6pm eastern time, right?
Economic news will be reported that highlights the negative, instead of the last 8 years of "unexpectedly!" and because of that, we'll enter into...
Clicking on the link above didn't log me out.
I hope to be getting out of some positions this week, but as always, it depends on the markets.
It still logs me out when I click your links. Makes it annoying to go to the polls and vote.
I won't be at all surprised if it's up up and away from here.
Not helping my account. But it's weird. I'd expect with the loan rates going up, supposedly, they'd be going down.
I got out of JD today for a small lose. [ATTACH] I had a $10.00 gain in ANF not too long ago and didn't get out. Now its grown to a large...
NVDA had a pretty nice recovery today after going down to about $103.00.
If we head back up from here, it's a worst case scenario for my account. I bought the long ES futures position to hedge my short positions. So I...
Fox news leans right, however, many of the behind the scenes producers and such are Democrats. I saw something a few years back that had fox news...
This trend line continues to amaze me. This is hourly and goes back a little ways, I've posted it before in other threads. [ATTACH]
Welcome Cole!