Separate names with a comma.
The slow bleed off since December 2021 is way worse than the rip the band aid off covid drop. I was prepared for a 20-30% pullback put over %50 is...
Lots of good posts going on lately! I have been trying to keep up with them. The house hunt continues... We have looked at houses and your low...
Interesting times for sure. Stock market tanking, Housing prices at record high with interest rates moving up. Gas prices near record highs. This...
It looks like AMD earnings pretty much debunked the myth that Tech will undoubtedly be destroyed by inflation, slowing PC sales, changing moon...
Hopefully today will provide more accurate guidance for the chip market over the next few quarters with AMD's earning report after hours today. As...
We can only hope today is capitulation day. It defiantly makes you evaluate your spending to savings habits! I have concluded I need to buy that...
If you haven't looked at the market today, don't. Looks like it's a half off sale for Chip stocks!
Not a good time for chips! AMD is at half price from it's all time high. Pretty amazing that you can have your all time best Earnings and loose...
Hope you have a speedy recovery @oldmanram! Judging by your posts you are a positive motivated person so you should pull through with flying...
So chip stocks are still crashing. Lots of downward momentum and no end in sight.
This week isn't looking any better than last. Chip stocks sliding down with downgrades. Looks like NVDA is the latest victim. AMD was last week....
For the most part. I planned on tapping into investment money for moving expenses, updates and furnishing but the housing prices outpaced my down...
Buying a house in this market is not much fun. Houses are up over 30% in the last year in my area and are pending within hours/days. To compound...
Pretty crazy time to be holding tech stocks. Nice little %40 pullback. Not the best timing for me but it is what it is. Waiting and doing nothing.
The housing marked is red hot and higher than ever. Anything remotely move in ready is contingent in days. We looked at a 3000sqft house on .5...
NVDA: nearly a %40 pullback from ATH. That is just crazy to think about. The sad part is it looks like they will keep chipping away until it's...
I'm sure we will see more down side but in the long run it appears everything is at pretty good discount. I tend to agree with W when it comes to...
From the great movie "Airplane", I picked a bad week to quit drinking! It looks like everything is sitting down around a 6 month low. I think W is...
It looks like I work for one of the companies in Emmett's new war inspired clown picks! The stock is picking up but there is very little change as...
Not a very good time to be in the market. AMD and NVDA have been on the decline since December with no end in sight. It's one of those time you...