Separate names with a comma.
Today is hump day there is a bear outside. Maybe WXYZ will post some articles soon, back to the couch.
They own more of us than we do them.
In this day and time. INVESTING is putting money into the market and letting it compound over a desired period of time by selling your...
Honestly no. Basically another GE if you think about it. If Tesla went below 200 would Tom buy any? Old habits are hard to break.
Grabbed some Tesla at 220.57 Plucked a few Apples at 138.85 Still awaiting the APE squeeze while our CEO is on the dilution train. NIO is limping...
220. 57 is close enough. Discounted from 248.05. It feels empty without me, Slim Shady style..
A man can't buy soap unless it floated over in a boat. Sum Ting Wong.
Yep. Just as I anticipated. Cash is king in this sea of red, time to burn one and go back to bed.
If we were to compare performance over a 5-10 year timespan I would be foolish not to concede. For now I'm skipping stones awaiting the Banks to...
Read the Fed article this morning. Those half a million dollars homes at 5+% interest is going to put a dent in the industry as a whole. Time to...
Gets interesting by the minute. Have fun yanking chains for kicks and giggles. In the end buy the place like you originally intended, take it...
You could buy Dewey Cheatum's online trading courses. Only $499.99. Limited supplies.
Absolutely. Thanks for stopping by Mr. Tom. Started my own little corner to keep from clogging up the other ones I frequent. I'm also heavy cash...
Oopsy looks like another rug pull day. Glad I bought at the top. hOdL APE,NIO. No hooker and coke money this week.For now we sit,wait and...
Poor Cathie just bought 32 million of Tesla. I sold mine :rofl: Sign me up..
Took a small nibble of APE 2.48 mainly for fun. NIO 14.13 just because. My main one is on high alert, currently watching the short side do...
My style of investing is of my own demise. No rules, no plans. Buy low sell high, occasionally I get high and sell low. Market Makers sometimes...
A few shillings and a can of white paint are on standby. Sipping on Billy beer and watching the show.
Until the Dollar is unhinged and everybody quits buying our debt, it would be a act of lunacy for anyone to consider War with the United States....