Separate names with a comma.
CYTR= Market-Cap $9.8 M--Cash $18.5 M or untill 2023+ --HUGE Pipeline with multiple Phase 3 & Phase 2 programs targeting Rare Disease and...
Presentation Protalix BioTherapeutics and Chiesi...
Market Cap $38 M--Cash $21 M -- 1 Drug launched for the treatment of Gaucher disease partnered with Pfizer -- Next Drug a potential Blockbuster...
Market-Cap $49 Million-- Cash $19 Million or untill end 2020 -- Shares Out 9.1 Million -- Potential FDA approval for their lead drug Anjeso...
This low float stock has the potential to move like AXSM which i recommended here at $3.60 now trading above $70+ ..One of the hottest and...
Great buying opp after the Pullback from over $4+ ...Stock is dirt cheap and has a very attractive product pipeleine ..Next time likely to run...
Market Cap $75 M --Cash $33 M -- 1 Drug launched in Europe --US market to follow soon (BLA filing in Q2 ) US-Partner already in place with Vericel...
Verona Pharma has compound with 'massive potential to impact lives of COPD and asthma patients' [MEDIA]
Market-cap $57 M --Cash $51 M --Shares Out 13.17 M --Great Pipeline -- Strong Insider & Institutional Ownership -- Phase 2b readout of the COPD...
Theranexus (ALTHX) Market Cap laughable $9 M /Cash $12.3 M / Shares Out 3.6 M/ Alzheimer P1b Data this Quarter /Parkinson P2 data in early Q1 2020...
Another breakout likely may be this timegoing above $2 and higher ---GL [IMG]
great buying opp on this pullback ahead of the NDA resubmission which could hit the wire any day now
Next undiscovered and brutally underpriced stock with significant upside potential ...GL EYEN = Market Cap $51 M --Cash $18 M-- 1 Big drug close...
strong accumulation ongoing ,could hit $2 this week .GL
NDA filing expected within 2-3 weeks this would boost the stock even higher ..still brutally underpriced at $26 million valuation .GL
could breakout anytime now [IMG]
Looking good , this low float stock could hit $2++ very quickly
CHEAPEST FDA Play with MASSIVE upside potential .stock is still under radar but this will change once they resubmit the NDA in this Quarter ....
stock running higher looks like good news on the way
Market cap $51 M --Cash $52 M --3x Phase 3 readouts (potential Blockbuster) are imminent (during this quarter) ..Completely undiscovered ultra low...